Monday, November 30, 2020

Life Is Too Short To Have Boring Hair T-Shirt

Associated it with having agood time and that is why. Good place to end atShawn we can we can go from hereevery little thing you think that’s meevery little thing you think that youneed every little thing that’s justfeeding your greed oh I bet the Life Is Too Short To Have Boring Hair T-Shirt you’dbe fine without me hello everybodywelcome to the minimalist podcast wherewe discuss what it means to live ameaningful life with lessmy name is Joshua fields Milburn myfriends call me our dog but you can callme Ryan Nicodemus and together we arethe minimalists never called you our dogwell you should hello everybody welcometo episode 65 today’s episode is calledtour we’re gonna talk about touring butreally we’re gonna talk about some ofthe the routines while we are on theroad some of our favorite places to goon the road we’re gonna talk abouttravel and how we pack for tours andwe’re going to talk about the less isnow tour as well so Ryan you and I justannounced the less is now tour thispodcast is going up on Thursday which isduring the pre sale period we wanted togive our audience the first crack atgetting the best seats. Relationships that aren’tgood for you like friendships that arejust toxic what do you do or what wouldyou recommend to people who haverelationships I know this is the otherhalf of minimalism once you get past allof that decluttering of things what doyou do or what would you recommend topeople who have toxic relationships intheir life that they must keep likeparents siblings spouses has stuff likethat and they must keep them but theydon’t want to spend too much timefocused on that too much you know Idon’t know how I’ve got the petitionsorry I’ve got the Pippi answer I figurejosh is gonna hate this you can’t changethe people around youbut you can change the people around youwell fight so get rid of my parents howabout this how about this about my shortanswer is victims become victimizers andand so the only lever that my longanswer is the only leverage you haveagainst these people in your life isyour time and your attention and ifyou’re being held hostage by a mentalitythat doesn’t align with the person thatyou want

Source: Life Is Too Short To Have Boring Hair T-Shirt

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At me with this look like youguys and that that’s what I knew like ohmy goodness there are I don’t know howmany people were there that night 300yeah hundreds of peoplejust snaked around the stairwell andaround the building and so we not onlyhad to do a Life Is Too Short To Have Boring Hair T-Shirt double header but we had tofind like us up to that point like Ithink that was our biggest Oh without adoubt without a doubt and they weregrowing before then but like it sort ofgrew exponentially and then from thereyou know it continued to grow but westarted doing this when there were twopeople showing up so I remember inVienna Knoxville the fourth tour stop weever did your home your birth city Ishould say we showed up no one was thereit’s his coffee you’re getting ready toleave yeah we were walking out the doorhey you guys are the minimum lesson Iwas so I’m like yes we are yeah and itwas just a couple and it was one of thebest conversations we ever had was a guywho had lost he fasted for forty days hehad lost hundreds of pounds in doingthat and he was talking about howminimalism. Bar Vanessa Carlton happensto be there yeah cuz she’s got somefamily or friends there mm hmm and likeone up to him afterwards and she waslike you have to go on tour with me yeahit’s funny that you say that man I I sawVanessa Carlton in Chicago into tanNovember of 2006 and he was it was thefirst war he ever went on with her andhe was he was playing violin for her ohthat’s awesome it’s oh yeah I had noidea who he wasby the way he doesn’t live in Montana helives in well he lived in Brooklyn atthe time she lives in Manhattan he wasin Nashville now very talented musiciancheck out his music wherever you getfine digital music a sky steel we’ll puta link to that in the show notes as wellbut he went on tour with us create thiswhole audio landscape this audioatmosphere the audio aesthetics oftouring I learned a lot about about thatthrough that process and it was all ofus in a rented van smelling like andbecause we have we have a few femaleauthors but they are far moreresponsible than us guys and theycouldn’t go on the tour with. In there that Ithink it’ll really help you out there’san essay in there called financialfreedom five difficult steps to get outof debt and I actually put a version ofthat essay on our website as well soother folks can check that out just overat the minimalists comm slash freedomand I really mean that it’s fivedifficult steps to get out of debtbecause getting out of debt isn’t easybut it’s so worth it because especiallyfor your kids you want to create a lifefor them to where they don’t they don’tsee that debt and you don’t want them toget into that same situation so we’lleither send you a print version of thatbook or ebook version or it just cameout on audiobook as well so Sean if youhave any audible download codes left ifyou could send JD either the audiobookif you wants to listen to that there orthe the print or ebook versions thoseare available as well we’ll get that outto you there’s also an essay in therethat I that I really love it’s calledeleven signed you might be broke and itreally goes to show that we are
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