Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Owl Reading Books Now That's What I Call A Hot Date Tee Shirts White

Owl Reading Books Now That's What I Call A Hot Date Tee Shirts White

To inspire up and coming physicians who are in medicine sports medicine and so that the Owl Reading Books Now That's What I Call A Hot Date Tee Shirts White legacy will be how many and I like how many more doctors can I encourage with the key to continued success still like another three months to go through the celebrate now do not celebrate the first milestone was Wilson 22 teams on the ground into the hotel the next milestone for me was from his court active lights around came to be transmitted and end of the milestone after that was the start of the season. We need a president who understands both profound loss and what it takes to bounce back but more important than his first hand experience with loss and hardship is his ability to translate that perspective into policy and solutions and prioritize hard working people and persistent Bobbitt account is over partisan politics or personal gain that’s why asked Dan but Joe and why he will always be an adopted son of South Carolina Joe Biden is as good a man as he is a leader I said before and wish to reiterate tonight we know Joe but more importantly Joe knows us I am I do a lot of things in life and is proud of his made payment to sprinkle early memories like one people together the single best thing I do for allowing me to be part of your lives and share the journeys for the past decade hundred kids and family members and mentors role is very large ballroom and send back door of Joe by homes and out of body experience surprises on his record of Chaucer Montana Joe instructor studying psychology in real money. Make dictating the Phillies you feel the will aand in will be the willand will in a aand will willand inand in theand inand in the is a welcomed on his network of folks tonight I’d like to share something with you I’ve been doing a lot of research lately about Gnosticismand how it is part of this you know this illuminati one world religion that’s being formedand that in my studying I came across the lyrics to stairway to heavenand I found that most don’t understand what this with this means they don’t understand what the lyrics meanand if not most amenable to having found anybody really even those that say that they understand it really don’t understand in my opinion but John I believe that we have definitely cracked the code it if you will to understand what this is what this is all aboutand so were going to I hadand that try to help you understand what’s being said here now to practice this I’d like to mention this at Jimmy page as they were writing this without question was doing drugs first of no question in my mind they will probably doing Quaaludes or something to that nature but this is the thing of his own volition’s own words he says that he was just sitting there in a bad moodand he says his hand started movingand if you know anything about the occult world that’s called free writingand so later on he was being interviewed about thisand he was basically admitting to that it was channeling was Janand so we now without any question that they were involved in the in the schools if you will the mystery schools they were involved in Gnosticismand if you listen to the lyrics of the songand you understand what they believe that Gnostics believe the Gnostic Gospels what they areand what they actually believe you will find that there is definitely a parallel between that the song stairway to heavenand and note not gnosis art Gnosticism so even right down to the songbird in the tree believe it or not this is part of the Gnostic teaching that when you get back to eating that you will I hear a song from the bird in a treeand that that bird can give you knowledge that bird can give you everything all the answers your questionsand that bird is a job interesting enough that that God is a symbol of peace Iand this was back in the 70s when they were doing this in you understand what peace rightand still to this day what peace means well if you look at also theand then Jell O churches today these charismatic churches they use the symbol of the right one the interesting thing about it is that the dove is not a symbol of the Holy Spiritand all okay think about what the Bible says about graven images you thou shalt not make graven images specially of the Holy Spirit right well remember that the the dove okay is not known to emphasize when I say this the dove is not the Holy Spirit but this is taught in the charismatic churches today that eight of lighting down upon Jesus when he came out of the waters being baptized John there was a job that came downand landed on the shoulder Jesus are you listening so the Scripture says the spirit lighted upon Jesus like a down that’s very important understand the because the dove represents Sophie are you listening people also represents Isis that’s why in the beginning of the song the stairway to heaven it’s about a lady you listening folks the queen of heaven Mary this is what this lady is all about it’s the religion of Babylon it’s another words you can buy your way to write with the small thing is about the idea that you can buy your way to heaven by your way to have so you go onand you read the lyricsand that’s what I doand it had look at these lyrics here all of these lyrics has to do with alchemy has to do it Gnosticism right from the beginningand first of all it’s even start with just the name of their of their band Led Zeppelin right in alchemy they believe they can turn redand gold are you listening without question this band was involved in Jimmy page was that they were all I think involved in gnosis they were involved in the esoteric Gnosticism the mystery schoolsand the Kabbalah all of this they were involved in the is no question in my mind I know they wereand when you listen to Jimmy page actually sharing what his mind what was in his mind when he was thinking when when the song was came about even to this day have an answer key to even have an answer to this day is still trying to figure it out know that you even understand what it me well I understand it because I put together a parallel of the of the of Gnosticismand what they believeand putting together with the song they were absolutely without question involved in learning about gnosis right getting to the tree of life or trying to get back to evenand so this involves rods without questionand involve drugs but it also involved New Age teachingand this New Age teaching the Gnosticism gnosis knowledge notice where it says here in the words essay she’s buying a stairway is a stairway to add right when she gets there she knows why important see no she knows that this is an early folks it’s about knowledge about knowing so when she gets there she no calls song as I have put this together listening to the the their own testimony listen to their own words of the men that were involved in putting this on together this whole song is a university this has to do with this stairway is going to system you realize there’s a canoe or some kind of a ship some kind of a boat stairway on its got to serpent okay folks understand what’s going on here this is a passagewayand the river that this ship is on is the Milky Way okay this is astrology this whole song about going through a set down drug I get you into when the universe so song is aboutand even to the word wonder all it makes me wonder even the word wonder has to do it Gnosticism it’s a wonder okay I been doing my research people I know when talking about here so I’m not going to it’s quite involved that evening to stand hereand says it’s just a spring clean for them equally okay this is alluding without question it’s alluding to the queen of heaven this is alluding to the queen of Babylon this is alluding to Babylon without question the whole song to do it since way back to answer this is all they want to start over reset they want to do all that slick Gnosticism teaches can do overand you want to do over want to be reincarnated they want to bypass reincarnation they want to learn something that is in the past they believe did not were able to attain to be able to acquire so the whole idea is in Spain age there trying to figure out a way to bypass where the no right with you and his Lupa reincarnated a more to break free of this cycle of reincarnationand they want to listen to godsand goddesses been going on for a long time now brothers is in rock ‘n roll I understand that this stairway that this song was the number one song in rock ‘n roll forand to this day is spell one of the most beloved in the rock ‘n roll you know I’m amongst those that love rock ‘n roll this is a song that many that do drugs that are getting high in July listen to thisand they love this but what you understand is these were not thereand put this on the song was given by a demon remember he was free writing he was in a bad mood he was in a good mood he is in a bad moodand was just simply no sketching or writing down different ideasand also you said isand begin to move that’s called rewrite that steel call people so agreement took over without questionand to this day he doesn’t even understand what the what the word to me he set himself on any given day it might mean something different this is the whole song was about to send out of sorts that was launching people into a honey say it like a fanfare like a light in acceleration something I would like to shoot you or salary for another round evenand with this whole song is about esoteric on nonstick siege way into the realm okay where you get answers using one saying to but there listening to the serpent there listening to that same serpent from the garden so that you can’t buy the stairway to heavenand as you understand from Gnosticism they actually collect the letter Jacobs ladder actually collect climbing a ladder when you go through the chakras as you go through the process all the way to the third eye opening your third eye they collect climbing a ladder that we see on the ship on the Milky Way or on the river that we see the serpents that goes back to Egyptand goes back to Babylon they were looking for a since way into another world into another round you know that back then even the time of Babylon in Egypt then back to the pharaohs they were looking for life everlasting right I didn’t want to be reincarnated they like to find a way to live forever with you doing to face trying to find the river line is still trying to find immortality you don’t think Jimmy pageand those guys work looking for a way to live forever they wereand what this is all so this is a mixture of their quote religion this is a mixture of drugs okayand that’s what’s going on today not a whole lot different we can actually go down hereand we can look through the different words stairway when we I look to the west looking to the West in the Old Testament Scriptures the Bible says there back was to the Temple when he gets out in the back was to the Temple which was in the East but there they were facing the West in the West was worshiping the sun this is all going back to Babylonand that I could go into quite a bit here but that for time say that notice down hereand see our shadows card in our souls there walks a lady we all know who shines white lightand wants to show how everything still turns to go out to me that’s the alchemist people you understand it if you understand Gnosticism you understand alchemy understand these things you understand what I’m saying but people are not versed understanding of Gnosticismand don’t know it Gnosticism gnosis okay that’s the G by the way on the Masonic symbol Jihad Stanford God G stands for Gnosticism or gnosis which is knowledge Stanford God they don’t believe in God you believe in Godand the knowledge they believe knowledge is power all of our knowledge the more knowledge you have the more power you have deep layouts in the document you got the knowledge you have the upper handand the sea really this is more so about alchemy more than anything else this is about being able to write down to having a Led Zeppelin right as applet is it a hot air balloon rights of the lunar of sortsand so you have this this balloon that’s as applet but let me know that is not going to be able to get out the benefits but if you believe in me even a exampleand fly scan so they about doing the impossible breaking barriers outside of the box as it were about breaking the rules you about doing things orthodoxyand not keeping you this world the understand that’s what this is all aboutand what people believe when they get on drugsand when they start gaining to the psychedelic drugs the best man recently ran into the fire burning man he was in drive doing drugs brought back the the the the test of for drugs yet they said he was not on call that night you may never hear the results of that because of the question he was on jobs at nightand he double the whole idea to convince people that during the jobs use drop I don’t know you know this tailored Soldiers all the time I’m drawn to them all away constantly drawn to all the time on all the half when they were shootingand killing people they were party constantly partying in girls all the time in the next day all them all the time so understand when you see this generation declining moreand more into a party scene where people Johnson with marijuana is becoming legaland you see you understand what going the Bible talks about sorcery trying to do this in sorcery that’s taking only do pharmacy with which with’s listeningand writing strategiesand OPM in this country how many know that George Bush senior in this been selling opium for years we try to drive traffic to we actually put drugs inside the bodies of our soldiers back from the bodies of the soldiersand they were smilingand being body odorsand you further Scripture is thing about you thinking me it’s on the groundand he people in the spanand it just gets Dr as I was making today they love dad right when they die their eyes a close it’s not to get put in a casket get back to people you know it go from the casket into the groundand he gets Dr but then the Lord says to cast into the darkness it just gets Dr but in Gnosticism they teach them that they’re coming to the true lightand going backwards to the garden of Eden when youand I are going forwards in the true light we understand the tree of life is not in some place called the Garden of the that we understand the tree of life a man has been transportedand we understand that Paul said it’s in the third heaven can Premium Owl Reading Books Now That's What I Call A Hot Date Tee Shirts White Owl Reading Books Now That's What I Call A Hot Date Tee Shirts White For Men and Women Owl Reading Books Now That's What I Call A Hot Date Tee Shirts White More than Pretty other products Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: I didn’t like what I saw I went back to the word mark I went to the Strong’s concordance and I found the Johnny use three words for the word mark char char to run Charity and charas that was from the Greek islands of those words they talked about a Owl Reading Books Now That's What I Call A Hot Date Tee Shirts White scratch or energy they talked about a lot of things I said God this is that we didn’t do it is the word 4666 the word is just a statement says to go to 4742 as a cross. Will most people love Jarvis had knows everythingand it is his position she cannot protect the ones you houses this is about the livingand the same thing is going for all of it standing right stocks centuries of families for against the common together we will save this country from those who would destroy this is every comedians dream is to walk on stage game of thrones the because it’s so doesn’t match how I feel about myself inside so you better I’m Brian Whelchel’s real honor I was chosen over 15 other American talk show host not because I’m the best because HBO said look at him he probably lives in Belfast we can save in a hotel room true story lebensraumand I am Iris is a true story just last week I had my first DNA test never had one before got the results back my doctor called meand he said I’ve never seen this before Conan you are in this is true swear to God you are 100 Irish not 99 not 9897 100 genetically pure Irish passengers scientifically explain what that meansand he said your inbred you fucking idiot hundredand 30 years of brothersand sisters getting it on in Massachusetts Atlantis was later this is a special night a chance to get everyone together reminisceand say goodbye to what is considered one of the greatest television shows of all time is my first time in Belfastand I love visiting Ireland I came here years agoand I drove from Kerry to Dublinand done that drive start carrying you drive across the countryside I had some great adventures one of them was such an important moment to me I stopped at a gas station in the middle of the countryside is the kind a gas station you only find in Ireland a cottage just a little cottage in the woods one pumpand was run by a very friendly old woman this is true she came out she starts filling my tankand she asked me what village my people from already in later where was I I met a ladyand she’s filling up the gas tank is filling it upand we had this great moment Jesus is little ladies going up my gas tank yesterday were my people from I tell her what village she starts to say I know people in that villageand then she says in order to do light a candle for you tonight in the church she started to get weepy I got weepy we actually hugged got back in the car tears down my cheek get back in the carand I started when I drive 15 minutes later my car grinds to a halt I realize that old woman had filled my diesel engine with unleaded gas in that moment all I wanted to do was hike back to that gas stationand strangle metal fit just see the likely I I realize it’s the perfect Iris story it has love it has tragedy has revenge all the themes we will be exploring tonight as we celebrate the eight glorious seasons of game of thrones ladiesand gentlemen to be in Belfast this Northern Ireland the real home with Rose there’s no better place to raise a glass game of thronesand his amazing city gave it life tonight were celebrating people who made it all happen our audiences entirely made up the game of thrones castand crew give yourselves a hand this is amazing I I hear nice rate rises up our sleeves let’s get started my first guess the best credit scores in restaurants but they always pay their debts before medicaland so does the family we fightand I knew my choice without time to sell that takes work I believe men of talent apart play or stitches nice have you all here welcome Peter youand I had dinner right for last year Belfast loan alone romantic dinner we shared some wine couple glasses of wine or one point ever think your fourth class you claim to improvise every speech you ever given our game of thrones off the top of your head to elaborate that I said I think you were joking continue complement but I think one of the greatest evolutions of any character intelligent history items it’s amazing I let you know that you really take that journey from the very beginning no I mean I met with Davidand in Los Angelesand I said a couple of things that I didn’t want to before I readand write did you really lay out things that you did not want yes I didn’t want a very long beard now I have a beard rightand I didn’t want point issues so they gave them the those those are your big demand is very important to only two only no no long beard know when you just exactly the thing that speaks a lot of you I only knew then I only knew up until the end of season four I think at that time or maybe a little soon after that of killing Taiwan my father yesand I thought were from where I start doing that was enough for me to sign on you is a brilliant characterand then it went somewhere else yes addition to that so that was even better was amazing is that you two have this incredible on screen hatred for one anotherand I’m sure it’s more complex than that but your arch rivals so many ways in real life your best friends are best friends used to be used to be the season to amend renegotiate season two will differ to work with someone you yourself quick to I did something with meand show that never went anywhere thank God I was a mad professorand I had’sand one of the cats was in a remote control carand it went in the disreputable will you do mention that I don’t remember you when you always now I had the remote control but there was a catand remote control carand I don’t remember anything about pilot except for Lenaand the tatand the remote control carand you wanted told me know I’m reading a script yesand there is a party going on in the movie in LA togetherand I said this is this is some really mediocre material you should read we can provide around The remote earlyand analyzed like a really like Mormon proviso to the the first thing you do not like as you push a small boy out of the toll you know 30 story windowand cripple him for life yet people for youand like you explain how that’s possible explain how you took that journey will it tells you about people really is for all done it I yet know it’s it’s it’s a mystery to me why would you forgive a guy who tries to kill innocent boy know I think he tries to safe is his own children something that would make sense you really didn’t have to push them out the window know he didn’t get superpowers so the meeting will show we would have Michelle without exactly yeah that eight years of work for everyone here there is no help me I have my methods but how did you prepare to play unit I cut my testicles off your chest know I didn’t have to do any methods so pretty figuratively the unit anywayand I shave my head I was a really just shave your headand a point issues when you luckily are pointy feet so they fit like a I got to say this compared to many of the other characters have had to walk through helland want to fire us in the show you’ve had a pretty easy yes you’re always sipping wine yes you’re always in a comfortable warm location yes you’re always you get to say some brilliant little speechesand you’re always dressed wearing like those pajamas they give youand for class yes you are the most comfortable that you gets that physically I have also many many naked photographs of producers so I never have to do any bottles or dual milestones or all my own life notice that gotand is not is it role my own eyes you know we have training may have rehearsal books are it’s not easy to make it look easy yes actually I’m working withand love you Laurenand Paul here for all these years has been a pleasureand I’ve learned so much George RR Martin wrote you a letter about your character what youand he said you thought you could tell people you know you will you letter you said you could have your wine it was in the form of an email you which came out on the TV when he was imagining a parchment in a race you think it we get but anything that you can reveal what it said after the show was with you tell us what it set up come on he said you are my favorite so that was he said I was ultimately a good person ultimately good person you ministers are as you can see a very talkative bunch you love the gab which meant learning a lot of lines is limited to the thing where the remember my line. The MCU doesn’t change their strategy at all does it say we need even more team up so we need even more characters in our movies because look at all the money we made with this one song on the ground is clearly doing something right to marry’s position back on these characters come to a strong foundations are gone backand alwaysand completely just that just need to be given more opportunities to continue to take more risks outside the boxand feature the black also stood patiently talking about talking about making a real difference in the industry especially in terms of the plan to return to his people about my hearing is setting See Other related products: Coronavirus and face masks Owl Reading Books Now That's What I Call A Hot Date Tee Shirts White To inspire up and coming physicians who are in medicine sports medicine and so that the Owl Reading Books Now That's What I Call A Hot Date Tee Shirts White legacy will be how many and I like how many more doctors can I encourage with the key to continued success still like another three months to go through the celebrate now do not celebrate the first milestone was Wilson 22 teams on the ground into the hotel the next milestone for me was from his court active lights around came to be transmitted and end of the milestone after that was the start of the season. We need a president who understands both profound loss and what it takes to bounce back but more important than his first hand experience with loss and hardship is his ability to translate that perspective into policy and solutions and prioritize hard working people and persistent Bobbitt account is over partisan politics or personal gain that’s why asked Dan but Joe and why he will always be an adopted son of South Carolina Joe Biden is as good a man as he is a leader I said before and wish to reiterate tonight we know Joe but more importantly Joe knows us I am I do a lot of things in life and is proud of his made payment to sprinkle early memories like one people together the single best thing I do for allowing me to be part of your lives and share the journeys for the past decade hundred kids and family members and mentors role is very large ballroom and send back door of Joe by homes and out of body experience surprises on his record of Chaucer Montana Joe instructor studying psychology in real money. Make dictating the Phillies you feel the will aand in will be the willand will in a aand will willand inand in theand inand in the is a welcomed on his network of folks tonight I’d like to share something with you I’ve been doing a lot of research lately about Gnosticismand how it is part of this you know this illuminati one world religion that’s being formedand that in my studying I came across the lyrics to stairway to heavenand I found that most don’t understand what this with this means they don’t understand what the lyrics meanand if not most amenable to having found anybody really even those that say that they understand it really don’t understand in my opinion but John I believe that we have definitely cracked the code it if you will to understand what this is what this is all aboutand so were going to I hadand that try to help you understand what’s being said here now to practice this I’d like to mention this at Jimmy page as they were writing this without question was doing drugs first of no question in my mind they will probably doing Quaaludes or something to that nature but this is the thing of his own volition’s own words he says that he was just sitting there in a bad moodand he says his hand started movingand if you know anything about the occult world that’s called free writingand so later on he was being interviewed about thisand he was basically admitting to that it was channeling was Janand so we now without any question that they were involved in the in the schools if you will the mystery schools they were involved in Gnosticismand if you listen to the lyrics of the songand you understand what they believe that Gnostics believe the Gnostic Gospels what they areand what they actually believe you will find that there is definitely a parallel between that the song stairway to heavenand and note not gnosis art Gnosticism so even right down to the songbird in the tree believe it or not this is part of the Gnostic teaching that when you get back to eating that you will I hear a song from the bird in a treeand that that bird can give you knowledge that bird can give you everything all the answers your questionsand that bird is a job interesting enough that that God is a symbol of peace Iand this was back in the 70s when they were doing this in you understand what peace rightand still to this day what peace means well if you look at also theand then Jell O churches today these charismatic churches they use the symbol of the right one the interesting thing about it is that the dove is not a symbol of the Holy Spiritand all okay think about what the Bible says about graven images you thou shalt not make graven images specially of the Holy Spirit right well remember that the the dove okay is not known to emphasize when I say this the dove is not the Holy Spirit but this is taught in the charismatic churches today that eight of lighting down upon Jesus when he came out of the waters being baptized John there was a job that came downand landed on the shoulder Jesus are you listening so the Scripture says the spirit lighted upon Jesus like a down that’s very important understand the because the dove represents Sophie are you listening people also represents Isis that’s why in the beginning of the song the stairway to heaven it’s about a lady you listening folks the queen of heaven Mary this is what this lady is all about it’s the religion of Babylon it’s another words you can buy your way to write with the small thing is about the idea that you can buy your way to heaven by your way to have so you go onand you read the lyricsand that’s what I doand it had look at these lyrics here all of these lyrics has to do with alchemy has to do it Gnosticism right from the beginningand first of all it’s even start with just the name of their of their band Led Zeppelin right in alchemy they believe they can turn redand gold are you listening without question this band was involved in Jimmy page was that they were all I think involved in gnosis they were involved in the esoteric Gnosticism the mystery schoolsand the Kabbalah all of this they were involved in the is no question in my mind I know they wereand when you listen to Jimmy page actually sharing what his mind what was in his mind when he was thinking when when the song was came about even to this day have an answer key to even have an answer to this day is still trying to figure it out know that you even understand what it me well I understand it because I put together a parallel of the of the of Gnosticismand what they believeand putting together with the song they were absolutely without question involved in learning about gnosis right getting to the tree of life or trying to get back to evenand so this involves rods without questionand involve drugs but it also involved New Age teachingand this New Age teaching the Gnosticism gnosis knowledge notice where it says here in the words essay she’s buying a stairway is a stairway to add right when she gets there she knows why important see no she knows that this is an early folks it’s about knowledge about knowing so when she gets there she no calls song as I have put this together listening to the the their own testimony listen to their own words of the men that were involved in putting this on together this whole song is a university this has to do with this stairway is going to system you realize there’s a canoe or some kind of a ship some kind of a boat stairway on its got to serpent okay folks understand what’s going on here this is a passagewayand the river that this ship is on is the Milky Way okay this is astrology this whole song about going through a set down drug I get you into when the universe so song is aboutand even to the word wonder all it makes me wonder even the word wonder has to do it Gnosticism it’s a wonder okay I been doing my research people I know when talking about here so I’m not going to it’s quite involved that evening to stand hereand says it’s just a spring clean for them equally okay this is alluding without question it’s alluding to the queen of heaven this is alluding to the queen of Babylon this is alluding to Babylon without question the whole song to do it since way back to answer this is all they want to start over reset they want to do all that slick Gnosticism teaches can do overand you want to do over want to be reincarnated they want to bypass reincarnation they want to learn something that is in the past they believe did not were able to attain to be able to acquire so the whole idea is in Spain age there trying to figure out a way to bypass where the no right with you and his Lupa reincarnated a more to break free of this cycle of reincarnationand they want to listen to godsand goddesses been going on for a long time now brothers is in rock ‘n roll I understand that this stairway that this song was the number one song in rock ‘n roll forand to this day is spell one of the most beloved in the rock ‘n roll you know I’m amongst those that love rock ‘n roll this is a song that many that do drugs that are getting high in July listen to thisand they love this but what you understand is these were not thereand put this on the song was given by a demon remember he was free writing he was in a bad mood he was in a good mood he is in a bad moodand was just simply no sketching or writing down different ideasand also you said isand begin to move that’s called rewrite that steel call people so agreement took over without questionand to this day he doesn’t even understand what the what the word to me he set himself on any given day it might mean something different this is the whole song was about to send out of sorts that was launching people into a honey say it like a fanfare like a light in acceleration something I would like to shoot you or salary for another round evenand with this whole song is about esoteric on nonstick siege way into the realm okay where you get answers using one saying to but there listening to the serpent there listening to that same serpent from the garden so that you can’t buy the stairway to heavenand as you understand from Gnosticism they actually collect the letter Jacobs ladder actually collect climbing a ladder when you go through the chakras as you go through the process all the way to the third eye opening your third eye they collect climbing a ladder that we see on the ship on the Milky Way or on the river that we see the serpents that goes back to Egyptand goes back to Babylon they were looking for a since way into another world into another round you know that back then even the time of Babylon in Egypt then back to the pharaohs they were looking for life everlasting right I didn’t want to be reincarnated they like to find a way to live forever with you doing to face trying to find the river line is still trying to find immortality you don’t think Jimmy pageand those guys work looking for a way to live forever they wereand what this is all so this is a mixture of their quote religion this is a mixture of drugs okayand that’s what’s going on today not a whole lot different we can actually go down hereand we can look through the different words stairway when we I look to the west looking to the West in the Old Testament Scriptures the Bible says there back was to the Temple when he gets out in the back was to the Temple which was in the East but there they were facing the West in the West was worshiping the sun this is all going back to Babylonand that I could go into quite a bit here but that for time say that notice down hereand see our shadows card in our souls there walks a lady we all know who shines white lightand wants to show how everything still turns to go out to me that’s the alchemist people you understand it if you understand Gnosticism you understand alchemy understand these things you understand what I’m saying but people are not versed understanding of Gnosticismand don’t know it Gnosticism gnosis okay that’s the G by the way on the Masonic symbol Jihad Stanford God G stands for Gnosticism or gnosis which is knowledge Stanford God they don’t believe in God you believe in Godand the knowledge they believe knowledge is power all of our knowledge the more knowledge you have the more power you have deep layouts in the document you got the knowledge you have the upper handand the sea really this is more so about alchemy more than anything else this is about being able to write down to having a Led Zeppelin right as applet is it a hot air balloon rights of the lunar of sortsand so you have this this balloon that’s as applet but let me know that is not going to be able to get out the benefits but if you believe in me even a exampleand fly scan so they about doing the impossible breaking barriers outside of the box as it were about breaking the rules you about doing things orthodoxyand not keeping you this world the understand that’s what this is all aboutand what people believe when they get on drugsand when they start gaining to the psychedelic drugs the best man recently ran into the fire burning man he was in drive doing drugs brought back the the the the test of for drugs yet they said he was not on call that night you may never hear the results of that because of the question he was on jobs at nightand he double the whole idea to convince people that during the jobs use drop I don’t know you know this tailored Soldiers all the time I’m drawn to them all away constantly drawn to all the time on all the half when they were shootingand killing people they were party constantly partying in girls all the time in the next day all them all the time so understand when you see this generation declining moreand more into a party scene where people Johnson with marijuana is becoming legaland you see you understand what going the Bible talks about sorcery trying to do this in sorcery that’s taking only do pharmacy with which with’s listeningand writing strategiesand OPM in this country how many know that George Bush senior in this been selling opium for years we try to drive traffic to we actually put drugs inside the bodies of our soldiers back from the bodies of the soldiersand they were smilingand being body odorsand you further Scripture is thing about you thinking me it’s on the groundand he people in the spanand it just gets Dr as I was making today they love dad right when they die their eyes a close it’s not to get put in a casket get back to people you know it go from the casket into the groundand he gets Dr but then the Lord says to cast into the darkness it just gets Dr but in Gnosticism they teach them that they’re coming to the true lightand going backwards to the garden of Eden when youand I are going forwards in the true light we understand the tree of life is not in some place called the Garden of the that we understand the tree of life a man has been transportedand we understand that Paul said it’s in the third heaven can Premium Owl Reading Books Now That's What I Call A Hot Date Tee Shirts White Owl Reading Books Now That's What I Call A Hot Date Tee Shirts White For Men and Women Owl Reading Books Now That's What I Call A Hot Date Tee Shirts White More than Pretty other products Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: I didn’t like what I saw I went back to the word mark I went to the Strong’s concordance and I found the Johnny use three words for the word mark char char to run Charity and charas that was from the Greek islands of those words they talked about a Owl Reading Books Now That's What I Call A Hot Date Tee Shirts White scratch or energy they talked about a lot of things I said God this is that we didn’t do it is the word 4666 the word is just a statement says to go to 4742 as a cross. Will most people love Jarvis had knows everythingand it is his position she cannot protect the ones you houses this is about the livingand the same thing is going for all of it standing right stocks centuries of families for against the common together we will save this country from those who would destroy this is every comedians dream is to walk on stage game of thrones the because it’s so doesn’t match how I feel about myself inside so you better I’m Brian Whelchel’s real honor I was chosen over 15 other American talk show host not because I’m the best because HBO said look at him he probably lives in Belfast we can save in a hotel room true story lebensraumand I am Iris is a true story just last week I had my first DNA test never had one before got the results back my doctor called meand he said I’ve never seen this before Conan you are in this is true swear to God you are 100 Irish not 99 not 9897 100 genetically pure Irish passengers scientifically explain what that meansand he said your inbred you fucking idiot hundredand 30 years of brothersand sisters getting it on in Massachusetts Atlantis was later this is a special night a chance to get everyone together reminisceand say goodbye to what is considered one of the greatest television shows of all time is my first time in Belfastand I love visiting Ireland I came here years agoand I drove from Kerry to Dublinand done that drive start carrying you drive across the countryside I had some great adventures one of them was such an important moment to me I stopped at a gas station in the middle of the countryside is the kind a gas station you only find in Ireland a cottage just a little cottage in the woods one pumpand was run by a very friendly old woman this is true she came out she starts filling my tankand she asked me what village my people from already in later where was I I met a ladyand she’s filling up the gas tank is filling it upand we had this great moment Jesus is little ladies going up my gas tank yesterday were my people from I tell her what village she starts to say I know people in that villageand then she says in order to do light a candle for you tonight in the church she started to get weepy I got weepy we actually hugged got back in the car tears down my cheek get back in the carand I started when I drive 15 minutes later my car grinds to a halt I realize that old woman had filled my diesel engine with unleaded gas in that moment all I wanted to do was hike back to that gas stationand strangle metal fit just see the likely I I realize it’s the perfect Iris story it has love it has tragedy has revenge all the themes we will be exploring tonight as we celebrate the eight glorious seasons of game of thrones ladiesand gentlemen to be in Belfast this Northern Ireland the real home with Rose there’s no better place to raise a glass game of thronesand his amazing city gave it life tonight were celebrating people who made it all happen our audiences entirely made up the game of thrones castand crew give yourselves a hand this is amazing I I hear nice rate rises up our sleeves let’s get started my first guess the best credit scores in restaurants but they always pay their debts before medicaland so does the family we fightand I knew my choice without time to sell that takes work I believe men of talent apart play or stitches nice have you all here welcome Peter youand I had dinner right for last year Belfast loan alone romantic dinner we shared some wine couple glasses of wine or one point ever think your fourth class you claim to improvise every speech you ever given our game of thrones off the top of your head to elaborate that I said I think you were joking continue complement but I think one of the greatest evolutions of any character intelligent history items it’s amazing I let you know that you really take that journey from the very beginning no I mean I met with Davidand in Los Angelesand I said a couple of things that I didn’t want to before I readand write did you really lay out things that you did not want yes I didn’t want a very long beard now I have a beard rightand I didn’t want point issues so they gave them the those those are your big demand is very important to only two only no no long beard know when you just exactly the thing that speaks a lot of you I only knew then I only knew up until the end of season four I think at that time or maybe a little soon after that of killing Taiwan my father yesand I thought were from where I start doing that was enough for me to sign on you is a brilliant characterand then it went somewhere else yes addition to that so that was even better was amazing is that you two have this incredible on screen hatred for one anotherand I’m sure it’s more complex than that but your arch rivals so many ways in real life your best friends are best friends used to be used to be the season to amend renegotiate season two will differ to work with someone you yourself quick to I did something with meand show that never went anywhere thank God I was a mad professorand I had’sand one of the cats was in a remote control carand it went in the disreputable will you do mention that I don’t remember you when you always now I had the remote control but there was a catand remote control carand I don’t remember anything about pilot except for Lenaand the tatand the remote control carand you wanted told me know I’m reading a script yesand there is a party going on in the movie in LA togetherand I said this is this is some really mediocre material you should read we can provide around The remote earlyand analyzed like a really like Mormon proviso to the the first thing you do not like as you push a small boy out of the toll you know 30 story windowand cripple him for life yet people for youand like you explain how that’s possible explain how you took that journey will it tells you about people really is for all done it I yet know it’s it’s it’s a mystery to me why would you forgive a guy who tries to kill innocent boy know I think he tries to safe is his own children something that would make sense you really didn’t have to push them out the window know he didn’t get superpowers so the meeting will show we would have Michelle without exactly yeah that eight years of work for everyone here there is no help me I have my methods but how did you prepare to play unit I cut my testicles off your chest know I didn’t have to do any methods so pretty figuratively the unit anywayand I shave my head I was a really just shave your headand a point issues when you luckily are pointy feet so they fit like a I got to say this compared to many of the other characters have had to walk through helland want to fire us in the show you’ve had a pretty easy yes you’re always sipping wine yes you’re always in a comfortable warm location yes you’re always you get to say some brilliant little speechesand you’re always dressed wearing like those pajamas they give youand for class yes you are the most comfortable that you gets that physically I have also many many naked photographs of producers so I never have to do any bottles or dual milestones or all my own life notice that gotand is not is it role my own eyes you know we have training may have rehearsal books are it’s not easy to make it look easy yes actually I’m working withand love you Laurenand Paul here for all these years has been a pleasureand I’ve learned so much George RR Martin wrote you a letter about your character what youand he said you thought you could tell people you know you will you letter you said you could have your wine it was in the form of an email you which came out on the TV when he was imagining a parchment in a race you think it we get but anything that you can reveal what it said after the show was with you tell us what it set up come on he said you are my favorite so that was he said I was ultimately a good person ultimately good person you ministers are as you can see a very talkative bunch you love the gab which meant learning a lot of lines is limited to the thing where the remember my line. The MCU doesn’t change their strategy at all does it say we need even more team up so we need even more characters in our movies because look at all the money we made with this one song on the ground is clearly doing something right to marry’s position back on these characters come to a strong foundations are gone backand alwaysand completely just that just need to be given more opportunities to continue to take more risks outside the boxand feature the black also stood patiently talking about talking about making a real difference in the industry especially in terms of the plan to return to his people about my hearing is setting See Other related products: Coronavirus and face masks

Owl Reading Books Now That's What I Call A Hot Date Tee Shirts White - from darksidepowergalaxy.blogspot.com 1

Owl Reading Books Now That's What I Call A Hot Date Tee Shirts White - from darksidepowergalaxy.blogspot.com 1

Owl Reading Books Now That's What I Call A Hot Date Tee Shirts White - from darksidepowergalaxy.blogspot.com 2

Owl Reading Books Now That's What I Call A Hot Date Tee Shirts White - from darksidepowergalaxy.blogspot.com 2

Owl Reading Books Now That's What I Call A Hot Date Tee Shirts White - from darksidepowergalaxy.blogspot.com 3

Owl Reading Books Now That's What I Call A Hot Date Tee Shirts White - from darksidepowergalaxy.blogspot.com 3

Owl Reading Books Now That's What I Call A Hot Date Tee Shirts White - from darksidepowergalaxy.blogspot.com 4

Owl Reading Books Now That's What I Call A Hot Date Tee Shirts White - from darksidepowergalaxy.blogspot.com 4

To inspire up and coming physicians who are in medicine sports medicine and so that the Owl Reading Books Now That's What I Call A Hot Date Tee Shirts White legacy will be how many and I like how many more doctors can I encourage with the key to continued success still like another three months to go through the celebrate now do not celebrate the first milestone was Wilson 22 teams on the ground into the hotel the next milestone for me was from his court active lights around came to be transmitted and end of the milestone after that was the start of the season. We need a president who understands both profound loss and what it takes to bounce back but more important than his first hand experience with loss and hardship is his ability to translate that perspective into policy and solutions and prioritize hard working people and persistent Bobbitt account is over partisan politics or personal gain that’s why asked Dan but Joe and why he will always be an adopted son of South Carolina Joe Biden is as good a man as he is a leader I said before and wish to reiterate tonight we know Joe but more importantly Joe knows us I am I do a lot of things in life and is proud of his made payment to sprinkle early memories like one people together the single best thing I do for allowing me to be part of your lives and share the journeys for the past decade hundred kids and family members and mentors role is very large ballroom and send back door of Joe by homes and out of body experience surprises on his record of Chaucer Montana Joe instructor studying psychology in real money. Make dictating the Phillies you feel the will aand in will be the willand will in a aand will willand inand in theand inand in the is a welcomed on his network of folks tonight I’d like to share something with you I’ve been doing a lot of research lately about Gnosticismand how it is part of this you know this illuminati one world religion that’s being formedand that in my studying I came across the lyrics to stairway to heavenand I found that most don’t understand what this with this means they don’t understand what the lyrics meanand if not most amenable to having found anybody really even those that say that they understand it really don’t understand in my opinion but John I believe that we have definitely cracked the code it if you will to understand what this is what this is all aboutand so were going to I hadand that try to help you understand what’s being said here now to practice this I’d like to mention this at Jimmy page as they were writing this without question was doing drugs first of no question in my mind they will probably doing Quaaludes or something to that nature but this is the thing of his own volition’s own words he says that he was just sitting there in a bad moodand he says his hand started movingand if you know anything about the occult world that’s called free writingand so later on he was being interviewed about thisand he was basically admitting to that it was channeling was Janand so we now without any question that they were involved in the in the schools if you will the mystery schools they were involved in Gnosticismand if you listen to the lyrics of the songand you understand what they believe that Gnostics believe the Gnostic Gospels what they areand what they actually believe you will find that there is definitely a parallel between that the song stairway to heavenand and note not gnosis art Gnosticism so even right down to the songbird in the tree believe it or not this is part of the Gnostic teaching that when you get back to eating that you will I hear a song from the bird in a treeand that that bird can give you knowledge that bird can give you everything all the answers your questionsand that bird is a job interesting enough that that God is a symbol of peace Iand this was back in the 70s when they were doing this in you understand what peace rightand still to this day what peace means well if you look at also theand then Jell O churches today these charismatic churches they use the symbol of the right one the interesting thing about it is that the dove is not a symbol of the Holy Spiritand all okay think about what the Bible says about graven images you thou shalt not make graven images specially of the Holy Spirit right well remember that the the dove okay is not known to emphasize when I say this the dove is not the Holy Spirit but this is taught in the charismatic churches today that eight of lighting down upon Jesus when he came out of the waters being baptized John there was a job that came downand landed on the shoulder Jesus are you listening so the Scripture says the spirit lighted upon Jesus like a down that’s very important understand the because the dove represents Sophie are you listening people also represents Isis that’s why in the beginning of the song the stairway to heaven it’s about a lady you listening folks the queen of heaven Mary this is what this lady is all about it’s the religion of Babylon it’s another words you can buy your way to write with the small thing is about the idea that you can buy your way to heaven by your way to have so you go onand you read the lyricsand that’s what I doand it had look at these lyrics here all of these lyrics has to do with alchemy has to do it Gnosticism right from the beginningand first of all it’s even start with just the name of their of their band Led Zeppelin right in alchemy they believe they can turn redand gold are you listening without question this band was involved in Jimmy page was that they were all I think involved in gnosis they were involved in the esoteric Gnosticism the mystery schoolsand the Kabbalah all of this they were involved in the is no question in my mind I know they wereand when you listen to Jimmy page actually sharing what his mind what was in his mind when he was thinking when when the song was came about even to this day have an answer key to even have an answer to this day is still trying to figure it out know that you even understand what it me well I understand it because I put together a parallel of the of the of Gnosticismand what they believeand putting together with the song they were absolutely without question involved in learning about gnosis right getting to the tree of life or trying to get back to evenand so this involves rods without questionand involve drugs but it also involved New Age teachingand this New Age teaching the Gnosticism gnosis knowledge notice where it says here in the words essay she’s buying a stairway is a stairway to add right when she gets there she knows why important see no she knows that this is an early folks it’s about knowledge about knowing so when she gets there she no calls song as I have put this together listening to the the their own testimony listen to their own words of the men that were involved in putting this on together this whole song is a university this has to do with this stairway is going to system you realize there’s a canoe or some kind of a ship some kind of a boat stairway on its got to serpent okay folks understand what’s going on here this is a passagewayand the river that this ship is on is the Milky Way okay this is astrology this whole song about going through a set down drug I get you into when the universe so song is aboutand even to the word wonder all it makes me wonder even the word wonder has to do it Gnosticism it’s a wonder okay I been doing my research people I know when talking about here so I’m not going to it’s quite involved that evening to stand hereand says it’s just a spring clean for them equally okay this is alluding without question it’s alluding to the queen of heaven this is alluding to the queen of Babylon this is alluding to Babylon without question the whole song to do it since way back to answer this is all they want to start over reset they want to do all that slick Gnosticism teaches can do overand you want to do over want to be reincarnated they want to bypass reincarnation they want to learn something that is in the past they believe did not were able to attain to be able to acquire so the whole idea is in Spain age there trying to figure out a way to bypass where the no right with you and his Lupa reincarnated a more to break free of this cycle of reincarnationand they want to listen to godsand goddesses been going on for a long time now brothers is in rock ‘n roll I understand that this stairway that this song was the number one song in rock ‘n roll forand to this day is spell one of the most beloved in the rock ‘n roll you know I’m amongst those that love rock ‘n roll this is a song that many that do drugs that are getting high in July listen to thisand they love this but what you understand is these were not thereand put this on the song was given by a demon remember he was free writing he was in a bad mood he was in a good mood he is in a bad moodand was just simply no sketching or writing down different ideasand also you said isand begin to move that’s called rewrite that steel call people so agreement took over without questionand to this day he doesn’t even understand what the what the word to me he set himself on any given day it might mean something different this is the whole song was about to send out of sorts that was launching people into a honey say it like a fanfare like a light in acceleration something I would like to shoot you or salary for another round evenand with this whole song is about esoteric on nonstick siege way into the realm okay where you get answers using one saying to but there listening to the serpent there listening to that same serpent from the garden so that you can’t buy the stairway to heavenand as you understand from Gnosticism they actually collect the letter Jacobs ladder actually collect climbing a ladder when you go through the chakras as you go through the process all the way to the third eye opening your third eye they collect climbing a ladder that we see on the ship on the Milky Way or on the river that we see the serpents that goes back to Egyptand goes back to Babylon they were looking for a since way into another world into another round you know that back then even the time of Babylon in Egypt then back to the pharaohs they were looking for life everlasting right I didn’t want to be reincarnated they like to find a way to live forever with you doing to face trying to find the river line is still trying to find immortality you don’t think Jimmy pageand those guys work looking for a way to live forever they wereand what this is all so this is a mixture of their quote religion this is a mixture of drugs okayand that’s what’s going on today not a whole lot different we can actually go down hereand we can look through the different words stairway when we I look to the west looking to the West in the Old Testament Scriptures the Bible says there back was to the Temple when he gets out in the back was to the Temple which was in the East but there they were facing the West in the West was worshiping the sun this is all going back to Babylonand that I could go into quite a bit here but that for time say that notice down hereand see our shadows card in our souls there walks a lady we all know who shines white lightand wants to show how everything still turns to go out to me that’s the alchemist people you understand it if you understand Gnosticism you understand alchemy understand these things you understand what I’m saying but people are not versed understanding of Gnosticismand don’t know it Gnosticism gnosis okay that’s the G by the way on the Masonic symbol Jihad Stanford God G stands for Gnosticism or gnosis which is knowledge Stanford God they don’t believe in God you believe in Godand the knowledge they believe knowledge is power all of our knowledge the more knowledge you have the more power you have deep layouts in the document you got the knowledge you have the upper handand the sea really this is more so about alchemy more than anything else this is about being able to write down to having a Led Zeppelin right as applet is it a hot air balloon rights of the lunar of sortsand so you have this this balloon that’s as applet but let me know that is not going to be able to get out the benefits but if you believe in me even a exampleand fly scan so they about doing the impossible breaking barriers outside of the box as it were about breaking the rules you about doing things orthodoxyand not keeping you this world the understand that’s what this is all aboutand what people believe when they get on drugsand when they start gaining to the psychedelic drugs the best man recently ran into the fire burning man he was in drive doing drugs brought back the the the the test of for drugs yet they said he was not on call that night you may never hear the results of that because of the question he was on jobs at nightand he double the whole idea to convince people that during the jobs use drop I don’t know you know this tailored Soldiers all the time I’m drawn to them all away constantly drawn to all the time on all the half when they were shootingand killing people they were party constantly partying in girls all the time in the next day all them all the time so understand when you see this generation declining moreand more into a party scene where people Johnson with marijuana is becoming legaland you see you understand what going the Bible talks about sorcery trying to do this in sorcery that’s taking only do pharmacy with which with’s listeningand writing strategiesand OPM in this country how many know that George Bush senior in this been selling opium for years we try to drive traffic to we actually put drugs inside the bodies of our soldiers back from the bodies of the soldiersand they were smilingand being body odorsand you further Scripture is thing about you thinking me it’s on the groundand he people in the spanand it just gets Dr as I was making today they love dad right when they die their eyes a close it’s not to get put in a casket get back to people you know it go from the casket into the groundand he gets Dr but then the Lord says to cast into the darkness it just gets Dr but in Gnosticism they teach them that they’re coming to the true lightand going backwards to the garden of Eden when youand I are going forwards in the true light we understand the tree of life is not in some place called the Garden of the that we understand the tree of life a man has been transportedand we understand that Paul said it’s in the third heaven can Premium Owl Reading Books Now That's What I Call A Hot Date Tee Shirts White Owl Reading Books Now That's What I Call A Hot Date Tee Shirts White For Men and Women Owl Reading Books Now That's What I Call A Hot Date Tee Shirts White More than Pretty other products Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: I didn’t like what I saw I went back to the word mark I went to the Strong’s concordance and I found the Johnny use three words for the word mark char char to run Charity and charas that was from the Greek islands of those words they talked about a Owl Reading Books Now That's What I Call A Hot Date Tee Shirts White scratch or energy they talked about a lot of things I said God this is that we didn’t do it is the word 4666 the word is just a statement says to go to 4742 as a cross. Will most people love Jarvis had knows everythingand it is his position she cannot protect the ones you houses this is about the livingand the same thing is going for all of it standing right stocks centuries of families for against the common together we will save this country from those who would destroy this is every comedians dream is to walk on stage game of thrones the because it’s so doesn’t match how I feel about myself inside so you better I’m Brian Whelchel’s real honor I was chosen over 15 other American talk show host not because I’m the best because HBO said look at him he probably lives in Belfast we can save in a hotel room true story lebensraumand I am Iris is a true story just last week I had my first DNA test never had one before got the results back my doctor called meand he said I’ve never seen this before Conan you are in this is true swear to God you are 100 Irish not 99 not 9897 100 genetically pure Irish passengers scientifically explain what that meansand he said your inbred you fucking idiot hundredand 30 years of brothersand sisters getting it on in Massachusetts Atlantis was later this is a special night a chance to get everyone together reminisceand say goodbye to what is considered one of the greatest television shows of all time is my first time in Belfastand I love visiting Ireland I came here years agoand I drove from Kerry to Dublinand done that drive start carrying you drive across the countryside I had some great adventures one of them was such an important moment to me I stopped at a gas station in the middle of the countryside is the kind a gas station you only find in Ireland a cottage just a little cottage in the woods one pumpand was run by a very friendly old woman this is true she came out she starts filling my tankand she asked me what village my people from already in later where was I I met a ladyand she’s filling up the gas tank is filling it upand we had this great moment Jesus is little ladies going up my gas tank yesterday were my people from I tell her what village she starts to say I know people in that villageand then she says in order to do light a candle for you tonight in the church she started to get weepy I got weepy we actually hugged got back in the car tears down my cheek get back in the carand I started when I drive 15 minutes later my car grinds to a halt I realize that old woman had filled my diesel engine with unleaded gas in that moment all I wanted to do was hike back to that gas stationand strangle metal fit just see the likely I I realize it’s the perfect Iris story it has love it has tragedy has revenge all the themes we will be exploring tonight as we celebrate the eight glorious seasons of game of thrones ladiesand gentlemen to be in Belfast this Northern Ireland the real home with Rose there’s no better place to raise a glass game of thronesand his amazing city gave it life tonight were celebrating people who made it all happen our audiences entirely made up the game of thrones castand crew give yourselves a hand this is amazing I I hear nice rate rises up our sleeves let’s get started my first guess the best credit scores in restaurants but they always pay their debts before medicaland so does the family we fightand I knew my choice without time to sell that takes work I believe men of talent apart play or stitches nice have you all here welcome Peter youand I had dinner right for last year Belfast loan alone romantic dinner we shared some wine couple glasses of wine or one point ever think your fourth class you claim to improvise every speech you ever given our game of thrones off the top of your head to elaborate that I said I think you were joking continue complement but I think one of the greatest evolutions of any character intelligent history items it’s amazing I let you know that you really take that journey from the very beginning no I mean I met with Davidand in Los Angelesand I said a couple of things that I didn’t want to before I readand write did you really lay out things that you did not want yes I didn’t want a very long beard now I have a beard rightand I didn’t want point issues so they gave them the those those are your big demand is very important to only two only no no long beard know when you just exactly the thing that speaks a lot of you I only knew then I only knew up until the end of season four I think at that time or maybe a little soon after that of killing Taiwan my father yesand I thought were from where I start doing that was enough for me to sign on you is a brilliant characterand then it went somewhere else yes addition to that so that was even better was amazing is that you two have this incredible on screen hatred for one anotherand I’m sure it’s more complex than that but your arch rivals so many ways in real life your best friends are best friends used to be used to be the season to amend renegotiate season two will differ to work with someone you yourself quick to I did something with meand show that never went anywhere thank God I was a mad professorand I had’sand one of the cats was in a remote control carand it went in the disreputable will you do mention that I don’t remember you when you always now I had the remote control but there was a catand remote control carand I don’t remember anything about pilot except for Lenaand the tatand the remote control carand you wanted told me know I’m reading a script yesand there is a party going on in the movie in LA togetherand I said this is this is some really mediocre material you should read we can provide around The remote earlyand analyzed like a really like Mormon proviso to the the first thing you do not like as you push a small boy out of the toll you know 30 story windowand cripple him for life yet people for youand like you explain how that’s possible explain how you took that journey will it tells you about people really is for all done it I yet know it’s it’s it’s a mystery to me why would you forgive a guy who tries to kill innocent boy know I think he tries to safe is his own children something that would make sense you really didn’t have to push them out the window know he didn’t get superpowers so the meeting will show we would have Michelle without exactly yeah that eight years of work for everyone here there is no help me I have my methods but how did you prepare to play unit I cut my testicles off your chest know I didn’t have to do any methods so pretty figuratively the unit anywayand I shave my head I was a really just shave your headand a point issues when you luckily are pointy feet so they fit like a I got to say this compared to many of the other characters have had to walk through helland want to fire us in the show you’ve had a pretty easy yes you’re always sipping wine yes you’re always in a comfortable warm location yes you’re always you get to say some brilliant little speechesand you’re always dressed wearing like those pajamas they give youand for class yes you are the most comfortable that you gets that physically I have also many many naked photographs of producers so I never have to do any bottles or dual milestones or all my own life notice that gotand is not is it role my own eyes you know we have training may have rehearsal books are it’s not easy to make it look easy yes actually I’m working withand love you Laurenand Paul here for all these years has been a pleasureand I’ve learned so much George RR Martin wrote you a letter about your character what youand he said you thought you could tell people you know you will you letter you said you could have your wine it was in the form of an email you which came out on the TV when he was imagining a parchment in a race you think it we get but anything that you can reveal what it said after the show was with you tell us what it set up come on he said you are my favorite so that was he said I was ultimately a good person ultimately good person you ministers are as you can see a very talkative bunch you love the gab which meant learning a lot of lines is limited to the thing where the remember my line. The MCU doesn’t change their strategy at all does it say we need even more team up so we need even more characters in our movies because look at all the money we made with this one song on the ground is clearly doing something right to marry’s position back on these characters come to a strong foundations are gone backand alwaysand completely just that just need to be given more opportunities to continue to take more risks outside the boxand feature the black also stood patiently talking about talking about making a real difference in the industry especially in terms of the plan to return to his people about my hearing is setting See Other related products: Coronavirus and face masks Owl Reading Books Now That's What I Call A Hot Date Tee Shirts White To inspire up and coming physicians who are in medicine sports medicine and so that the Owl Reading Books Now That's What I Call A Hot Date Tee Shirts White legacy will be how many and I like how many more doctors can I encourage with the key to continued success still like another three months to go through the celebrate now do not celebrate the first milestone was Wilson 22 teams on the ground into the hotel the next milestone for me was from his court active lights around came to be transmitted and end of the milestone after that was the start of the season. We need a president who understands both profound loss and what it takes to bounce back but more important than his first hand experience with loss and hardship is his ability to translate that perspective into policy and solutions and prioritize hard working people and persistent Bobbitt account is over partisan politics or personal gain that’s why asked Dan but Joe and why he will always be an adopted son of South Carolina Joe Biden is as good a man as he is a leader I said before and wish to reiterate tonight we know Joe but more importantly Joe knows us I am I do a lot of things in life and is proud of his made payment to sprinkle early memories like one people together the single best thing I do for allowing me to be part of your lives and share the journeys for the past decade hundred kids and family members and mentors role is very large ballroom and send back door of Joe by homes and out of body experience surprises on his record of Chaucer Montana Joe instructor studying psychology in real money. Make dictating the Phillies you feel the will aand in will be the willand will in a aand will willand inand in theand inand in the is a welcomed on his network of folks tonight I’d like to share something with you I’ve been doing a lot of research lately about Gnosticismand how it is part of this you know this illuminati one world religion that’s being formedand that in my studying I came across the lyrics to stairway to heavenand I found that most don’t understand what this with this means they don’t understand what the lyrics meanand if not most amenable to having found anybody really even those that say that they understand it really don’t understand in my opinion but John I believe that we have definitely cracked the code it if you will to understand what this is what this is all aboutand so were going to I hadand that try to help you understand what’s being said here now to practice this I’d like to mention this at Jimmy page as they were writing this without question was doing drugs first of no question in my mind they will probably doing Quaaludes or something to that nature but this is the thing of his own volition’s own words he says that he was just sitting there in a bad moodand he says his hand started movingand if you know anything about the occult world that’s called free writingand so later on he was being interviewed about thisand he was basically admitting to that it was channeling was Janand so we now without any question that they were involved in the in the schools if you will the mystery schools they were involved in Gnosticismand if you listen to the lyrics of the songand you understand what they believe that Gnostics believe the Gnostic Gospels what they areand what they actually believe you will find that there is definitely a parallel between that the song stairway to heavenand and note not gnosis art Gnosticism so even right down to the songbird in the tree believe it or not this is part of the Gnostic teaching that when you get back to eating that you will I hear a song from the bird in a treeand that that bird can give you knowledge that bird can give you everything all the answers your questionsand that bird is a job interesting enough that that God is a symbol of peace Iand this was back in the 70s when they were doing this in you understand what peace rightand still to this day what peace means well if you look at also theand then Jell O churches today these charismatic churches they use the symbol of the right one the interesting thing about it is that the dove is not a symbol of the Holy Spiritand all okay think about what the Bible says about graven images you thou shalt not make graven images specially of the Holy Spirit right well remember that the the dove okay is not known to emphasize when I say this the dove is not the Holy Spirit but this is taught in the charismatic churches today that eight of lighting down upon Jesus when he came out of the waters being baptized John there was a job that came downand landed on the shoulder Jesus are you listening so the Scripture says the spirit lighted upon Jesus like a down that’s very important understand the because the dove represents Sophie are you listening people also represents Isis that’s why in the beginning of the song the stairway to heaven it’s about a lady you listening folks the queen of heaven Mary this is what this lady is all about it’s the religion of Babylon it’s another words you can buy your way to write with the small thing is about the idea that you can buy your way to heaven by your way to have so you go onand you read the lyricsand that’s what I doand it had look at these lyrics here all of these lyrics has to do with alchemy has to do it Gnosticism right from the beginningand first of all it’s even start with just the name of their of their band Led Zeppelin right in alchemy they believe they can turn redand gold are you listening without question this band was involved in Jimmy page was that they were all I think involved in gnosis they were involved in the esoteric Gnosticism the mystery schoolsand the Kabbalah all of this they were involved in the is no question in my mind I know they wereand when you listen to Jimmy page actually sharing what his mind what was in his mind when he was thinking when when the song was came about even to this day have an answer key to even have an answer to this day is still trying to figure it out know that you even understand what it me well I understand it because I put together a parallel of the of the of Gnosticismand what they believeand putting together with the song they were absolutely without question involved in learning about gnosis right getting to the tree of life or trying to get back to evenand so this involves rods without questionand involve drugs but it also involved New Age teachingand this New Age teaching the Gnosticism gnosis knowledge notice where it says here in the words essay she’s buying a stairway is a stairway to add right when she gets there she knows why important see no she knows that this is an early folks it’s about knowledge about knowing so when she gets there she no calls song as I have put this together listening to the the their own testimony listen to their own words of the men that were involved in putting this on together this whole song is a university this has to do with this stairway is going to system you realize there’s a canoe or some kind of a ship some kind of a boat stairway on its got to serpent okay folks understand what’s going on here this is a passagewayand the river that this ship is on is the Milky Way okay this is astrology this whole song about going through a set down drug I get you into when the universe so song is aboutand even to the word wonder all it makes me wonder even the word wonder has to do it Gnosticism it’s a wonder okay I been doing my research people I know when talking about here so I’m not going to it’s quite involved that evening to stand hereand says it’s just a spring clean for them equally okay this is alluding without question it’s alluding to the queen of heaven this is alluding to the queen of Babylon this is alluding to Babylon without question the whole song to do it since way back to answer this is all they want to start over reset they want to do all that slick Gnosticism teaches can do overand you want to do over want to be reincarnated they want to bypass reincarnation they want to learn something that is in the past they believe did not were able to attain to be able to acquire so the whole idea is in Spain age there trying to figure out a way to bypass where the no right with you and his Lupa reincarnated a more to break free of this cycle of reincarnationand they want to listen to godsand goddesses been going on for a long time now brothers is in rock ‘n roll I understand that this stairway that this song was the number one song in rock ‘n roll forand to this day is spell one of the most beloved in the rock ‘n roll you know I’m amongst those that love rock ‘n roll this is a song that many that do drugs that are getting high in July listen to thisand they love this but what you understand is these were not thereand put this on the song was given by a demon remember he was free writing he was in a bad mood he was in a good mood he is in a bad moodand was just simply no sketching or writing down different ideasand also you said isand begin to move that’s called rewrite that steel call people so agreement took over without questionand to this day he doesn’t even understand what the what the word to me he set himself on any given day it might mean something different this is the whole song was about to send out of sorts that was launching people into a honey say it like a fanfare like a light in acceleration something I would like to shoot you or salary for another round evenand with this whole song is about esoteric on nonstick siege way into the realm okay where you get answers using one saying to but there listening to the serpent there listening to that same serpent from the garden so that you can’t buy the stairway to heavenand as you understand from Gnosticism they actually collect the letter Jacobs ladder actually collect climbing a ladder when you go through the chakras as you go through the process all the way to the third eye opening your third eye they collect climbing a ladder that we see on the ship on the Milky Way or on the river that we see the serpents that goes back to Egyptand goes back to Babylon they were looking for a since way into another world into another round you know that back then even the time of Babylon in Egypt then back to the pharaohs they were looking for life everlasting right I didn’t want to be reincarnated they like to find a way to live forever with you doing to face trying to find the river line is still trying to find immortality you don’t think Jimmy pageand those guys work looking for a way to live forever they wereand what this is all so this is a mixture of their quote religion this is a mixture of drugs okayand that’s what’s going on today not a whole lot different we can actually go down hereand we can look through the different words stairway when we I look to the west looking to the West in the Old Testament Scriptures the Bible says there back was to the Temple when he gets out in the back was to the Temple which was in the East but there they were facing the West in the West was worshiping the sun this is all going back to Babylonand that I could go into quite a bit here but that for time say that notice down hereand see our shadows card in our souls there walks a lady we all know who shines white lightand wants to show how everything still turns to go out to me that’s the alchemist people you understand it if you understand Gnosticism you understand alchemy understand these things you understand what I’m saying but people are not versed understanding of Gnosticismand don’t know it Gnosticism gnosis okay that’s the G by the way on the Masonic symbol Jihad Stanford God G stands for Gnosticism or gnosis which is knowledge Stanford God they don’t believe in God you believe in Godand the knowledge they believe knowledge is power all of our knowledge the more knowledge you have the more power you have deep layouts in the document you got the knowledge you have the upper handand the sea really this is more so about alchemy more than anything else this is about being able to write down to having a Led Zeppelin right as applet is it a hot air balloon rights of the lunar of sortsand so you have this this balloon that’s as applet but let me know that is not going to be able to get out the benefits but if you believe in me even a exampleand fly scan so they about doing the impossible breaking barriers outside of the box as it were about breaking the rules you about doing things orthodoxyand not keeping you this world the understand that’s what this is all aboutand what people believe when they get on drugsand when they start gaining to the psychedelic drugs the best man recently ran into the fire burning man he was in drive doing drugs brought back the the the the test of for drugs yet they said he was not on call that night you may never hear the results of that because of the question he was on jobs at nightand he double the whole idea to convince people that during the jobs use drop I don’t know you know this tailored Soldiers all the time I’m drawn to them all away constantly drawn to all the time on all the half when they were shootingand killing people they were party constantly partying in girls all the time in the next day all them all the time so understand when you see this generation declining moreand more into a party scene where people Johnson with marijuana is becoming legaland you see you understand what going the Bible talks about sorcery trying to do this in sorcery that’s taking only do pharmacy with which with’s listeningand writing strategiesand OPM in this country how many know that George Bush senior in this been selling opium for years we try to drive traffic to we actually put drugs inside the bodies of our soldiers back from the bodies of the soldiersand they were smilingand being body odorsand you further Scripture is thing about you thinking me it’s on the groundand he people in the spanand it just gets Dr as I was making today they love dad right when they die their eyes a close it’s not to get put in a casket get back to people you know it go from the casket into the groundand he gets Dr but then the Lord says to cast into the darkness it just gets Dr but in Gnosticism they teach them that they’re coming to the true lightand going backwards to the garden of Eden when youand I are going forwards in the true light we understand the tree of life is not in some place called the Garden of the that we understand the tree of life a man has been transportedand we understand that Paul said it’s in the third heaven can Premium Owl Reading Books Now 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Will most people love Jarvis had knows everythingand it is his position she cannot protect the ones you houses this is about the livingand the same thing is going for all of it standing right stocks centuries of families for against the common together we will save this country from those who would destroy this is every comedians dream is to walk on stage game of thrones the because it’s so doesn’t match how I feel about myself inside so you better I’m Brian Whelchel’s real honor I was chosen over 15 other American talk show host not because I’m the best because HBO said look at him he probably lives in Belfast we can save in a hotel room true story lebensraumand I am Iris is a true story just last week I had my first DNA test never had one before got the results back my doctor called meand he said I’ve never seen this before Conan you are in this is true swear to God you are 100 Irish not 99 not 9897 100 genetically pure Irish passengers scientifically explain what that meansand he said your inbred you fucking idiot hundredand 30 years of brothersand sisters getting it on in Massachusetts Atlantis was later this is a special night a chance to get everyone together reminisceand say goodbye to what is considered one of the greatest television shows of all time is my first time in Belfastand I love visiting Ireland I came here years agoand I drove from Kerry to Dublinand done that drive start carrying you drive across the countryside I had some great adventures one of them was such an important moment to me I stopped at a gas station in the middle of the countryside is the kind a gas station you only find in Ireland a cottage just a little cottage in the woods one pumpand was run by a very friendly old woman this is true she came out she starts filling my tankand she asked me what village my people from already in later where was I I met a ladyand she’s filling up the gas tank is filling it upand we had this great moment Jesus is little ladies going up my gas tank yesterday were my people from I tell her what village she starts to say I know people in that villageand then she says in order to do light a candle for you tonight in the church she started to get weepy I got weepy we actually hugged got back in the car tears down my cheek get back in the carand I started when I drive 15 minutes later my car grinds to a halt I realize that old woman had filled my diesel engine with unleaded gas in that moment all I wanted to do was hike back to that gas stationand strangle metal fit just see the likely I I realize it’s the perfect Iris story it has love it has tragedy has revenge all the themes we will be exploring tonight as we celebrate the eight glorious seasons of game of thrones ladiesand gentlemen to be in Belfast this Northern Ireland the real home with Rose there’s no better place to raise a glass game of thronesand his amazing city gave it life tonight were celebrating people who made it all happen our audiences entirely made up the game of thrones castand crew give yourselves a hand this is amazing I I hear nice rate rises up our sleeves let’s get started my first guess the best credit scores in restaurants but they always pay their debts before medicaland so does the family we fightand I knew my choice without time to sell that takes work I believe men of talent apart play or stitches nice have you all here welcome Peter youand I had dinner right for last year Belfast loan alone romantic dinner we shared some wine couple glasses of wine or one point ever think your fourth class you claim to improvise every speech you ever given our game of thrones off the top of your head to elaborate that I said I think you were joking continue complement but I think one of the greatest evolutions of any character intelligent history items it’s amazing I let you know that you really take that journey from the very beginning no I mean I met with Davidand in Los Angelesand I said a couple of things that I didn’t want to before I readand write did you really lay out things that you did not want yes I didn’t want a very long beard now I have a beard rightand I didn’t want point issues so they gave them the those those are your big demand is very important to only two only no no long beard know when you just exactly the thing that speaks a lot of you I only knew then I only knew up until the end of season four I think at that time or maybe a little soon after that of killing Taiwan my father yesand I thought were from where I start doing that was enough for me to sign on you is a brilliant characterand then it went somewhere else yes addition to that so that was even better was amazing is that you two have this incredible on screen hatred for one anotherand I’m sure it’s more complex than that but your arch rivals so many ways in real life your best friends are best friends used to be used to be the season to amend renegotiate season two will differ to work with someone you yourself quick to I did something with meand show that never went anywhere thank God I was a mad professorand I had’sand one of the cats was in a remote control carand it went in the disreputable will you do mention that I don’t remember you when you always now I had the remote control but there was a catand remote control carand I don’t remember anything about pilot except for Lenaand the tatand the remote control carand you wanted told me know I’m reading a script yesand there is a party going on in the movie in LA togetherand I said this is this is some really mediocre material you should read we can provide around The remote earlyand analyzed like a really like Mormon proviso to the the first thing you do not like as you push a small boy out of the toll you know 30 story windowand cripple him for life yet people for youand like you explain how that’s possible explain how you took that journey will it tells you about people really is for all done it I yet know it’s it’s it’s a mystery to me why would you forgive a guy who tries to kill innocent boy know I think he tries to safe is his own children something that would make sense you really didn’t have to push them out the window know he didn’t get superpowers so the meeting will show we would have Michelle without exactly yeah that eight years of work for everyone here there is no help me I have my methods but how did you prepare to play unit I cut my testicles off your chest know I didn’t have to do any methods so pretty figuratively the unit anywayand I shave my head I was a really just shave your headand a point issues when you luckily are pointy feet so they fit like a I got to say this compared to many of the other characters have had to walk through helland want to fire us in the show you’ve had a pretty easy yes you’re always sipping wine yes you’re always in a comfortable warm location yes you’re always you get to say some brilliant little speechesand you’re always dressed wearing like those pajamas they give youand for class yes you are the most comfortable that you gets that physically I have also many many naked photographs of producers so I never have to do any bottles or dual milestones or all my own life notice that gotand is not is it role my own eyes you know we have training may have rehearsal books are it’s not easy to make it look easy yes actually I’m working withand love you Laurenand Paul here for all these years has been a pleasureand I’ve learned so much George RR Martin wrote you a letter about your character what youand he said you thought you could tell people you know you will you letter you said you could have your wine it was in the form of an email you which came out on the TV when he was imagining a parchment in a race you think it we get but anything that you can reveal what it said after the show was with you tell us what it set up come on he said you are my favorite so that was he said I was ultimately a good person ultimately good person you ministers are as you can see a very talkative bunch you love the gab which meant learning a lot of lines is limited to the thing where the remember my line. The MCU doesn’t change their strategy at all does it say we need even more team up so we need even more characters in our movies because look at all the money we made with this one song on the ground is clearly doing something right to marry’s position back on these characters come to a strong foundations are gone backand alwaysand completely just that just need to be given more opportunities to continue to take more risks outside the boxand feature the black also stood patiently talking about talking about making a real difference in the industry especially in terms of the plan to return to his people about my hearing is setting See Other related products: Coronavirus and face masks

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