Thursday, April 1, 2021

Tractor Definition Pretty Much The Greatest Thing In The World Vintage T Shirt

Tractor Definition Pretty Much The Greatest Thing In The World Vintage T Shirt

I love the Tractor Definition Pretty Much The Greatest Thing In The World Vintage T Shirt the honest co this is the second time I order these diapers are so good and so absorbent I don’t have to bother going to the store and their designs are so cute its delivered easy no fragrance and chemicals for my babies. This is an example of how wild horses can be managed there is no livestock grazing in the little book cliffs wild horse range and horses are managed with fertility control to keep reproduction down when removals are necessary as they seem to be in this case due to extreme drought bait trapping is used and horses are adopted locally so long pzp is fully utilized in this area it will continue to be a model program kudos to friends of the mustangs for their longtime stewardship of this special herd. Judge calls for us marshals and fbi to arrest congress and the president pope francis makes a law destroys every corporation in the world federal tax case shows evidence the u s legal system is a fraud if I were the devil paul harvey good audio penhallow v doane s administraters 3 u s 54 1 l ed 57 3 dall 54 supreme court ruling no corporate jurisdiction over the natural man supreme court of the united states 1795 inasmuch as every government is an artificial person an abstraction and a creature of the mind only a government can interface only with other artificial persons the imaginary having neither actuality nor substance is foreclosed from creating and attaining parity with the tangible the legal manifestation of this is that no government as well as any law agency aspect court etc can concern itself with anything other than corporate artificial persons and the contracts between them s c r 1795 3 u s 54 1 l ed 57 3 dall 54 public notice to law enforcement sheriffs elected officials and bar association members april 5 2015 take notice the roman curia created the concept of legal fictions trusts foundations and other corporations for good reasons however legal fictions can be misused by maxim of law those who create are responsible for their creations it follows that the roman curia is responsible for the proper functioning of all corporations worldwide as of september 1 2013 pope francis declared all corporations and corporate officers fully liable for their errors and omissions this means you also by maxim of law there is no statute of limitation on fraud privately owned governmental services corporations have been fraudulently passing themselves off as the government of the united states since 1862 the longevity of this fraud in no way imbues it with authority as an employee of these corporations you have no public office and no public bond and no foreign state immunity federal law enforcement personnel except u s marshals your status is that of a mall cop acting outside the mall you have no authority on the land jurisdiction of the continental united states you are acting under color of law when addressing citizens of the continental united states as if they were citizens of the federal united states if you threaten any living inhabitant of the continental united states with a gun taser or other weapon you can be hung as an inland pirate if you remove any livestock you can be hung as a cattle rustler if you cause any harm you can be sued without limit if you wear any uniform or display any badge or use any name or office designed to deceive or project authority you do not have you can be arrested for impersonating an officer you are acting in a purely private capacity and have only equal civil rights that may be withdrawn at any time you are also acting under martial law and may face extreme punishment for infractions against the civilian populace acts of plunder mortal violence and mischaracterization of civilians as combatants are all death penalty offenses u s marshals are allowed full egress within the continental united states so long as they are sworn and acting as officers sworn to uphold the actual constitution are not acting deceptively nor acting outside their international jurisdiction while in pursuit of their duty protecting the u s mail lawyers judges court clerks when you address birthright citizens of the continental united states in the foreign jurisdiction of the federal united states or that of a federal state and deliberately confuse living people with corporate franchises merely named after them you commit personage this results in press ganging land assets into the international jurisdiction of the sea a crime outlawed worldwide for 200 years it is a recognized act of inland piracy and it carries the death penalty mischaracterizing the identity or citizenship status of a birthright citizen of the continental united states is also a crime under the geneva protocols of 1949 volume ii article 3 it also right to travel page 17 carries the death penalty finally no member of the bar association may sit upon the bench of any public court nor occupy any public office of the continental united states including congress the involvement of any bar member automatically voids all proceedings pretending subject matter jurisdiction related to the actual land or its assets including the people of the continental united states the titles of nobility amendment adopted and ratified prior to the american civil war has not been repealed the federal united states and the municipality of washington dc all operate under the auspices of the united nations and are signatories of the universal right of self declaration anyone claiming to be a citizen of the continental united states having a valid birth certificate must be treated as such any debts or charges whatsoever related to vessels in commerce operated under his or her name by the federal united states any federal state the washington dc municipality or the united nations must be discharged according to maxim of law already cited you are responsible for what you create the federal united states and its federal states have created numerous vessels in commerce merely named after living citizens of the continental united states and styled in the form john quincy adams the washington dc municipality has similarly indulged in this practice and created franchises for itself named after living citizens of the continental united states styled in the form john quincy adams most recently the united nations has created public utilities and is operating them under names styled as john q adams the organizations that have created these franchises are completely 100 liable for their debts and obligations without exception and without recourse to claim upon the living people these franchises are named after you may not presume that the living people have consensually agreed to be subjected to statutory law you may not presume that they consensually agreed to be obligated for the debts of any legal fiction personas which have been created and named after them by third parties secretively operating in a private capacity and merely claiming to represent the victims of this fraud this is your due notice that the living people inhabiting the continental united states are presenting themselves and may not be addressed as if they belong to are responsible for or indebted in behalf of any legal fiction personas operated under their given names by any international corporation any continuance of any such claims and repugnant practices will be deemed immediate cause to liquidate the american bar association as a criminal syndicate and to deport its members from our shores international action is underway to secure the assets and credit owed to the victims please read research and do your own due diligence you are fully responsible for obeying the public law of the continental united states including revised statute 2561 and the right to travel page 18 constitution please respect the established jurisdictions of air land and sea and be aware that you may be arrested and fined or worse for failure to do so issued this fifth day of april 2015 judge anna maria riezinger alaska state superior court here are the orders by pope francis that all public officials that are under the jurisdiction of the vatican city state do no longer have immunity for the crimes they commit primarily judges in america which includes the bar association apostolic letter issued motu proprio proprio_20130711_organi giudiziari html facts please pass on we the people have servants all government offices are empty title of nobility or honor please pass on we the people have servants all government offices are empty all government offices are empty no oath of office to serve their is no employment attention all public servants subject title 8 usc 1481 stated once an oath of office is taken citizenship is relinquished thus you become a foreign entity agency or state that means every public office is a foreign state including all political subdivisions I e every single court and that courts personnel is considered a separate foreign entity that means every pubic office is a foreign state including all political sub divisions and contractors the foreign agents registration act fara was enacted in 1938 fara is a disclosure statute that requires persons acting as agents of foreign principals in a political or quasi political capacity to make periodic public disclosure of their relationship with the foreign principal as well as activities receipts and disbursements in support of those activities disclosure of the required information facilitates evaluation by the government and the american people of the statements and activities of such persons in light of their function as foreign agents the fara registration unit of the counterintelligence and export control section ces in the national security division nsd is responsible for the administration and enforcement of the act ors 180 220 powers and duties 1 the department of justice shall have a general control and supervision of all civil actions and legal proceedings in which the state of oregon may be a party or may be interested b full charge and control of all the legal business of all departments commissions and bureaus of the state or of any office thereof which requires the services of an attorney or counsel in order to protect the interests of the state 2 no state officer board commission or the head of a department or institution of the state shall employ or be represented by any other counsel or attorney at law 3 this section is subject to ors 825 508 amended by 1967 c 178 3 sovereignty rulings defenitions 1 as a natural right men may do anything their inclinations may suggest if it be not evil in its self and in no way impairs the rights of others in re newman 9 c 502 1858 2 the judicial power is the power to hear those matters that affect the life liberty or property of a citizen of the state sapulpa v land 101 okla 22 223 pac 640 35 a l r 872 3 the common law right of the jury to determine the law as well as the facts remains unimpaired state v croteau 23 vt 14 54 am dec 90 1849 4 the very meaning of sovereignty is that the decree of the sovereign makes law american banana co v united fruit co 29 s ct 511 513 213 u s 347 53 l ed 826 19 ann cas 1047 5 sovereign a chief ruler with supreme power a king or other ruler with limited power an action against a foreign sovereign is not maintainable 44 l rep n s 199 6 the people of the state are entitled to all rights which formerly belong to the king by his prerogatives lansing v smith 4 wendell 9 20 n y 1829 7 it will be admitted on all hands that with the exceptions of the powers granted through the constitution to the states and federal government the people of the several states are unconditionally sovereign within their respective states ohio l inns t co v debolt 16 how 416 14 l ed 997 8 a sovereign is exempt from suit not because of any formal conception or obsolete theory but on the logical and practical ground that there can be no legal right as against the authority that makes the law on which the right depends kawananakoa v polyblank 205 u s 349 353 27 s ct 526 527 51 l ed 834 1907 9 it is a general rule that the sovereign cannot be sued in his own court without consent and hence no direct judgment can be rendered against him therein for cost except in the manner and on the condition he has proscribed 40 la ann 856 bouvier s law dictionary vol 1 1897 10 no action can be taken against the sovereign in non constitutional courts of either the united states or the state courts any such action is considered the crime of barratry barratry is an offense at common law state v batson 17 s e 2d 511 512 513 11 court the person and the suit of the sovereign the place where the sovereign sojourns with his regal retinue where ever that may be black s law dictionary 5th edition page 318 12 a court of general jurisdiction is presumed to be acting within its jurisdiction till the contrary is shown brown jur section 202 wright v douglas 10 barb n y 97 town of huntington hall v town of charlotte 15 vt 46 13 sovereignty its self is of course not subject to law for it is the author and source of law but in our system while sovereign authority is delegated to agencies of government sovereignty itself remains with the people by whom and for whom all government exist and acts yick wo v hopkins 118 u s 356 at pg 370 14 every citizen freeman is endowed with certain rights privileges which no written law or statute is required these are the fundamental or natural rights among all free people u s v morris 125 f 322 325 15 an indictment is required in any case where a person is being charged with an infamous crime any crime for which the punishment is imprisonment is an infamous crime supreme court makin v united states 117 u s 348 the united states supreme court ruled that the merits of a case as settled by courts of one state must be recognized by the courts of other states state courts may not reopen cases which have been conclusively decided by the courts of another state later chief justice john marshall suggested that the judgment of one state court must be recognized by other states’ courts as final mills v duryee 1t1 u s 7 cranch 481 1813 also article 4 of the u s constitution states that each state shall give full faith and credit to the other states laws 18 u s code 2381 defines treason as whoever owing allegiance to the united states levies war against them or adheres to their enemies giving them aid and comfort within the united states or elsewhere is guilty of treason and the law states that those convicted of treason shall suffer death or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than 10 000 and shall be incapable of holding any office under the united states prigg v pennsylvania when the supreme court supported james madison’s advice to stop federal power to save the state county and city honor thy oath of servitude property other taxes I have many more pages of this the legal right of an individual to decrease or altogether avoid his her taxes by means which the law permits cannot be doubted gregory v helvering 293 u s 465 the fact is property is a tree income is the fruit labour is a tree income the fruit capital the tree income the ‘fruit ‘ the fruit if not consumed severed as fast as it ripens will germinate from the seed and will produce other trees and grow into more property but so long as it is fruit merely and plucked severed to eat it is no tree and will produce itself no fruit waring v city of savennah 60 ga 93 100 1878 direct taxes bear immediately upon persons upon possessions and enjoyments of rights indirect taxes are levied upon the happening of an event knowlton v moore 178 u s 41 see also tyler v united states 281 u s 497 at 502 1930 a tax laid upon the happening of an event as distinguished from its tangible fruits is an indirect tax tyler v u s 497 at pg 502 1930 a tax levied upon property because of its ownership is a direct tax whereas one levied upon property because of its use is an excise duty or impost manufactures’ trust co vs u s 32 f supp 289 thus in the matter of taxation the constitution recognizes the two great classes of direct and indirect taxes and lays down two rules by which their imposition must be governed namely the rule of apportionment as to direct taxes and the rule of uniformity as to duties imposts and excises determining that the classification of direct adopted for the purpose of rendering it impossible for the government to burden by taxation accumulation of property real or personal except subject to the regulation of apportionment pollock v farmers’ loan trust co 158 u s 601 at 637 1895 the name of the tax is unimportant that it is the substance and not the form which controls ‘ that the limitations of the constitution cannot be ‘frittered away’ by calling a tax indirect when it is in fact direct pollock v farmers’ loan and trust co 157 u s 429 580 1 583 1895 keeping in mind the well settled rule that the citizen is exempt from taxation unless the same is imposed by clear and unequivocal language and that where the construction of a tax is doubtful the doubt is to be resolved in favor of those upon whom the tax is sought to be laid spreckles sugar refining co vs mclain 192 us 397 that decision affirms the great principle that what cannot be done directly direct taxation because of constitutional restriction cannot be accomplished indirectly by legislation which accomplishes the same result fairbanks v u s 181 u s 283 294 1901 income tax declared unconstitutional suite101 suite101 com tax declared unconstitutional a208974 cached the u s supreme court in 1895 ruled unconstitutional a federal law containing income taxes with arguments concerning class warfare and the definition of a direct tax usc title 26 internal revenue code u s code lii www law cornell edu uscode text 26 all citizens have the right to a home and personal property and this property cannot be taxed unless in accordance with the two forms of constitutional taxation mentioned above personal liberty or the right to enjoyment of life and liberty is one of the fundamental or natural rights which has been protected by its inclusion as a guarantee in the various constitutions which is not derived from or dependent on the u s constitution which may not be submitted to a vote and may not depend on the outcome of an election it is one of the most sacred and valuable rights as sacred as the right to private property and is regarded as unalienable 16 c j s constitutional law sect 202 p 987 the supreme court ruled that municipalities cannot exert any acts of ownership and control over property that is not owned by them see palazzolo v rhode island 533 us 606 150 l ed 2d 592 121 s ct ___ 2001 no expiration date on the taking clause for city’s illegal enforcement of its codes on the man’s private property and restricting the man’s business affirming both lucas v south carolina coastal council 505 us 1003 120 l ed 2d 798 1992 the lead case that said treaty law cannot be interfered with by a state legislature in ware v hylton 1976 3 dall 3 u s 199 in this the supreme court held that a treaty is the supreme law of the land article vi section 2 and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby anything in the constitution or the laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding that any act of the legislature cannot stand in its way because a treaty is the declared will of the people of all the united states and shall be superior to the constitution and laws of any individual state in other words federal land patents put into evidence by a land owner cannot be challenged by a state court because it flows from a united states treaty and therefore no court has jurisdiction over title or ownership to land that traces its source to the paramount or common source of title from the united states government banks and private corporations notwithstanding because federal land patents were never given to corporations only to private citizens hence the term private land claim or plc as we call it used by the bureau of land management as the date of the original patent expatriating a u s citizen subject to the citizenship clause of the fourteenth amendment on the ground that after reaching the age of 18 the person has obtained foreign citizenship or declared allegiance to a foreign state generally will not be possible absent substantial evidence apart from the act itself that the individual specifically intended to relinquish u s citizenship an express statement of renunciation of u s citizenship would suffice the lead case for the louisiana purchase states is american insurance company v canter 1828 1 pet 26 u s 511 in which justice marshall held the power to make treaties is an absolute power of the united states government and from that power arises the right to govern it I e treaty law is superior to any state laws and is the supreme law of the land zoning law included property exempt from taxation ic 6 1 1 2 7 exempt property sec 7 a as used in this section non business personal property means personal property that is not 1 held for sale in the ordinary course of a trade or business 2 held used or consumed in connection with the production of income or 3 held as an investment black s law dictionary 5th edition pg 741 investment property generally any property purchased for the primary purpose of profit the profit may be from income or from resale so if you live in it and are not looking to resale it for profit it isn t taxable the oath of office is a quid proquo contract cf u s const art 6 clauses 2 and 3 davis vs lawyers suretycorporation 459 s w 2nd 655 657 tex civ app in which clerks officials or officers of the government pledge to perform support and upholdthe united states and state constitutions in return for substance wages perks benefits proponents are subjected to the penalties and remedies forbreach of contract conspiracy cf title 18 u s c sections 241 242 treasonunder the constitution at article 3 section 3 and intrinsic fraud cf auerbach v samuels 10 utah 2nd 152 349 p 2nd 1112 1114 allegheny corp vkirby d c n y 218 f supp 164 183 and keeton packing co v state 437s w 20 28 refusing to live by their oath places them in direct violation oftheir oath in every case violating their oath is not just cause for immediatedismissal and removal from office it is a federal crime federal lawregulating oath of office by government officials is divided into four partsalong with an executive order which further defines the law for purposes ofenforcement 5 u s c 3331 provides the text of the actual oath of officemembers of congress are required to take before assuming office 5 u s c 3333requires members of congress sign an affidavit that they have taken the oath ofoffice required by 5 u s c 3331 and have not or will not violate that oath ofoffice during their tenure of office as defined by the third part of the law 5u s c 7311 which explicitly makes it a federal criminal offense and aviolation of oath of office for anyone employed in the united statesgovernment including members of congress to advocate the overthrow of ourconstitutional form of government notice all rights reserved permission to distribute for non commercial purposes is hereby granted in whole or part provided attribution and a link to this article is included commercial distribution without the written permission of the author is prohibited this public email message including any attachment s is limited to the sole use of the intended recipient and may contain privileged and or confidential information any and all political private or public entities federal state or local corporate government s municipality ies international organizations corporation s agent s investigator s or informant s et al and or third party ies working in collusion by collecting and or monitoring my email s and any other means of spying and collecting these communications without my exclusive permission are barred from any and all unauthorized review use disclosure or distribution with explicit reservation of all my rights without prejudice and without recourse to me any omission does not constitute a waiver of any and or all intellectual property rights or reserved rights u c c 1 308 notice to agents is notice to principals notice to principals is notice to agents agents Hot Tractor Definition Pretty Much The Greatest Thing In The World Vintage T Shirt Tractor Definition Pretty Much The Greatest Thing In The World Vintage T Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women Premium Trending Trending shirt this Season : Baby Yoda, Gucci Just a Tractor Definition Pretty Much The Greatest Thing In The World Vintage T Shirt very random question my daughter got ahold of my elf cosmetics brush and chewed off some of the coating on the wooden base and ended up swallowing some before I could get it all out of her mouth poison control couldn’t find information on your webpage to see what the brush was comprised of and i’m just asking for reassurance that it’s not painted with anything containing lead or manufactured in china which has a high rate of using lead in products they said as long as it’s not made with lead she should be just fine so i’m coming here to receive clarification that it’s not please let me know at your earliest convenience thanks. I’m skipping mac and will only do nars from now on anyone that knows me well or even just knows me at all knows how much I love nordstrom after my experience having my makeup done at mac at southcenter mall in tukwila I have no plans of ever going back my 40th bday party was that night and I had an appointment at mac to get my eyes cheeks and lips done I got to the counter at 3 20 was informed my schedule artist would be with me shortly at 3 55 she decides to start I showed her an image of what I wanted and explained that time was running a little short since we were starting almost 30 minutes late she got the makeup and started working on my brows she almost tripled them in size showed me a pic and I asked her to just follow my natural brow 5 minutes later they were down to double the size I asked her again to just lightly fill them in showed her a pic of my natural brows and she proceeded to keep them at double the size I figured I would fix them when I get home her 4 00 showed up late and she stopped working on me to talk to her she then enlisted another artist for her 4 00 but felt obligated to find all the necessary makeup 15 minutes of this i’m almost an hour behind schedule with nothing on my face besides huge eyebrows she finally went to work and did the exact opposite of the photo she used no iip liner no under eye make up no blush or bronzer and employed no skill whatsoever an hour and 15 minutes after we were supposed to be done and one hour before I was to be picked up for my party she revealed this disaster this was the finished product I told her it didn’t look anything like what I was hoping for and would buy makeup remover only she looked at me said not one word and walked away I told the lady at the counter how upset I was my tears were also a dead giveaway and how I didn’t feel I should be charged for the fake eyelashes haphazardly applied or the makeup remover I would need she shrugged and said you look nice help this go viral worst experience of my life. Deaths continue at blm wy red desert roundup 2 foals dead from capture shock wed 1 foal euthanized after breaking his leg and a 2nd foal orphaned thurs a 6 year old stallion euthanized after being injured and blinded by another stallion on a trailer friday yesterday’s report from awhc s observer 140 wild horses were rounded up and captured from green mountain hma horses coming in with henneke body scores of 5’s and 6’s top notch condition for a wild horse 6 is even considered to be moderately fleshy observers kept approximately a mile away from the trap site mares and foals are being shipped to the rock springs holding facility picture below stallions going to axtell holding corrals in utah blmabuse stoptheroundups Another product: Official shop Trending for this post: Baby Yoda, Gucci Shirt Tractor Definition Pretty Much The Greatest Thing In The World Vintage T Shirt I love the Tractor Definition Pretty Much The Greatest Thing In The World Vintage T Shirt the honest co this is the second time I order these diapers are so good and so absorbent I don’t have to bother going to the store and their designs are so cute its delivered easy no fragrance and chemicals for my babies. This is an example of how wild horses can be managed there is no livestock grazing in the little book cliffs wild horse range and horses are managed with fertility control to keep reproduction down when removals are necessary as they seem to be in this case due to extreme drought bait trapping is used and horses are adopted locally so long pzp is fully utilized in this area it will continue to be a model program kudos to friends of the mustangs for their longtime stewardship of this special herd. Judge calls for us marshals and fbi to arrest congress and the president pope francis makes a law destroys every corporation in the world federal tax case shows evidence the u s legal system is a fraud if I were the devil paul harvey good audio penhallow v doane s administraters 3 u s 54 1 l ed 57 3 dall 54 supreme court ruling no corporate jurisdiction over the natural man supreme court of the united states 1795 inasmuch as every government is an artificial person an abstraction and a creature of the mind only a government can interface only with other artificial persons the imaginary having neither actuality nor substance is foreclosed from creating and attaining parity with the tangible the legal manifestation of this is that no government as well as any law agency aspect court etc can concern itself with anything other than corporate artificial persons and the contracts between them s c r 1795 3 u s 54 1 l ed 57 3 dall 54 public notice to law enforcement sheriffs elected officials and bar association members april 5 2015 take notice the roman curia created the concept of legal fictions trusts foundations and other corporations for good reasons however legal fictions can be misused by maxim of law those who create are responsible for their creations it follows that the roman curia is responsible for the proper functioning of all corporations worldwide as of september 1 2013 pope francis declared all corporations and corporate officers fully liable for their errors and omissions this means you also by maxim of law there is no statute of limitation on fraud privately owned governmental services corporations have been fraudulently passing themselves off as the government of the united states since 1862 the longevity of this fraud in no way imbues it with authority as an employee of these corporations you have no public office and no public bond and no foreign state immunity federal law enforcement personnel except u s marshals your status is that of a mall cop acting outside the mall you have no authority on the land jurisdiction of the continental united states you are acting under color of law when addressing citizens of the continental united states as if they were citizens of the federal united states if you threaten any living inhabitant of the continental united states with a gun taser or other weapon you can be hung as an inland pirate if you remove any livestock you can be hung as a cattle rustler if you cause any harm you can be sued without limit if you wear any uniform or display any badge or use any name or office designed to deceive or project authority you do not have you can be arrested for impersonating an officer you are acting in a purely private capacity and have only equal civil rights that may be withdrawn at any time you are also acting under martial law and may face extreme punishment for infractions against the civilian populace acts of plunder mortal violence and mischaracterization of civilians as combatants are all death penalty offenses u s marshals are allowed full egress within the continental united states so long as they are sworn and acting as officers sworn to uphold the actual constitution are not acting deceptively nor acting outside their international jurisdiction while in pursuit of their duty protecting the u s mail lawyers judges court clerks when you address birthright citizens of the continental united states in the foreign jurisdiction of the federal united states or that of a federal state and deliberately confuse living people with corporate franchises merely named after them you commit personage this results in press ganging land assets into the international jurisdiction of the sea a crime outlawed worldwide for 200 years it is a recognized act of inland piracy and it carries the death penalty mischaracterizing the identity or citizenship status of a birthright citizen of the continental united states is also a crime under the geneva protocols of 1949 volume ii article 3 it also right to travel page 17 carries the death penalty finally no member of the bar association may sit upon the bench of any public court nor occupy any public office of the continental united states including congress the involvement of any bar member automatically voids all proceedings pretending subject matter jurisdiction related to the actual land or its assets including the people of the continental united states the titles of nobility amendment adopted and ratified prior to the american civil war has not been repealed the federal united states and the municipality of washington dc all operate under the auspices of the united nations and are signatories of the universal right of self declaration anyone claiming to be a citizen of the continental united states having a valid birth certificate must be treated as such any debts or charges whatsoever related to vessels in commerce operated under his or her name by the federal united states any federal state the washington dc municipality or the united nations must be discharged according to maxim of law already cited you are responsible for what you create the federal united states and its federal states have created numerous vessels in commerce merely named after living citizens of the continental united states and styled in the form john quincy adams the washington dc municipality has similarly indulged in this practice and created franchises for itself named after living citizens of the continental united states styled in the form john quincy adams most recently the united nations has created public utilities and is operating them under names styled as john q adams the organizations that have created these franchises are completely 100 liable for their debts and obligations without exception and without recourse to claim upon the living people these franchises are named after you may not presume that the living people have consensually agreed to be subjected to statutory law you may not presume that they consensually agreed to be obligated for the debts of any legal fiction personas which have been created and named after them by third parties secretively operating in a private capacity and merely claiming to represent the victims of this fraud this is your due notice that the living people inhabiting the continental united states are presenting themselves and may not be addressed as if they belong to are responsible for or indebted in behalf of any legal fiction personas operated under their given names by any international corporation any continuance of any such claims and repugnant practices will be deemed immediate cause to liquidate the american bar association as a criminal syndicate and to deport its members from our shores international action is underway to secure the assets and credit owed to the victims please read research and do your own due diligence you are fully responsible for obeying the public law of the continental united states including revised statute 2561 and the right to travel page 18 constitution please respect the established jurisdictions of air land and sea and be aware that you may be arrested and fined or worse for failure to do so issued this fifth day of april 2015 judge anna maria riezinger alaska state superior court here are the orders by pope francis that all public officials that are under the jurisdiction of the vatican city state do no longer have immunity for the crimes they commit primarily judges in america which includes the bar association apostolic letter issued motu proprio proprio_20130711_organi giudiziari html facts please pass on we the people have servants all government offices are empty title of nobility or honor please pass on we the people have servants all government offices are empty all government offices are empty no oath of office to serve their is no employment attention all public servants subject title 8 usc 1481 stated once an oath of office is taken citizenship is relinquished thus you become a foreign entity agency or state that means every public office is a foreign state including all political subdivisions I e every single court and that courts personnel is considered a separate foreign entity that means every pubic office is a foreign state including all political sub divisions and contractors the foreign agents registration act fara was enacted in 1938 fara is a disclosure statute that requires persons acting as agents of foreign principals in a political or quasi political capacity to make periodic public disclosure of their relationship with the foreign principal as well as activities receipts and disbursements in support of those activities disclosure of the required information facilitates evaluation by the government and the american people of the statements and activities of such persons in light of their function as foreign agents the fara registration unit of the counterintelligence and export control section ces in the national security division nsd is responsible for the administration and enforcement of the act ors 180 220 powers and duties 1 the department of justice shall have a general control and supervision of all civil actions and legal proceedings in which the state of oregon may be a party or may be interested b full charge and control of all the legal business of all departments commissions and bureaus of the state or of any office thereof which requires the services of an attorney or counsel in order to protect the interests of the state 2 no state officer board commission or the head of a department or institution of the state shall employ or be represented by any other counsel or attorney at law 3 this section is subject to ors 825 508 amended by 1967 c 178 3 sovereignty rulings defenitions 1 as a natural right men may do anything their inclinations may suggest if it be not evil in its self and in no way impairs the rights of others in re newman 9 c 502 1858 2 the judicial power is the power to hear those matters that affect the life liberty or property of a citizen of the state sapulpa v land 101 okla 22 223 pac 640 35 a l r 872 3 the common law right of the jury to determine the law as well as the facts remains unimpaired state v croteau 23 vt 14 54 am dec 90 1849 4 the very meaning of sovereignty is that the decree of the sovereign makes law american banana co v united fruit co 29 s ct 511 513 213 u s 347 53 l ed 826 19 ann cas 1047 5 sovereign a chief ruler with supreme power a king or other ruler with limited power an action against a foreign sovereign is not maintainable 44 l rep n s 199 6 the people of the state are entitled to all rights which formerly belong to the king by his prerogatives lansing v smith 4 wendell 9 20 n y 1829 7 it will be admitted on all hands that with the exceptions of the powers granted through the constitution to the states and federal government the people of the several states are unconditionally sovereign within their respective states ohio l inns t co v debolt 16 how 416 14 l ed 997 8 a sovereign is exempt from suit not because of any formal conception or obsolete theory but on the logical and practical ground that there can be no legal right as against the authority that makes the law on which the right depends kawananakoa v polyblank 205 u s 349 353 27 s ct 526 527 51 l ed 834 1907 9 it is a general rule that the sovereign cannot be sued in his own court without consent and hence no direct judgment can be rendered against him therein for cost except in the manner and on the condition he has proscribed 40 la ann 856 bouvier s law dictionary vol 1 1897 10 no action can be taken against the sovereign in non constitutional courts of either the united states or the state courts any such action is considered the crime of barratry barratry is an offense at common law state v batson 17 s e 2d 511 512 513 11 court the person and the suit of the sovereign the place where the sovereign sojourns with his regal retinue where ever that may be black s law dictionary 5th edition page 318 12 a court of general jurisdiction is presumed to be acting within its jurisdiction till the contrary is shown brown jur section 202 wright v douglas 10 barb n y 97 town of huntington hall v town of charlotte 15 vt 46 13 sovereignty its self is of course not subject to law for it is the author and source of law but in our system while sovereign authority is delegated to agencies of government sovereignty itself remains with the people by whom and for whom all government exist and acts yick wo v hopkins 118 u s 356 at pg 370 14 every citizen freeman is endowed with certain rights privileges which no written law or statute is required these are the fundamental or natural rights among all free people u s v morris 125 f 322 325 15 an indictment is required in any case where a person is being charged with an infamous crime any crime for which the punishment is imprisonment is an infamous crime supreme court makin v united states 117 u s 348 the united states supreme court ruled that the merits of a case as settled by courts of one state must be recognized by the courts of other states state courts may not reopen cases which have been conclusively decided by the courts of another state later chief justice john marshall suggested that the judgment of one state court must be recognized by other states’ courts as final mills v duryee 1t1 u s 7 cranch 481 1813 also article 4 of the u s constitution states that each state shall give full faith and credit to the other states laws 18 u s code 2381 defines treason as whoever owing allegiance to the united states levies war against them or adheres to their enemies giving them aid and comfort within the united states or elsewhere is guilty of treason and the law states that those convicted of treason shall suffer death or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than 10 000 and shall be incapable of holding any office under the united states prigg v pennsylvania when the supreme court supported james madison’s advice to stop federal power to save the state county and city honor thy oath of servitude property other taxes I have many more pages of this the legal right of an individual to decrease or altogether avoid his her taxes by means which the law permits cannot be doubted gregory v helvering 293 u s 465 the fact is property is a tree income is the fruit labour is a tree income the fruit capital the tree income the ‘fruit ‘ the fruit if not consumed severed as fast as it ripens will germinate from the seed and will produce other trees and grow into more property but so long as it is fruit merely and plucked severed to eat it is no tree and will produce itself no fruit waring v city of savennah 60 ga 93 100 1878 direct taxes bear immediately upon persons upon possessions and enjoyments of rights indirect taxes are levied upon the happening of an event knowlton v moore 178 u s 41 see also tyler v united states 281 u s 497 at 502 1930 a tax laid upon the happening of an event as distinguished from its tangible fruits is an indirect tax tyler v u s 497 at pg 502 1930 a tax levied upon property because of its ownership is a direct tax whereas one levied upon property because of its use is an excise duty or impost manufactures’ trust co vs u s 32 f supp 289 thus in the matter of taxation the constitution recognizes the two great classes of direct and indirect taxes and lays down two rules by which their imposition must be governed namely the rule of apportionment as to direct taxes and the rule of uniformity as to duties imposts and excises determining that the classification of direct adopted for the purpose of rendering it impossible for the government to burden by taxation accumulation of property real or personal except subject to the regulation of apportionment pollock v farmers’ loan trust co 158 u s 601 at 637 1895 the name of the tax is unimportant that it is the substance and not the form which controls ‘ that the limitations of the constitution cannot be ‘frittered away’ by calling a tax indirect when it is in fact direct pollock v farmers’ loan and trust co 157 u s 429 580 1 583 1895 keeping in mind the well settled rule that the citizen is exempt from taxation unless the same is imposed by clear and unequivocal language and that where the construction of a tax is doubtful the doubt is to be resolved in favor of those upon whom the tax is sought to be laid spreckles sugar refining co vs mclain 192 us 397 that decision affirms the great principle that what cannot be done directly direct taxation because of constitutional restriction cannot be accomplished indirectly by legislation which accomplishes the same result fairbanks v u s 181 u s 283 294 1901 income tax declared unconstitutional suite101 suite101 com tax declared unconstitutional a208974 cached the u s supreme court in 1895 ruled unconstitutional a federal law containing income taxes with arguments concerning class warfare and the definition of a direct tax usc title 26 internal revenue code u s code lii www law cornell edu uscode text 26 all citizens have the right to a home and personal property and this property cannot be taxed unless in accordance with the two forms of constitutional taxation mentioned above personal liberty or the right to enjoyment of life and liberty is one of the fundamental or natural rights which has been protected by its inclusion as a guarantee in the various constitutions which is not derived from or dependent on the u s constitution which may not be submitted to a vote and may not depend on the outcome of an election it is one of the most sacred and valuable rights as sacred as the right to private property and is regarded as unalienable 16 c j s constitutional law sect 202 p 987 the supreme court ruled that municipalities cannot exert any acts of ownership and control over property that is not owned by them see palazzolo v rhode island 533 us 606 150 l ed 2d 592 121 s ct ___ 2001 no expiration date on the taking clause for city’s illegal enforcement of its codes on the man’s private property and restricting the man’s business affirming both lucas v south carolina coastal council 505 us 1003 120 l ed 2d 798 1992 the lead case that said treaty law cannot be interfered with by a state legislature in ware v hylton 1976 3 dall 3 u s 199 in this the supreme court held that a treaty is the supreme law of the land article vi section 2 and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby anything in the constitution or the laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding that any act of the legislature cannot stand in its way because a treaty is the declared will of the people of all the united states and shall be superior to the constitution and laws of any individual state in other words federal land patents put into evidence by a land owner cannot be challenged by a state court because it flows from a united states treaty and therefore no court has jurisdiction over title or ownership to land that traces its source to the paramount or common source of title from the united states government banks and private corporations notwithstanding because federal land patents were never given to corporations only to private citizens hence the term private land claim or plc as we call it used by the bureau of land management as the date of the original patent expatriating a u s citizen subject to the citizenship clause of the fourteenth amendment on the ground that after reaching the age of 18 the person has obtained foreign citizenship or declared allegiance to a foreign state generally will not be possible absent substantial evidence apart from the act itself that the individual specifically intended to relinquish u s citizenship an express statement of renunciation of u s citizenship would suffice the lead case for the louisiana purchase states is american insurance company v canter 1828 1 pet 26 u s 511 in which justice marshall held the power to make treaties is an absolute power of the united states government and from that power arises the right to govern it I e treaty law is superior to any state laws and is the supreme law of the land zoning law included property exempt from taxation ic 6 1 1 2 7 exempt property sec 7 a as used in this section non business personal property means personal property that is not 1 held for sale in the ordinary course of a trade or business 2 held used or consumed in connection with the production of income or 3 held as an investment black s law dictionary 5th edition pg 741 investment property generally any property purchased for the primary purpose of profit the profit may be from income or from resale so if you live in it and are not looking to resale it for profit it isn t taxable the oath of office is a quid proquo contract cf u s const art 6 clauses 2 and 3 davis vs lawyers suretycorporation 459 s w 2nd 655 657 tex civ app in which clerks officials or officers of the government pledge to perform support and upholdthe united states and state constitutions in return for substance wages perks benefits proponents are subjected to the penalties and remedies forbreach of contract conspiracy cf title 18 u s c sections 241 242 treasonunder the constitution at article 3 section 3 and intrinsic fraud cf auerbach v samuels 10 utah 2nd 152 349 p 2nd 1112 1114 allegheny corp vkirby d c n y 218 f supp 164 183 and keeton packing co v state 437s w 20 28 refusing to live by their oath places them in direct violation oftheir oath in every case violating their oath is not just cause for immediatedismissal and removal from office it is a federal crime federal lawregulating oath of office by government officials is divided into four partsalong with an executive order which further defines the law for purposes ofenforcement 5 u s c 3331 provides the text of the actual oath of officemembers of congress are required to take before assuming office 5 u s c 3333requires members of congress sign an affidavit that they have taken the oath ofoffice required by 5 u s c 3331 and have not or will not violate that oath ofoffice during their tenure of office as defined by the third part of the law 5u s c 7311 which explicitly makes it a federal criminal offense and aviolation of oath of office for anyone employed in the united statesgovernment including members of congress to advocate the overthrow of ourconstitutional form of government notice all rights reserved permission to distribute for non commercial purposes is hereby granted in whole or part provided attribution and a link to this article is included commercial distribution without the written permission of the author is prohibited this public email message including any attachment s is limited to the sole use of the intended recipient and may contain privileged and or confidential information any and all political private or public entities federal state or local corporate government s municipality ies international organizations corporation s agent s investigator s or informant s et al and or third party ies working in collusion by collecting and or monitoring my email s and any other means of spying and collecting these communications without my exclusive permission are barred from any and all unauthorized review use disclosure or distribution with explicit reservation of all my rights without prejudice and without recourse to me any omission does not constitute a waiver of any and or all intellectual property rights or reserved rights u c c 1 308 notice to agents is notice to principals notice to principals is notice to agents agents Hot Tractor Definition Pretty Much The Greatest Thing In The World Vintage T Shirt Tractor Definition Pretty Much The Greatest Thing In The World Vintage T Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women Premium Trending Trending shirt this Season : Baby Yoda, Gucci Just a Tractor Definition Pretty Much The Greatest Thing In The World Vintage T Shirt very random question my daughter got ahold of my elf cosmetics brush and chewed off some of the coating on the wooden base and ended up swallowing some before I could get it all out of her mouth poison control couldn’t find information on your webpage to see what the brush was comprised of and i’m just asking for reassurance that it’s not painted with anything containing lead or manufactured in china which has a high rate of using lead in products they said as long as it’s not made with lead she should be just fine so i’m coming here to receive clarification that it’s not please let me know at your earliest convenience thanks. I’m skipping mac and will only do nars from now on anyone that knows me well or even just knows me at all knows how much I love nordstrom after my experience having my makeup done at mac at southcenter mall in tukwila I have no plans of ever going back my 40th bday party was that night and I had an appointment at mac to get my eyes cheeks and lips done I got to the counter at 3 20 was informed my schedule artist would be with me shortly at 3 55 she decides to start I showed her an image of what I wanted and explained that time was running a little short since we were starting almost 30 minutes late she got the makeup and started working on my brows she almost tripled them in size showed me a pic and I asked her to just follow my natural brow 5 minutes later they were down to double the size I asked her again to just lightly fill them in showed her a pic of my natural brows and she proceeded to keep them at double the size I figured I would fix them when I get home her 4 00 showed up late and she stopped working on me to talk to her she then enlisted another artist for her 4 00 but felt obligated to find all the necessary makeup 15 minutes of this i’m almost an hour behind schedule with nothing on my face besides huge eyebrows she finally went to work and did the exact opposite of the photo she used no iip liner no under eye make up no blush or bronzer and employed no skill whatsoever an hour and 15 minutes after we were supposed to be done and one hour before I was to be picked up for my party she revealed this disaster this was the finished product I told her it didn’t look anything like what I was hoping for and would buy makeup remover only she looked at me said not one word and walked away I told the lady at the counter how upset I was my tears were also a dead giveaway and how I didn’t feel I should be charged for the fake eyelashes haphazardly applied or the makeup remover I would need she shrugged and said you look nice help this go viral worst experience of my life. Deaths continue at blm wy red desert roundup 2 foals dead from capture shock wed 1 foal euthanized after breaking his leg and a 2nd foal orphaned thurs a 6 year old stallion euthanized after being injured and blinded by another stallion on a trailer friday yesterday’s report from awhc s observer 140 wild horses were rounded up and captured from green mountain hma horses coming in with henneke body scores of 5’s and 6’s top notch condition for a wild horse 6 is even considered to be moderately fleshy observers kept approximately a mile away from the trap site mares and foals are being shipped to the rock springs holding facility picture below stallions going to axtell holding corrals in utah blmabuse stoptheroundups Another product: Official shop Trending for this post: Baby Yoda, Gucci Shirt

Tractor Definition Pretty Much The Greatest Thing In The World Vintage T Shirt - from 1

Tractor Definition Pretty Much The Greatest Thing In The World Vintage T Shirt - from 1

I love the Tractor Definition Pretty Much The Greatest Thing In The World Vintage T Shirt the honest co this is the second time I order these diapers are so good and so absorbent I don’t have to bother going to the store and their designs are so cute its delivered easy no fragrance and chemicals for my babies. This is an example of how wild horses can be managed there is no livestock grazing in the little book cliffs wild horse range and horses are managed with fertility control to keep reproduction down when removals are necessary as they seem to be in this case due to extreme drought bait trapping is used and horses are adopted locally so long pzp is fully utilized in this area it will continue to be a model program kudos to friends of the mustangs for their longtime stewardship of this special herd. Judge calls for us marshals and fbi to arrest congress and the president pope francis makes a law destroys every corporation in the world federal tax case shows evidence the u s legal system is a fraud if I were the devil paul harvey good audio penhallow v doane s administraters 3 u s 54 1 l ed 57 3 dall 54 supreme court ruling no corporate jurisdiction over the natural man supreme court of the united states 1795 inasmuch as every government is an artificial person an abstraction and a creature of the mind only a government can interface only with other artificial persons the imaginary having neither actuality nor substance is foreclosed from creating and attaining parity with the tangible the legal manifestation of this is that no government as well as any law agency aspect court etc can concern itself with anything other than corporate artificial persons and the contracts between them s c r 1795 3 u s 54 1 l ed 57 3 dall 54 public notice to law enforcement sheriffs elected officials and bar association members april 5 2015 take notice the roman curia created the concept of legal fictions trusts foundations and other corporations for good reasons however legal fictions can be misused by maxim of law those who create are responsible for their creations it follows that the roman curia is responsible for the proper functioning of all corporations worldwide as of september 1 2013 pope francis declared all corporations and corporate officers fully liable for their errors and omissions this means you also by maxim of law there is no statute of limitation on fraud privately owned governmental services corporations have been fraudulently passing themselves off as the government of the united states since 1862 the longevity of this fraud in no way imbues it with authority as an employee of these corporations you have no public office and no public bond and no foreign state immunity federal law enforcement personnel except u s marshals your status is that of a mall cop acting outside the mall you have no authority on the land jurisdiction of the continental united states you are acting under color of law when addressing citizens of the continental united states as if they were citizens of the federal united states if you threaten any living inhabitant of the continental united states with a gun taser or other weapon you can be hung as an inland pirate if you remove any livestock you can be hung as a cattle rustler if you cause any harm you can be sued without limit if you wear any uniform or display any badge or use any name or office designed to deceive or project authority you do not have you can be arrested for impersonating an officer you are acting in a purely private capacity and have only equal civil rights that may be withdrawn at any time you are also acting under martial law and may face extreme punishment for infractions against the civilian populace acts of plunder mortal violence and mischaracterization of civilians as combatants are all death penalty offenses u s marshals are allowed full egress within the continental united states so long as they are sworn and acting as officers sworn to uphold the actual constitution are not acting deceptively nor acting outside their international jurisdiction while in pursuit of their duty protecting the u s mail lawyers judges court clerks when you address birthright citizens of the continental united states in the foreign jurisdiction of the federal united states or that of a federal state and deliberately confuse living people with corporate franchises merely named after them you commit personage this results in press ganging land assets into the international jurisdiction of the sea a crime outlawed worldwide for 200 years it is a recognized act of inland piracy and it carries the death penalty mischaracterizing the identity or citizenship status of a birthright citizen of the continental united states is also a crime under the geneva protocols of 1949 volume ii article 3 it also right to travel page 17 carries the death penalty finally no member of the bar association may sit upon the bench of any public court nor occupy any public office of the continental united states including congress the involvement of any bar member automatically voids all proceedings pretending subject matter jurisdiction related to the actual land or its assets including the people of the continental united states the titles of nobility amendment adopted and ratified prior to the american civil war has not been repealed the federal united states and the municipality of washington dc all operate under the auspices of the united nations and are signatories of the universal right of self declaration anyone claiming to be a citizen of the continental united states having a valid birth certificate must be treated as such any debts or charges whatsoever related to vessels in commerce operated under his or her name by the federal united states any federal state the washington dc municipality or the united nations must be discharged according to maxim of law already cited you are responsible for what you create the federal united states and its federal states have created numerous vessels in commerce merely named after living citizens of the continental united states and styled in the form john quincy adams the washington dc municipality has similarly indulged in this practice and created franchises for itself named after living citizens of the continental united states styled in the form john quincy adams most recently the united nations has created public utilities and is operating them under names styled as john q adams the organizations that have created these franchises are completely 100 liable for their debts and obligations without exception and without recourse to claim upon the living people these franchises are named after you may not presume that the living people have consensually agreed to be subjected to statutory law you may not presume that they consensually agreed to be obligated for the debts of any legal fiction personas which have been created and named after them by third parties secretively operating in a private capacity and merely claiming to represent the victims of this fraud this is your due notice that the living people inhabiting the continental united states are presenting themselves and may not be addressed as if they belong to are responsible for or indebted in behalf of any legal fiction personas operated under their given names by any international corporation any continuance of any such claims and repugnant practices will be deemed immediate cause to liquidate the american bar association as a criminal syndicate and to deport its members from our shores international action is underway to secure the assets and credit owed to the victims please read research and do your own due diligence you are fully responsible for obeying the public law of the continental united states including revised statute 2561 and the right to travel page 18 constitution please respect the established jurisdictions of air land and sea and be aware that you may be arrested and fined or worse for failure to do so issued this fifth day of april 2015 judge anna maria riezinger alaska state superior court here are the orders by pope francis that all public officials that are under the jurisdiction of the vatican city state do no longer have immunity for the crimes they commit primarily judges in america which includes the bar association apostolic letter issued motu proprio proprio_20130711_organi giudiziari html facts please pass on we the people have servants all government offices are empty title of nobility or honor please pass on we the people have servants all government offices are empty all government offices are empty no oath of office to serve their is no employment attention all public servants subject title 8 usc 1481 stated once an oath of office is taken citizenship is relinquished thus you become a foreign entity agency or state that means every public office is a foreign state including all political subdivisions I e every single court and that courts personnel is considered a separate foreign entity that means every pubic office is a foreign state including all political sub divisions and contractors the foreign agents registration act fara was enacted in 1938 fara is a disclosure statute that requires persons acting as agents of foreign principals in a political or quasi political capacity to make periodic public disclosure of their relationship with the foreign principal as well as activities receipts and disbursements in support of those activities disclosure of the required information facilitates evaluation by the government and the american people of the statements and activities of such persons in light of their function as foreign agents the fara registration unit of the counterintelligence and export control section ces in the national security division nsd is responsible for the administration and enforcement of the act ors 180 220 powers and duties 1 the department of justice shall have a general control and supervision of all civil actions and legal proceedings in which the state of oregon may be a party or may be interested b full charge and control of all the legal business of all departments commissions and bureaus of the state or of any office thereof which requires the services of an attorney or counsel in order to protect the interests of the state 2 no state officer board commission or the head of a department or institution of the state shall employ or be represented by any other counsel or attorney at law 3 this section is subject to ors 825 508 amended by 1967 c 178 3 sovereignty rulings defenitions 1 as a natural right men may do anything their inclinations may suggest if it be not evil in its self and in no way impairs the rights of others in re newman 9 c 502 1858 2 the judicial power is the power to hear those matters that affect the life liberty or property of a citizen of the state sapulpa v land 101 okla 22 223 pac 640 35 a l r 872 3 the common law right of the jury to determine the law as well as the facts remains unimpaired state v croteau 23 vt 14 54 am dec 90 1849 4 the very meaning of sovereignty is that the decree of the sovereign makes law american banana co v united fruit co 29 s ct 511 513 213 u s 347 53 l ed 826 19 ann cas 1047 5 sovereign a chief ruler with supreme power a king or other ruler with limited power an action against a foreign sovereign is not maintainable 44 l rep n s 199 6 the people of the state are entitled to all rights which formerly belong to the king by his prerogatives lansing v smith 4 wendell 9 20 n y 1829 7 it will be admitted on all hands that with the exceptions of the powers granted through the constitution to the states and federal government the people of the several states are unconditionally sovereign within their respective states ohio l inns t co v debolt 16 how 416 14 l ed 997 8 a sovereign is exempt from suit not because of any formal conception or obsolete theory but on the logical and practical ground that there can be no legal right as against the authority that makes the law on which the right depends kawananakoa v polyblank 205 u s 349 353 27 s ct 526 527 51 l ed 834 1907 9 it is a general rule that the sovereign cannot be sued in his own court without consent and hence no direct judgment can be rendered against him therein for cost except in the manner and on the condition he has proscribed 40 la ann 856 bouvier s law dictionary vol 1 1897 10 no action can be taken against the sovereign in non constitutional courts of either the united states or the state courts any such action is considered the crime of barratry barratry is an offense at common law state v batson 17 s e 2d 511 512 513 11 court the person and the suit of the sovereign the place where the sovereign sojourns with his regal retinue where ever that may be black s law dictionary 5th edition page 318 12 a court of general jurisdiction is presumed to be acting within its jurisdiction till the contrary is shown brown jur section 202 wright v douglas 10 barb n y 97 town of huntington hall v town of charlotte 15 vt 46 13 sovereignty its self is of course not subject to law for it is the author and source of law but in our system while sovereign authority is delegated to agencies of government sovereignty itself remains with the people by whom and for whom all government exist and acts yick wo v hopkins 118 u s 356 at pg 370 14 every citizen freeman is endowed with certain rights privileges which no written law or statute is required these are the fundamental or natural rights among all free people u s v morris 125 f 322 325 15 an indictment is required in any case where a person is being charged with an infamous crime any crime for which the punishment is imprisonment is an infamous crime supreme court makin v united states 117 u s 348 the united states supreme court ruled that the merits of a case as settled by courts of one state must be recognized by the courts of other states state courts may not reopen cases which have been conclusively decided by the courts of another state later chief justice john marshall suggested that the judgment of one state court must be recognized by other states’ courts as final mills v duryee 1t1 u s 7 cranch 481 1813 also article 4 of the u s constitution states that each state shall give full faith and credit to the other states laws 18 u s code 2381 defines treason as whoever owing allegiance to the united states levies war against them or adheres to their enemies giving them aid and comfort within the united states or elsewhere is guilty of treason and the law states that those convicted of treason shall suffer death or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than 10 000 and shall be incapable of holding any office under the united states prigg v pennsylvania when the supreme court supported james madison’s advice to stop federal power to save the state county and city honor thy oath of servitude property other taxes I have many more pages of this the legal right of an individual to decrease or altogether avoid his her taxes by means which the law permits cannot be doubted gregory v helvering 293 u s 465 the fact is property is a tree income is the fruit labour is a tree income the fruit capital the tree income the ‘fruit ‘ the fruit if not consumed severed as fast as it ripens will germinate from the seed and will produce other trees and grow into more property but so long as it is fruit merely and plucked severed to eat it is no tree and will produce itself no fruit waring v city of savennah 60 ga 93 100 1878 direct taxes bear immediately upon persons upon possessions and enjoyments of rights indirect taxes are levied upon the happening of an event knowlton v moore 178 u s 41 see also tyler v united states 281 u s 497 at 502 1930 a tax laid upon the happening of an event as distinguished from its tangible fruits is an indirect tax tyler v u s 497 at pg 502 1930 a tax levied upon property because of its ownership is a direct tax whereas one levied upon property because of its use is an excise duty or impost manufactures’ trust co vs u s 32 f supp 289 thus in the matter of taxation the constitution recognizes the two great classes of direct and indirect taxes and lays down two rules by which their imposition must be governed namely the rule of apportionment as to direct taxes and the rule of uniformity as to duties imposts and excises determining that the classification of direct adopted for the purpose of rendering it impossible for the government to burden by taxation accumulation of property real or personal except subject to the regulation of apportionment pollock v farmers’ loan trust co 158 u s 601 at 637 1895 the name of the tax is unimportant that it is the substance and not the form which controls ‘ that the limitations of the constitution cannot be ‘frittered away’ by calling a tax indirect when it is in fact direct pollock v farmers’ loan and trust co 157 u s 429 580 1 583 1895 keeping in mind the well settled rule that the citizen is exempt from taxation unless the same is imposed by clear and unequivocal language and that where the construction of a tax is doubtful the doubt is to be resolved in favor of those upon whom the tax is sought to be laid spreckles sugar refining co vs mclain 192 us 397 that decision affirms the great principle that what cannot be done directly direct taxation because of constitutional restriction cannot be accomplished indirectly by legislation which accomplishes the same result fairbanks v u s 181 u s 283 294 1901 income tax declared unconstitutional suite101 suite101 com tax declared unconstitutional a208974 cached the u s supreme court in 1895 ruled unconstitutional a federal law containing income taxes with arguments concerning class warfare and the definition of a direct tax usc title 26 internal revenue code u s code lii www law cornell edu uscode text 26 all citizens have the right to a home and personal property and this property cannot be taxed unless in accordance with the two forms of constitutional taxation mentioned above personal liberty or the right to enjoyment of life and liberty is one of the fundamental or natural rights which has been protected by its inclusion as a guarantee in the various constitutions which is not derived from or dependent on the u s constitution which may not be submitted to a vote and may not depend on the outcome of an election it is one of the most sacred and valuable rights as sacred as the right to private property and is regarded as unalienable 16 c j s constitutional law sect 202 p 987 the supreme court ruled that municipalities cannot exert any acts of ownership and control over property that is not owned by them see palazzolo v rhode island 533 us 606 150 l ed 2d 592 121 s ct ___ 2001 no expiration date on the taking clause for city’s illegal enforcement of its codes on the man’s private property and restricting the man’s business affirming both lucas v south carolina coastal council 505 us 1003 120 l ed 2d 798 1992 the lead case that said treaty law cannot be interfered with by a state legislature in ware v hylton 1976 3 dall 3 u s 199 in this the supreme court held that a treaty is the supreme law of the land article vi section 2 and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby anything in the constitution or the laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding that any act of the legislature cannot stand in its way because a treaty is the declared will of the people of all the united states and shall be superior to the constitution and laws of any individual state in other words federal land patents put into evidence by a land owner cannot be challenged by a state court because it flows from a united states treaty and therefore no court has jurisdiction over title or ownership to land that traces its source to the paramount or common source of title from the united states government banks and private corporations notwithstanding because federal land patents were never given to corporations only to private citizens hence the term private land claim or plc as we call it used by the bureau of land management as the date of the original patent expatriating a u s citizen subject to the citizenship clause of the fourteenth amendment on the ground that after reaching the age of 18 the person has obtained foreign citizenship or declared allegiance to a foreign state generally will not be possible absent substantial evidence apart from the act itself that the individual specifically intended to relinquish u s citizenship an express statement of renunciation of u s citizenship would suffice the lead case for the louisiana purchase states is american insurance company v canter 1828 1 pet 26 u s 511 in which justice marshall held the power to make treaties is an absolute power of the united states government and from that power arises the right to govern it I e treaty law is superior to any state laws and is the supreme law of the land zoning law included property exempt from taxation ic 6 1 1 2 7 exempt property sec 7 a as used in this section non business personal property means personal property that is not 1 held for sale in the ordinary course of a trade or business 2 held used or consumed in connection with the production of income or 3 held as an investment black s law dictionary 5th edition pg 741 investment property generally any property purchased for the primary purpose of profit the profit may be from income or from resale so if you live in it and are not looking to resale it for profit it isn t taxable the oath of office is a quid proquo contract cf u s const art 6 clauses 2 and 3 davis vs lawyers suretycorporation 459 s w 2nd 655 657 tex civ app in which clerks officials or officers of the government pledge to perform support and upholdthe united states and state constitutions in return for substance wages perks benefits proponents are subjected to the penalties and remedies forbreach of contract conspiracy cf title 18 u s c sections 241 242 treasonunder the constitution at article 3 section 3 and intrinsic fraud cf auerbach v samuels 10 utah 2nd 152 349 p 2nd 1112 1114 allegheny corp vkirby d c n y 218 f supp 164 183 and keeton packing co v state 437s w 20 28 refusing to live by their oath places them in direct violation oftheir oath in every case violating their oath is not just cause for immediatedismissal and removal from office it is a federal crime federal lawregulating oath of office by government officials is divided into four partsalong with an executive order which further defines the law for purposes ofenforcement 5 u s c 3331 provides the text of the actual oath of officemembers of congress are required to take before assuming office 5 u s c 3333requires members of congress sign an affidavit that they have taken the oath ofoffice required by 5 u s c 3331 and have not or will not violate that oath ofoffice during their tenure of office as defined by the third part of the law 5u s c 7311 which explicitly makes it a federal criminal offense and aviolation of oath of office for anyone employed in the united statesgovernment including members of congress to advocate the overthrow of ourconstitutional form of government notice all rights reserved permission to distribute for non commercial purposes is hereby granted in whole or part provided attribution and a link to this article is included commercial distribution without the written permission of the author is prohibited this public email message including any attachment s is limited to the sole use of the intended recipient and may contain privileged and or confidential information any and all political private or public entities federal state or local corporate government s municipality ies international organizations corporation s agent s investigator s or informant s et al and or third party ies working in collusion by collecting and or monitoring my email s and any other means of spying and collecting these communications without my exclusive permission are barred from any and all unauthorized review use disclosure or distribution with explicit reservation of all my rights without prejudice and without recourse to me any omission does not constitute a waiver of any and or all intellectual property rights or reserved rights u c c 1 308 notice to agents is notice to principals notice to principals is notice to agents agents Hot Tractor Definition Pretty Much The Greatest Thing In The World Vintage T Shirt Tractor Definition Pretty Much The Greatest Thing In The World Vintage T Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women Premium Trending Trending shirt this Season : Baby Yoda, Gucci Just a Tractor Definition Pretty Much The Greatest Thing In The World Vintage T Shirt very random question my daughter got ahold of my elf cosmetics brush and chewed off some of the coating on the wooden base and ended up swallowing some before I could get it all out of her mouth poison control couldn’t find information on your webpage to see what the brush was comprised of and i’m just asking for reassurance that it’s not painted with anything containing lead or manufactured in china which has a high rate of using lead in products they said as long as it’s not made with lead she should be just fine so i’m coming here to receive clarification that it’s not please let me know at your earliest convenience thanks. I’m skipping mac and will only do nars from now on anyone that knows me well or even just knows me at all knows how much I love nordstrom after my experience having my makeup done at mac at southcenter mall in tukwila I have no plans of ever going back my 40th bday party was that night and I had an appointment at mac to get my eyes cheeks and lips done I got to the counter at 3 20 was informed my schedule artist would be with me shortly at 3 55 she decides to start I showed her an image of what I wanted and explained that time was running a little short since we were starting almost 30 minutes late she got the makeup and started working on my brows she almost tripled them in size showed me a pic and I asked her to just follow my natural brow 5 minutes later they were down to double the size I asked her again to just lightly fill them in showed her a pic of my natural brows and she proceeded to keep them at double the size I figured I would fix them when I get home her 4 00 showed up late and she stopped working on me to talk to her she then enlisted another artist for her 4 00 but felt obligated to find all the necessary makeup 15 minutes of this i’m almost an hour behind schedule with nothing on my face besides huge eyebrows she finally went to work and did the exact opposite of the photo she used no iip liner no under eye make up no blush or bronzer and employed no skill whatsoever an hour and 15 minutes after we were supposed to be done and one hour before I was to be picked up for my party she revealed this disaster this was the finished product I told her it didn’t look anything like what I was hoping for and would buy makeup remover only she looked at me said not one word and walked away I told the lady at the counter how upset I was my tears were also a dead giveaway and how I didn’t feel I should be charged for the fake eyelashes haphazardly applied or the makeup remover I would need she shrugged and said you look nice help this go viral worst experience of my life. Deaths continue at blm wy red desert roundup 2 foals dead from capture shock wed 1 foal euthanized after breaking his leg and a 2nd foal orphaned thurs a 6 year old stallion euthanized after being injured and blinded by another stallion on a trailer friday yesterday’s report from awhc s observer 140 wild horses were rounded up and captured from green mountain hma horses coming in with henneke body scores of 5’s and 6’s top notch condition for a wild horse 6 is even considered to be moderately fleshy observers kept approximately a mile away from the trap site mares and foals are being shipped to the rock springs holding facility picture below stallions going to axtell holding corrals in utah blmabuse stoptheroundups Another product: Official shop Trending for this post: Baby Yoda, Gucci Shirt Tractor Definition Pretty Much The Greatest Thing In The World Vintage T Shirt I love the Tractor Definition Pretty Much The Greatest Thing In The World Vintage T Shirt the honest co this is the second time I order these diapers are so good and so absorbent I don’t have to bother going to the store and their designs are so cute its delivered easy no fragrance and chemicals for my babies. This is an example of how wild horses can be managed there is no livestock grazing in the little book cliffs wild horse range and horses are managed with fertility control to keep reproduction down when removals are necessary as they seem to be in this case due to extreme drought bait trapping is used and horses are adopted locally so long pzp is fully utilized in this area it will continue to be a model program kudos to friends of the mustangs for their longtime stewardship of this special herd. Judge calls for us marshals and fbi to arrest congress and the president pope francis makes a law destroys every corporation in the world federal tax case shows evidence the u s legal system is a fraud if I were the devil paul harvey good audio penhallow v doane s administraters 3 u s 54 1 l ed 57 3 dall 54 supreme court ruling no corporate jurisdiction over the natural man supreme court of the united states 1795 inasmuch as every government is an artificial person an abstraction and a creature of the mind only a government can interface only with other artificial persons the imaginary having neither actuality nor substance is foreclosed from creating and attaining parity with the tangible the legal manifestation of this is that no government as well as any law agency aspect court etc can concern itself with anything other than corporate artificial persons and the contracts between them s c r 1795 3 u s 54 1 l ed 57 3 dall 54 public notice to law enforcement sheriffs elected officials and bar association members april 5 2015 take notice the roman curia created the concept of legal fictions trusts foundations and other corporations for good reasons however legal fictions can be misused by maxim of law those who create are responsible for their creations it follows that the roman curia is responsible for the proper functioning of all corporations worldwide as of september 1 2013 pope francis declared all corporations and corporate officers fully liable for their errors and omissions this means you also by maxim of law there is no statute of limitation on fraud privately owned governmental services corporations have been fraudulently passing themselves off as the government of the united states since 1862 the longevity of this fraud in no way imbues it with authority as an employee of these corporations you have no public office and no public bond and no foreign state immunity federal law enforcement personnel except u s marshals your status is that of a mall cop acting outside the mall you have no authority on the land jurisdiction of the continental united states you are acting under color of law when addressing citizens of the continental united states as if they were citizens of the federal united states if you threaten any living inhabitant of the continental united states with a gun taser or other weapon you can be hung as an inland pirate if you remove any livestock you can be hung as a cattle rustler if you cause any harm you can be sued without limit if you wear any uniform or display any badge or use any name or office designed to deceive or project authority you do not have you can be arrested for impersonating an officer you are acting in a purely private capacity and have only equal civil rights that may be withdrawn at any time you are also acting under martial law and may face extreme punishment for infractions against the civilian populace acts of plunder mortal violence and mischaracterization of civilians as combatants are all death penalty offenses u s marshals are allowed full egress within the continental united states so long as they are sworn and acting as officers sworn to uphold the actual constitution are not acting deceptively nor acting outside their international jurisdiction while in pursuit of their duty protecting the u s mail lawyers judges court clerks when you address birthright citizens of the continental united states in the foreign jurisdiction of the federal united states or that of a federal state and deliberately confuse living people with corporate franchises merely named after them you commit personage this results in press ganging land assets into the international jurisdiction of the sea a crime outlawed worldwide for 200 years it is a recognized act of inland piracy and it carries the death penalty mischaracterizing the identity or citizenship status of a birthright citizen of the continental united states is also a crime under the geneva protocols of 1949 volume ii article 3 it also right to travel page 17 carries the death penalty finally no member of the bar association may sit upon the bench of any public court nor occupy any public office of the continental united states including congress the involvement of any bar member automatically voids all proceedings pretending subject matter jurisdiction related to the actual land or its assets including the people of the continental united states the titles of nobility amendment adopted and ratified prior to the american civil war has not been repealed the federal united states and the municipality of washington dc all operate under the auspices of the united nations and are signatories of the universal right of self declaration anyone claiming to be a citizen of the continental united states having a valid birth certificate must be treated as such any debts or charges whatsoever related to vessels in commerce operated under his or her name by the federal united states any federal state the washington dc municipality or the united nations must be discharged according to maxim of law already cited you are responsible for what you create the federal united states and its federal states have created numerous vessels in commerce merely named after living citizens of the continental united states and styled in the form john quincy adams the washington dc municipality has similarly indulged in this practice and created franchises for itself named after living citizens of the continental united states styled in the form john quincy adams most recently the united nations has created public utilities and is operating them under names styled as john q adams the organizations that have created these franchises are completely 100 liable for their debts and obligations without exception and without recourse to claim upon the living people these franchises are named after you may not presume that the living people have consensually agreed to be subjected to statutory law you may not presume that they consensually agreed to be obligated for the debts of any legal fiction personas which have been created and named after them by third parties secretively operating in a private capacity and merely claiming to represent the victims of this fraud this is your due notice that the living people inhabiting the continental united states are presenting themselves and may not be addressed as if they belong to are responsible for or indebted in behalf of any legal fiction personas operated under their given names by any international corporation any continuance of any such claims and repugnant practices will be deemed immediate cause to liquidate the american bar association as a criminal syndicate and to deport its members from our shores international action is underway to secure the assets and credit owed to the victims please read research and do your own due diligence you are fully responsible for obeying the public law of the continental united states including revised statute 2561 and the right to travel page 18 constitution please respect the established jurisdictions of air land and sea and be aware that you may be arrested and fined or worse for failure to do so issued this fifth day of april 2015 judge anna maria riezinger alaska state superior court here are the orders by pope francis that all public officials that are under the jurisdiction of the vatican city state do no longer have immunity for the crimes they commit primarily judges in america which includes the bar association apostolic letter issued motu proprio proprio_20130711_organi giudiziari html facts please pass on we the people have servants all government offices are empty title of nobility or honor please pass on we the people have servants all government offices are empty all government offices are empty no oath of office to serve their is no employment attention all public servants subject title 8 usc 1481 stated once an oath of office is taken citizenship is relinquished thus you become a foreign entity agency or state that means every public office is a foreign state including all political subdivisions I e every single court and that courts personnel is considered a separate foreign entity that means every pubic office is a foreign state including all political sub divisions and contractors the foreign agents registration act fara was enacted in 1938 fara is a disclosure statute that requires persons acting as agents of foreign principals in a political or quasi political capacity to make periodic public disclosure of their relationship with the foreign principal as well as activities receipts and disbursements in support of those activities disclosure of the required information facilitates evaluation by the government and the american people of the statements and activities of such persons in light of their function as foreign agents the fara registration unit of the counterintelligence and export control section ces in the national security division nsd is responsible for the administration and enforcement of the act ors 180 220 powers and duties 1 the department of justice shall have a general control and supervision of all civil actions and legal proceedings in which the state of oregon may be a party or may be interested b full charge and control of all the legal business of all departments commissions and bureaus of the state or of any office thereof which requires the services of an attorney or counsel in order to protect the interests of the state 2 no state officer board commission or the head of a department or institution of the state shall employ or be represented by any other counsel or attorney at law 3 this section is subject to ors 825 508 amended by 1967 c 178 3 sovereignty rulings defenitions 1 as a natural right men may do anything their inclinations may suggest if it be not evil in its self and in no way impairs the rights of others in re newman 9 c 502 1858 2 the judicial power is the power to hear those matters that affect the life liberty or property of a citizen of the state sapulpa v land 101 okla 22 223 pac 640 35 a l r 872 3 the common law right of the jury to determine the law as well as the facts remains unimpaired state v croteau 23 vt 14 54 am dec 90 1849 4 the very meaning of sovereignty is that the decree of the sovereign makes law american banana co v united fruit co 29 s ct 511 513 213 u s 347 53 l ed 826 19 ann cas 1047 5 sovereign a chief ruler with supreme power a king or other ruler with limited power an action against a foreign sovereign is not maintainable 44 l rep n s 199 6 the people of the state are entitled to all rights which formerly belong to the king by his prerogatives lansing v smith 4 wendell 9 20 n y 1829 7 it will be admitted on all hands that with the exceptions of the powers granted through the constitution to the states and federal government the people of the several states are unconditionally sovereign within their respective states ohio l inns t co v debolt 16 how 416 14 l ed 997 8 a sovereign is exempt from suit not because of any formal conception or obsolete theory but on the logical and practical ground that there can be no legal right as against the authority that makes the law on which the right depends kawananakoa v polyblank 205 u s 349 353 27 s ct 526 527 51 l ed 834 1907 9 it is a general rule that the sovereign cannot be sued in his own court without consent and hence no direct judgment can be rendered against him therein for cost except in the manner and on the condition he has proscribed 40 la ann 856 bouvier s law dictionary vol 1 1897 10 no action can be taken against the sovereign in non constitutional courts of either the united states or the state courts any such action is considered the crime of barratry barratry is an offense at common law state v batson 17 s e 2d 511 512 513 11 court the person and the suit of the sovereign the place where the sovereign sojourns with his regal retinue where ever that may be black s law dictionary 5th edition page 318 12 a court of general jurisdiction is presumed to be acting within its jurisdiction till the contrary is shown brown jur section 202 wright v douglas 10 barb n y 97 town of huntington hall v town of charlotte 15 vt 46 13 sovereignty its self is of course not subject to law for it is the author and source of law but in our system while sovereign authority is delegated to agencies of government sovereignty itself remains with the people by whom and for whom all government exist and acts yick wo v hopkins 118 u s 356 at pg 370 14 every citizen freeman is endowed with certain rights privileges which no written law or statute is required these are the fundamental or natural rights among all free people u s v morris 125 f 322 325 15 an indictment is required in any case where a person is being charged with an infamous crime any crime for which the punishment is imprisonment is an infamous crime supreme court makin v united states 117 u s 348 the united states supreme court ruled that the merits of a case as settled by courts of one state must be recognized by the courts of other states state courts may not reopen cases which have been conclusively decided by the courts of another state later chief justice john marshall suggested that the judgment of one state court must be recognized by other states’ courts as final mills v duryee 1t1 u s 7 cranch 481 1813 also article 4 of the u s constitution states that each state shall give full faith and credit to the other states laws 18 u s code 2381 defines treason as whoever owing allegiance to the united states levies war against them or adheres to their enemies giving them aid and comfort within the united states or elsewhere is guilty of treason and the law states that those convicted of treason shall suffer death or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than 10 000 and shall be incapable of holding any office under the united states prigg v pennsylvania when the supreme court supported james madison’s advice to stop federal power to save the state county and city honor thy oath of servitude property other taxes I have many more pages of this the legal right of an individual to decrease or altogether avoid his her taxes by means which the law permits cannot be doubted gregory v helvering 293 u s 465 the fact is property is a tree income is the fruit labour is a tree income the fruit capital the tree income the ‘fruit ‘ the fruit if not consumed severed as fast as it ripens will germinate from the seed and will produce other trees and grow into more property but so long as it is fruit merely and plucked severed to eat it is no tree and will produce itself no fruit waring v city of savennah 60 ga 93 100 1878 direct taxes bear immediately upon persons upon possessions and enjoyments of rights indirect taxes are levied upon the happening of an event knowlton v moore 178 u s 41 see also tyler v united states 281 u s 497 at 502 1930 a tax laid upon the happening of an event as distinguished from its tangible fruits is an indirect tax tyler v u s 497 at pg 502 1930 a tax levied upon property because of its ownership is a direct tax whereas one levied upon property because of its use is an excise duty or impost manufactures’ trust co vs u s 32 f supp 289 thus in the matter of taxation the constitution recognizes the two great classes of direct and indirect taxes and lays down two rules by which their imposition must be governed namely the rule of apportionment as to direct taxes and the rule of uniformity as to duties imposts and excises determining that the classification of direct adopted for the purpose of rendering it impossible for the government to burden by taxation accumulation of property real or personal except subject to the regulation of apportionment pollock v farmers’ loan trust co 158 u s 601 at 637 1895 the name of the tax is unimportant that it is the substance and not the form which controls ‘ that the limitations of the constitution cannot be ‘frittered away’ by calling a tax indirect when it is in fact direct pollock v farmers’ loan and trust co 157 u s 429 580 1 583 1895 keeping in mind the well settled rule that the citizen is exempt from taxation unless the same is imposed by clear and unequivocal language and that where the construction of a tax is doubtful the doubt is to be resolved in favor of those upon whom the tax is sought to be laid spreckles sugar refining co vs mclain 192 us 397 that decision affirms the great principle that what cannot be done directly direct taxation because of constitutional restriction cannot be accomplished indirectly by legislation which accomplishes the same result fairbanks v u s 181 u s 283 294 1901 income tax declared unconstitutional suite101 suite101 com tax declared unconstitutional a208974 cached the u s supreme court in 1895 ruled unconstitutional a federal law containing income taxes with arguments concerning class warfare and the definition of a direct tax usc title 26 internal revenue code u s code lii www law cornell edu uscode text 26 all citizens have the right to a home and personal property and this property cannot be taxed unless in accordance with the two forms of constitutional taxation mentioned above personal liberty or the right to enjoyment of life and liberty is one of the fundamental or natural rights which has been protected by its inclusion as a guarantee in the various constitutions which is not derived from or dependent on the u s constitution which may not be submitted to a vote and may not depend on the outcome of an election it is one of the most sacred and valuable rights as sacred as the right to private property and is regarded as unalienable 16 c j s constitutional law sect 202 p 987 the supreme court ruled that municipalities cannot exert any acts of ownership and control over property that is not owned by them see palazzolo v rhode island 533 us 606 150 l ed 2d 592 121 s ct ___ 2001 no expiration date on the taking clause for city’s illegal enforcement of its codes on the man’s private property and restricting the man’s business affirming both lucas v south carolina coastal council 505 us 1003 120 l ed 2d 798 1992 the lead case that said treaty law cannot be interfered with by a state legislature in ware v hylton 1976 3 dall 3 u s 199 in this the supreme court held that a treaty is the supreme law of the land article vi section 2 and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby anything in the constitution or the laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding that any act of the legislature cannot stand in its way because a treaty is the declared will of the people of all the united states and shall be superior to the constitution and laws of any individual state in other words federal land patents put into evidence by a land owner cannot be challenged by a state court because it flows from a united states treaty and therefore no court has jurisdiction over title or ownership to land that traces its source to the paramount or common source of title from the united states government banks and private corporations notwithstanding because federal land patents were never given to corporations only to private citizens hence the term private land claim or plc as we call it used by the bureau of land management as the date of the original patent expatriating a u s citizen subject to the citizenship clause of the fourteenth amendment on the ground that after reaching the age of 18 the person has obtained foreign citizenship or declared allegiance to a foreign state generally will not be possible absent substantial evidence apart from the act itself that the individual specifically intended to relinquish u s citizenship an express statement of renunciation of u s citizenship would suffice the lead case for the louisiana purchase states is american insurance company v canter 1828 1 pet 26 u s 511 in which justice marshall held the power to make treaties is an absolute power of the united states government and from that power arises the right to govern it I e treaty law is superior to any state laws and is the supreme law of the land zoning law included property exempt from taxation ic 6 1 1 2 7 exempt property sec 7 a as used in this section non business personal property means personal property that is not 1 held for sale in the ordinary course of a trade or business 2 held used or consumed in connection with the production of income or 3 held as an investment black s law dictionary 5th edition pg 741 investment property generally any property purchased for the primary purpose of profit the profit may be from income or from resale so if you live in it and are not looking to resale it for profit it isn t taxable the oath of office is a quid proquo contract cf u s const art 6 clauses 2 and 3 davis vs lawyers suretycorporation 459 s w 2nd 655 657 tex civ app in which clerks officials or officers of the government pledge to perform support and upholdthe united states and state constitutions in return for substance wages perks benefits proponents are subjected to the penalties and remedies forbreach of contract conspiracy cf title 18 u s c sections 241 242 treasonunder the constitution at article 3 section 3 and intrinsic fraud cf auerbach v samuels 10 utah 2nd 152 349 p 2nd 1112 1114 allegheny corp vkirby d c n y 218 f supp 164 183 and keeton packing co v state 437s w 20 28 refusing to live by their oath places them in direct violation oftheir oath in every case violating their oath is not just cause for immediatedismissal and removal from office it is a federal crime federal lawregulating oath of office by government officials is divided into four partsalong with an executive order which further defines the law for purposes ofenforcement 5 u s c 3331 provides the text of the actual oath of officemembers of congress are required to take before assuming office 5 u s c 3333requires members of congress sign an affidavit that they have taken the oath ofoffice required by 5 u s c 3331 and have not or will not violate that oath ofoffice during their tenure of office as defined by the third part of the law 5u s c 7311 which explicitly makes it a federal criminal offense and aviolation of oath of office for anyone employed in the united statesgovernment including members of congress to advocate the overthrow of ourconstitutional form of government notice all rights reserved permission to distribute for non commercial purposes is hereby granted in whole or part provided attribution and a link to this article is included commercial distribution without the written permission of the author is prohibited this public email message including any attachment s is limited to the sole use of the intended recipient and may contain privileged and or confidential information any and all political private or public entities federal state or local corporate government s municipality ies international organizations corporation s agent s investigator s or informant s et al and or third party ies working in collusion by collecting and or monitoring my email s and any other means of spying and collecting these communications without my exclusive permission are barred from any and all unauthorized review use disclosure or distribution with explicit reservation of all my rights without prejudice and without recourse to me any omission does not constitute a waiver of any and or all intellectual property rights or reserved rights u c c 1 308 notice to agents is notice to principals notice to principals is notice to agents agents Hot Tractor Definition Pretty Much The Greatest Thing In The World Vintage T Shirt Tractor Definition Pretty Much The Greatest Thing In The World Vintage T Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women Premium Trending Trending shirt this Season : Baby Yoda, Gucci Just a Tractor Definition Pretty Much The Greatest Thing In The World Vintage T Shirt very random question my daughter got ahold of my elf cosmetics brush and chewed off some of the coating on the wooden base and ended up swallowing some before I could get it all out of her mouth poison control couldn’t find information on your webpage to see what the brush was comprised of and i’m just asking for reassurance that it’s not painted with anything containing lead or manufactured in china which has a high rate of using lead in products they said as long as it’s not made with lead she should be just fine so i’m coming here to receive clarification that it’s not please let me know at your earliest convenience thanks. I’m skipping mac and will only do nars from now on anyone that knows me well or even just knows me at all knows how much I love nordstrom after my experience having my makeup done at mac at southcenter mall in tukwila I have no plans of ever going back my 40th bday party was that night and I had an appointment at mac to get my eyes cheeks and lips done I got to the counter at 3 20 was informed my schedule artist would be with me shortly at 3 55 she decides to start I showed her an image of what I wanted and explained that time was running a little short since we were starting almost 30 minutes late she got the makeup and started working on my brows she almost tripled them in size showed me a pic and I asked her to just follow my natural brow 5 minutes later they were down to double the size I asked her again to just lightly fill them in showed her a pic of my natural brows and she proceeded to keep them at double the size I figured I would fix them when I get home her 4 00 showed up late and she stopped working on me to talk to her she then enlisted another artist for her 4 00 but felt obligated to find all the necessary makeup 15 minutes of this i’m almost an hour behind schedule with nothing on my face besides huge eyebrows she finally went to work and did the exact opposite of the photo she used no iip liner no under eye make up no blush or bronzer and employed no skill whatsoever an hour and 15 minutes after we were supposed to be done and one hour before I was to be picked up for my party she revealed this disaster this was the finished product I told her it didn’t look anything like what I was hoping for and would buy makeup remover only she looked at me said not one word and walked away I told the lady at the counter how upset I was my tears were also a dead giveaway and how I didn’t feel I should be charged for the fake eyelashes haphazardly applied or the makeup remover I would need she shrugged and said you look nice help this go viral worst experience of my life. Deaths continue at blm wy red desert roundup 2 foals dead from capture shock wed 1 foal euthanized after breaking his leg and a 2nd foal orphaned thurs a 6 year old stallion euthanized after being injured and blinded by another stallion on a trailer friday yesterday’s report from awhc s observer 140 wild horses were rounded up and captured from green mountain hma horses coming in with henneke body scores of 5’s and 6’s top notch condition for a wild horse 6 is even considered to be moderately fleshy observers kept approximately a mile away from the trap site mares and foals are being shipped to the rock springs holding facility picture below stallions going to axtell holding corrals in utah blmabuse stoptheroundups Another product: Official shop Trending for this post: Baby Yoda, Gucci Shirt

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Crazy Horse Lady T-Shirt 13 aƱos y parece que fue a Crazy Horse Lady T-Shirt er se agolpan los recuerdos y todo lo que nos queda por vivir ...