Tuesday, June 15, 2021

In This House We Believe Black Live Matter Love Is Love Science Is Real Vintage Poster

In This House We Believe Black Live Matter Love Is Love Science Is Real Vintage Poster

Wearing soul sister matte lip from the In This House We Believe Black Live Matter Love Is Love Science Is Real Vintage Poster new kkw x kylie collaboration launching this blackfriday on kyliecosmetics com. It was a strong competition last night on joker’s wild check the best moments n tune in next week wed at 1030. Www facebook com this is the tax fraud 1441181562572756 crime victim corpus delicti 18 u s c 3771 office of the grantor settler for the david lee buess david l buess david buess buess david l from ed edward johnston specks at house committee on judiciary 2015 05 06 3 00 pm house committee on judiciary 2015 05 05 3 00 pm exhibit 12 ed johnston resident house committee on judiciary olis leg state or us liz 2015r1 downloads exhibit 12 ed johnston resident 00 56 55 rob bovett oregon district attorneys association 01 03 20 rep krieger 01 10 00 exhibit 13 witness registration lawyers and attorneys are not licensed to practice law the nature of lawyer craft in america as per the united states supreme court the practice of law can not be licensed by any state state schware v board of examiners 353 u s 238 239 the practice of law is an occupation of common right sims v aherns 271 s w 720 1925 state v manuel 20 nc 122 the term citizen in the united states is analogous to the term subject in common law the change of phrase has resulted from the change in government supreme court jones v temmer 89 f supp 1226 the privileges and immunities clause of the 14th amendment protects very few rights because it neither incorporates the bill of rights nor protects all rights of individual citizens instead this provision protects only those rights peculiar to being a citizen of the federal government it does not protect those rights which relate to state citizenship supreme court us vs valentine 288 f supp 957 the only absolute and unqualified right of a united states citizen is to residence within the territorial boundaries of the united states supreme court 1795 a inasmuch as every government is an artificial person an abstraction and a creature of the mind only a government can interface only with other artificial persons the imaginary having neither actuality nor substance is foreclosed from creating and attaining parity with the tangible the legal manifestation of this is that no government as well as any law agency aspect court etc can concern itself with anything other than corporate artificial persons and the contracts between them s c r 1795 penhallow v doane s administrators 3 u s 54 1 l ed 57 3 dall 54 and b the contracts between them involve u s citizens which are deemed as corporate entities c therefore the u s citizens residing in one of the states of the union are classified as property and franchises of the federal government as an individual entity wheeling steel corp v fox 298 u s 193 80 l ed 1143 56 s ct 773 our rights are such as existed by the law of the land common law long antecedent to the organization of the state and can only be taken from him by due process of law and in accordance with the constitution the original organic constitution not the second secret fake federal d c corporate constitution charter version notice and warning to highway police enforcers you are not authorized to proceed you are interacting with a sovereign creditor and political power holder and you are not authorized to continue agreement by proceeding against notice you agree to testify under full commercial liability and oath of office or for the public record before a jury that you and associated parties are proceeding lawfully and that you fully understand the nature of your actions under state uniform dmv commercial codes common law and international admiralty maritime law this notice of warning for violations is hereby submitted upon demand of a driver s license registration or proof of insurance and therefore is part of the official record of any ensuing action and must be introduced as evidence in said action it is noted that willful suppression of evidence is a felony any cause for action may result in administrative ucc remedy and even action at law notice to officers agents of the united states this document is not intended to harass intimidate offend conspire blackmail coerce cause anxiety alarm contempt or distress or impede any public duties it is presented with honorable and peaceful intentions and is only stating the true facts and is a safeguard to protect my natural being from the abuse of any public official any affirmation contrary to this verified statement of facts will comprise your stipulation to committing a fraud upon the court after being served with this notice 1 honorably and peacefully return to your vehicle and read this notice in its entirity take notice of the fee schedule herein for detainment and delay of the sovereign and secured party 2 seek counsel from a superior official if you do not understand or believe what is being stated here contact your lieutenant right way before proceeding 3 any and all commercial statutory officials that become involved will be considered a party to the action and become a liable debtor as same subject to everything herein to the secured party you are detaining 4 fill out the officer notification section at the bottom of this notice providing badge number name precinct lieutenant and a personal address where creditor may invoice the debtor 5 return these documents private property in good order to the secured party you are detaining at once 6 leave the presence of the secured party at once 7 allow the secured party safe passage and free non commercial travel without further delay 8 receive honor and be at peace I the sovereign natural flesh and blood man do not grant permission or consent for you to interact with detain or delay me in any way I will be honorable towards you and I will not provide show or disclose provide any private information such as name or birthdate any state licenses id cards automobile insurance papers as is my right under common law jurisdiction notice to the private man operating as a juristic police officer I present this notice to you in peace and I recognize that you are also a man who abides by common law I realize that you are just doing your job as a commercial public office holder however it is imperative that sovereign free men give lawful and proper notice that we will not allow public officers to trespass illegally on our god given common law rights I honor you as a natural man and I do not wish to contract with you in any way and do not grant you the permission you lawfully require to proceed with any commercial contract if I am forced to do anything against my will it will be considered and action under duress and protest which has full remedy at once at law it is my understanding that intelligent peace officers have a duty to distinguish between statutes and law and those who attempt to enforce statutes against a freeman on the land are in fact breaking the law I have the authority lawful right and power to refuse all interaction with peace officers who have not observed me breach the peace whereas permanent estoppel by acquiescence barring any peace officer or prosecutor from bringing charges against a freeman on the land under any act created by a ficticous body notice of administrative ucc remedy this is actual and constructive notice that you are not to violate the prerogative rights of this sovereign natural and free man secured party by detaining him please assist in his passage without delay any violation of his sovereign rights at law will be remedied through administrative ucc remedy at law for trespass on rights you are a public servant subject to the sovereign a sovereign free man and flesh and blood being and secured party cannot possibly be and is not subject to dmv statutory uniform commercial codes etc common law notice of right to travel without regulation the use of the highway for the purpose of travel and transportation is not a privilege but a common and fundamental right of which the public and individuals cannot rightfully be deprived chicago motor coach v chicago 337 iii 200 169 ne 22 66 alr jur lrst highways sec 163 inparamateria I am not in any jurisdiction for I am not of subject status if you proceed you are committing an action under global and universal restraint by which you are bound be it known to all who call themselves police officers government their courts agents corporations and other parties that I am a natural freeborn sovereign individual without subjects I am neither subject to any entity anywhere nor is any entity subject to me I neither dominate anyone nor am I dominated I may voluntarily choose to comply with the statutes which others attempt to impose upon me but no such statutes or their enforcers have any authority over me I am under different jurisdiction and any corporate statutory ucc codes papers services benefits summons warrants contracts use of physical force arrest attempts incarcerations or other action on your part is not authorized or permitted under jurisdictional mandates and will be considered an international crime under global uniform commercial jurisdition which is the law that binds corporate persons and office holders only unless I have willfully harmed someone or someone’s property without their consent and there is a witness to an alleged crime you have no authority right or business for pulling me aside trespassing or interacting with me in any way especially under duress and protest unless I the natural and flesh and blood man am operating in admirlty maritime commerce you have no jurisdiction and are commiting an international ucc crime I am not engaged in operating a motor vehicle used for commercial purposes and am engaged in public vehicular travel I have not breached the peace or committed any crime and am therefore not subject to any further delay or penalty and demand that you leave my presence at once in peace you only have jurisdction over fictional corporate entities conducting commerce and you cannot interact contract in any way with a flesh and blood distinction and sovereign creditor and secured party I am a sovereign private non resident non domestic non person and non individual not subject to any real or imaginary statutory regulations or quasi laws enacted by any state legislature which was created by the people you are cannot lawfully cite me as a sovereign because your state legislature can only regulate what they create and the state does not create sovereign political power holders you can only interact with a particular office known as person I am not a state person and you are not authorized lawfully to regulate or interact with me as a private man in any way the united states of america is a common law jurisdiction of free men and women I am not a united states citizen I am not a resident of an inhabitant of a franchise of a subject of a ward of the property of the chattel of or subject to the jurisdiction of any monarch or any corporate commonwealth congress federal state territory county council city municipal body politic or other government allegedly created under the authority of a constitution or other enactment I am not subject to any legislation department or agency created by such authorities nor to the jurisdiction of any employees officers or agents deriving their authority therefrom I do not hold any position or office where I am subject to the legislature ‘ state v manuel 20 nc 122 the term citizen in the united states is analogous to the term subject in common law the change of phrase has resulted from the change in government supreme court jones v temmer 89 f supp 1226 the privileges and immunities clause of the 14th amendment protects very few rights because it neither incorporates the bill of rights nor protects all rights of individual citizens instead this provision protects only those rights peculiar to being a citizen of the federal government it does not protect those rights which relate to state citizenship supreme court us vs valentine 288 f supp 957 the only absolute and unqualified right of a united states citizen is to residence within the territorial boundaries of the united states supreme court 1795 a inasmuch as every government is an artificial person an abstraction and a creature of the mind only a government can interface only with other artificial persons the imaginary having neither actuality nor substance is foreclosed from creating and attaining parity with the tangible the legal manifestation of this is that no government as well as any law agency aspect court etc can concern itself with anything other than corporate artificial persons and the contracts between them s c r 1795 penhallow v doane s administrators 3 u s 54 1 l ed 57 3 dall 54 and b the contracts between them involve u s citizens which are deemed as corporate entities c therefore the u s citizens residing in one of the states of the union are classified as property and franchises of the federal government as an individual entity wheeling steel corp v fox 298 u s 193 80 l ed 1143 56 s ct 773 our rights are such as existed by the law of the land common law long antecedent to the organization of the state and can only be taken from him by due process of law and in accordance with the constitution the original organic constitution not the second secret fake federal d c corporate constitution charter version state officers may be held personally liable for damages based upon actions taken in their official capacities hafer v melo 502 u s 21 1991 I r s employer does not have authority to take taxes out of your check may 7 2018 21 55 est social security money may not be liened levied garnished except for officers employees or elected officials and then only by court order social security law sec 207 42 u s c 407 assignment of benefits a the right of any person to any future payment under this subchapter shall not be transferable or assignable at law or in equity and none of the moneys paid or payable or rights existing under this subchapter shall be subject to execution levy attachment garnishment or other legal process or to the operation of any bankruptcy or insolvency law internal revenue code sec 6331 levy and distraintlocation in internal revenue code title 26 internal revenue code subtitle f procedure and administration chapter 64 collection subchapter d seizure of property for collection of taxes part ii levystatute sec 6331 levy and distraint a authority of secretary if any person liable to pay any tax neglects or refuses to pay the same within 10 days after notice and demand it shall be lawful for the secretary to collect such tax and such further sum as shall be sufficient to cover the expenses of the levy by levy upon all property and rights to property except such property as is exempt under section 6334 belonging to such person or on which there is a lien provided in this chapter for the payment of such tax levy may be made upon the accrued salary or wages of any officer employee or elected official of the united states the district of columbia or any agency or instrumentality of the united states or the district of columbia by serving a notice of levy on the employer as defined in section 3401 d of such officer employee or elected official if the secretary makes a finding that the collection of such tax is in jeopardy notice and demand for immediate payment of such tax may be made by the secretary and upon failure or refusal to pay such tax collection thereof by levy shall be lawful without regard to the 10 day period provided in this section 26 u s c section 3401 c employeethe term ”employee” includes is limited to an officer employee or elected official of the united states a state or any political subdivision thereof or the district of columbia or any agency or instrumentality of any one or more of the foregoing the term ”employee” also includes an officer of a corporation our system of taxation is based upon voluntary assessment and payment not upon distraint flora v united states sp ct 362 u s 145 1959 this indicates that irs actions to lien or levy are not allowed absent a court order private entities states and political subdivisions are not required to enter into federal payroll deduction agreements irm 5 14 10 2 dated 09 30 2004 this section is now conveniently missing in their revised version 5 14 10 1 dated 09 26 2008 the filing of a withholding agreement w 4 or w 9 is voluntary 26 cfr 31 3402 p 1 b the voluntary withholding agreement may be terminated at any time by the worker or the hiring entity 26 cfr 31 3402 p 1 b 2 payroll deduction agreements for taxes apply only to consenting employees of government agencies federal employees and retiress military personnel and department of defense employees who participate in the voluntary deduction program www irs gov irm part5 ch01s07 html the term employee 31 cfr 215 2 h 1 I does not include retired personnel pensioners annuitants or similar beneficiaries of the federal government who are not performing active civilian service or persons receiving remuneration for services on a contract fee basis they are not subject to withholding and have no duty to file any form w 4 or w 9 unless they desire to voluntarily enter into agreements it’s unlawful to terminate or not hire you for failure to provide an irs form w 4 or w 9 see doj form I 9 or 8 u s c 1324a b 1324a b 2 or privacy act of 5 usc annotated 552 a no law requires you to disclose a social security number eeoc v information systems consulting ca3 92 0169 t in the united states district court northern district of texas dallas division internal revenue manual 5 14 10 payroll deduction agreements and direct debit re notice to clerk the minute you receive any document it is recorded according to the following case site biffle v morton rubber indus inc 785 s w 2d 143 144 tex 1990 an instrument is deemed in law filed at the time it is delivered to the clerk regardless of whether the instrument is file marked 15 u s code 7001 general rule of validity a in general notwithstanding any statute regulation or other rule of law other than this subchapter and subchapter ii with respect to any transaction in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce 1 a signature contract or other record relating to such transaction may not be denied legal effect validity or enforceability solely because it is in electronic form and 2 a contract relating to such transaction may not be denied legal effect validity or enforceability solely because an electronic signature or electronic record was used in its formation notice all rights reserved permission to distribute for non commercial purposes is hereby granted in whole or part provided attribution and a link to this article is included commercial distribution without the written permission of the author is prohibited this public email message including any attachment s is limited to the sole use of the intended recipient and may contain privileged and or confidential information any and all political private or public entities federal state or local corporate government s municipality ies international organizations corporation s agent s investigator s or informant s et al and or third party ies working in collusion by collecting and or monitoring my email s and any other means of spying and collecting these communications without my exclusive permission are barred from any and all unauthorized review use disclosure or distribution with explicit reservation of all my rights without prejudice and without recourse to me any omission does not constitute a waiver of any and or all intellectual property rightsor reserved rights notice copy right lawful bloodline americans lawful americans 2013 the electronic communications privacy act 18 u s c 119 sections 2510 2521 et seq governs distribution of this message including attachments the originator intended this message for the specified recipients only it may contain the originator s confidential and proprietary information the originator hereby notifies unintended recipients that they have received this message in error and strictly proscribes their message review dissemination copying and content based actions recipients in error shall notify the originator immediately by e mail and delete the original message authorized carriers of this message shall expeditiously deliver this message to intended recipients see quon v arch anything stated in this email may be limited in the content and is not to be taken out of context wireless copyright notice federal and state laws govern copyrights to this message you must have the originator s full written consent to alter copy or use this message originator acknowledges others copyrighted content in this message otherwise without prejudice and without recourse to me any omission does not constitute a waiver of any and or all intellectual property rights or reserved rights u c c 1 207 1 308 notice to agents is any omission does not constitute a waiver of any and or all intellectual property rights or reserved rights u c c 1 207 1 308 notice to agents is notice to principals notice to principals is notice to agents foreign and or domestic subject rethe three flags of the united states of america you have johnhenryhill wordpress com 2015 04 25 the three united states code title 4 chapter 1 the flag 1 flag stripes and stars on the flag of the united states shall be thirteen horizontal stripes alternate red and white and the union of the flag shall be forty eight stars white in a blue field the three flags of the united states of america you have johnhenryhill wordpress com 2015 04 25 the three united states code title 4 chapter 1 the flag 1 flag stripes and stars on the flag of the united states shall be thirteen horizontal stripes alternate red and white and the union of the flag shall be forty eight stars white in a blue field Nice In This House We Believe Black Live Matter Love Is Love Science Is Real Vintage Poster In This House We Believe Black Live Matter Love Is Love Science Is Real Vintage Poster, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women In This House We Believe Black Live Matter Love Is Love Science Is Real Vintage Poster More than Nice other products Premium Trending, Walt Disney This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: Last call win 2 vip tickets for the In This House We Believe Black Live Matter Love Is Love Science Is Real Vintage Poster champions league quarter final gana 2 entradas vip para los cuartos de final de la champions guanya 2 entrades vip pels quarts de final de la champions. I was nicknamed after this professional wrestler bruno sammartino tonight in pittsburgh I had the honor of meeting him og 24kmagicworldtour. Daniel jacobs is ready for war road to jacobsderevyanchenko a behind the scenes look at jacobs and sergiy derevyanchenko’s journey towards their oct 27 battle premieres this saturday oct 13 at 10 25 pm on hbo See Other related products: Baby Yoda and shirt In This House We Believe Black Live Matter Love Is Love Science Is Real Vintage Poster Wearing soul sister matte lip from the In This House We Believe Black Live Matter Love Is Love Science Is Real Vintage Poster new kkw x kylie collaboration launching this blackfriday on kyliecosmetics com. It was a strong competition last night on joker’s wild check the best moments n tune in next week wed at 1030. Www facebook com this is the tax fraud 1441181562572756 crime victim corpus delicti 18 u s c 3771 office of the grantor settler for the david lee buess david l buess david buess buess david l from ed edward johnston specks at house committee on judiciary 2015 05 06 3 00 pm house committee on judiciary 2015 05 05 3 00 pm exhibit 12 ed johnston resident house committee on judiciary olis leg state or us liz 2015r1 downloads exhibit 12 ed johnston resident 00 56 55 rob bovett oregon district attorneys association 01 03 20 rep krieger 01 10 00 exhibit 13 witness registration lawyers and attorneys are not licensed to practice law the nature of lawyer craft in america as per the united states supreme court the practice of law can not be licensed by any state state schware v board of examiners 353 u s 238 239 the practice of law is an occupation of common right sims v aherns 271 s w 720 1925 state v manuel 20 nc 122 the term citizen in the united states is analogous to the term subject in common law the change of phrase has resulted from the change in government supreme court jones v temmer 89 f supp 1226 the privileges and immunities clause of the 14th amendment protects very few rights because it neither incorporates the bill of rights nor protects all rights of individual citizens instead this provision protects only those rights peculiar to being a citizen of the federal government it does not protect those rights which relate to state citizenship supreme court us vs valentine 288 f supp 957 the only absolute and unqualified right of a united states citizen is to residence within the territorial boundaries of the united states supreme court 1795 a inasmuch as every government is an artificial person an abstraction and a creature of the mind only a government can interface only with other artificial persons the imaginary having neither actuality nor substance is foreclosed from creating and attaining parity with the tangible the legal manifestation of this is that no government as well as any law agency aspect court etc can concern itself with anything other than corporate artificial persons and the contracts between them s c r 1795 penhallow v doane s administrators 3 u s 54 1 l ed 57 3 dall 54 and b the contracts between them involve u s citizens which are deemed as corporate entities c therefore the u s citizens residing in one of the states of the union are classified as property and franchises of the federal government as an individual entity wheeling steel corp v fox 298 u s 193 80 l ed 1143 56 s ct 773 our rights are such as existed by the law of the land common law long antecedent to the organization of the state and can only be taken from him by due process of law and in accordance with the constitution the original organic constitution not the second secret fake federal d c corporate constitution charter version notice and warning to highway police enforcers you are not authorized to proceed you are interacting with a sovereign creditor and political power holder and you are not authorized to continue agreement by proceeding against notice you agree to testify under full commercial liability and oath of office or for the public record before a jury that you and associated parties are proceeding lawfully and that you fully understand the nature of your actions under state uniform dmv commercial codes common law and international admiralty maritime law this notice of warning for violations is hereby submitted upon demand of a driver s license registration or proof of insurance and therefore is part of the official record of any ensuing action and must be introduced as evidence in said action it is noted that willful suppression of evidence is a felony any cause for action may result in administrative ucc remedy and even action at law notice to officers agents of the united states this document is not intended to harass intimidate offend conspire blackmail coerce cause anxiety alarm contempt or distress or impede any public duties it is presented with honorable and peaceful intentions and is only stating the true facts and is a safeguard to protect my natural being from the abuse of any public official any affirmation contrary to this verified statement of facts will comprise your stipulation to committing a fraud upon the court after being served with this notice 1 honorably and peacefully return to your vehicle and read this notice in its entirity take notice of the fee schedule herein for detainment and delay of the sovereign and secured party 2 seek counsel from a superior official if you do not understand or believe what is being stated here contact your lieutenant right way before proceeding 3 any and all commercial statutory officials that become involved will be considered a party to the action and become a liable debtor as same subject to everything herein to the secured party you are detaining 4 fill out the officer notification section at the bottom of this notice providing badge number name precinct lieutenant and a personal address where creditor may invoice the debtor 5 return these documents private property in good order to the secured party you are detaining at once 6 leave the presence of the secured party at once 7 allow the secured party safe passage and free non commercial travel without further delay 8 receive honor and be at peace I the sovereign natural flesh and blood man do not grant permission or consent for you to interact with detain or delay me in any way I will be honorable towards you and I will not provide show or disclose provide any private information such as name or birthdate any state licenses id cards automobile insurance papers as is my right under common law jurisdiction notice to the private man operating as a juristic police officer I present this notice to you in peace and I recognize that you are also a man who abides by common law I realize that you are just doing your job as a commercial public office holder however it is imperative that sovereign free men give lawful and proper notice that we will not allow public officers to trespass illegally on our god given common law rights I honor you as a natural man and I do not wish to contract with you in any way and do not grant you the permission you lawfully require to proceed with any commercial contract if I am forced to do anything against my will it will be considered and action under duress and protest which has full remedy at once at law it is my understanding that intelligent peace officers have a duty to distinguish between statutes and law and those who attempt to enforce statutes against a freeman on the land are in fact breaking the law I have the authority lawful right and power to refuse all interaction with peace officers who have not observed me breach the peace whereas permanent estoppel by acquiescence barring any peace officer or prosecutor from bringing charges against a freeman on the land under any act created by a ficticous body notice of administrative ucc remedy this is actual and constructive notice that you are not to violate the prerogative rights of this sovereign natural and free man secured party by detaining him please assist in his passage without delay any violation of his sovereign rights at law will be remedied through administrative ucc remedy at law for trespass on rights you are a public servant subject to the sovereign a sovereign free man and flesh and blood being and secured party cannot possibly be and is not subject to dmv statutory uniform commercial codes etc common law notice of right to travel without regulation the use of the highway for the purpose of travel and transportation is not a privilege but a common and fundamental right of which the public and individuals cannot rightfully be deprived chicago motor coach v chicago 337 iii 200 169 ne 22 66 alr jur lrst highways sec 163 inparamateria I am not in any jurisdiction for I am not of subject status if you proceed you are committing an action under global and universal restraint by which you are bound be it known to all who call themselves police officers government their courts agents corporations and other parties that I am a natural freeborn sovereign individual without subjects I am neither subject to any entity anywhere nor is any entity subject to me I neither dominate anyone nor am I dominated I may voluntarily choose to comply with the statutes which others attempt to impose upon me but no such statutes or their enforcers have any authority over me I am under different jurisdiction and any corporate statutory ucc codes papers services benefits summons warrants contracts use of physical force arrest attempts incarcerations or other action on your part is not authorized or permitted under jurisdictional mandates and will be considered an international crime under global uniform commercial jurisdition which is the law that binds corporate persons and office holders only unless I have willfully harmed someone or someone’s property without their consent and there is a witness to an alleged crime you have no authority right or business for pulling me aside trespassing or interacting with me in any way especially under duress and protest unless I the natural and flesh and blood man am operating in admirlty maritime commerce you have no jurisdiction and are commiting an international ucc crime I am not engaged in operating a motor vehicle used for commercial purposes and am engaged in public vehicular travel I have not breached the peace or committed any crime and am therefore not subject to any further delay or penalty and demand that you leave my presence at once in peace you only have jurisdction over fictional corporate entities conducting commerce and you cannot interact contract in any way with a flesh and blood distinction and sovereign creditor and secured party I am a sovereign private non resident non domestic non person and non individual not subject to any real or imaginary statutory regulations or quasi laws enacted by any state legislature which was created by the people you are cannot lawfully cite me as a sovereign because your state legislature can only regulate what they create and the state does not create sovereign political power holders you can only interact with a particular office known as person I am not a state person and you are not authorized lawfully to regulate or interact with me as a private man in any way the united states of america is a common law jurisdiction of free men and women I am not a united states citizen I am not a resident of an inhabitant of a franchise of a subject of a ward of the property of the chattel of or subject to the jurisdiction of any monarch or any corporate commonwealth congress federal state territory county council city municipal body politic or other government allegedly created under the authority of a constitution or other enactment I am not subject to any legislation department or agency created by such authorities nor to the jurisdiction of any employees officers or agents deriving their authority therefrom I do not hold any position or office where I am subject to the legislature ‘ state v manuel 20 nc 122 the term citizen in the united states is analogous to the term subject in common law the change of phrase has resulted from the change in government supreme court jones v temmer 89 f supp 1226 the privileges and immunities clause of the 14th amendment protects very few rights because it neither incorporates the bill of rights nor protects all rights of individual citizens instead this provision protects only those rights peculiar to being a citizen of the federal government it does not protect those rights which relate to state citizenship supreme court us vs valentine 288 f supp 957 the only absolute and unqualified right of a united states citizen is to residence within the territorial boundaries of the united states supreme court 1795 a inasmuch as every government is an artificial person an abstraction and a creature of the mind only a government can interface only with other artificial persons the imaginary having neither actuality nor substance is foreclosed from creating and attaining parity with the tangible the legal manifestation of this is that no government as well as any law agency aspect court etc can concern itself with anything other than corporate artificial persons and the contracts between them s c r 1795 penhallow v doane s administrators 3 u s 54 1 l ed 57 3 dall 54 and b the contracts between them involve u s citizens which are deemed as corporate entities c therefore the u s citizens residing in one of the states of the union are classified as property and franchises of the federal government as an individual entity wheeling steel corp v fox 298 u s 193 80 l ed 1143 56 s ct 773 our rights are such as existed by the law of the land common law long antecedent to the organization of the state and can only be taken from him by due process of law and in accordance with the constitution the original organic constitution not the second secret fake federal d c corporate constitution charter version state officers may be held personally liable for damages based upon actions taken in their official capacities hafer v melo 502 u s 21 1991 I r s employer does not have authority to take taxes out of your check may 7 2018 21 55 est social security money may not be liened levied garnished except for officers employees or elected officials and then only by court order social security law sec 207 42 u s c 407 assignment of benefits a the right of any person to any future payment under this subchapter shall not be transferable or assignable at law or in equity and none of the moneys paid or payable or rights existing under this subchapter shall be subject to execution levy attachment garnishment or other legal process or to the operation of any bankruptcy or insolvency law internal revenue code sec 6331 levy and distraintlocation in internal revenue code title 26 internal revenue code subtitle f procedure and administration chapter 64 collection subchapter d seizure of property for collection of taxes part ii levystatute sec 6331 levy and distraint a authority of secretary if any person liable to pay any tax neglects or refuses to pay the same within 10 days after notice and demand it shall be lawful for the secretary to collect such tax and such further sum as shall be sufficient to cover the expenses of the levy by levy upon all property and rights to property except such property as is exempt under section 6334 belonging to such person or on which there is a lien provided in this chapter for the payment of such tax levy may be made upon the accrued salary or wages of any officer employee or elected official of the united states the district of columbia or any agency or instrumentality of the united states or the district of columbia by serving a notice of levy on the employer as defined in section 3401 d of such officer employee or elected official if the secretary makes a finding that the collection of such tax is in jeopardy notice and demand for immediate payment of such tax may be made by the secretary and upon failure or refusal to pay such tax collection thereof by levy shall be lawful without regard to the 10 day period provided in this section 26 u s c section 3401 c employeethe term ”employee” includes is limited to an officer employee or elected official of the united states a state or any political subdivision thereof or the district of columbia or any agency or instrumentality of any one or more of the foregoing the term ”employee” also includes an officer of a corporation our system of taxation is based upon voluntary assessment and payment not upon distraint flora v united states sp ct 362 u s 145 1959 this indicates that irs actions to lien or levy are not allowed absent a court order private entities states and political subdivisions are not required to enter into federal payroll deduction agreements irm 5 14 10 2 dated 09 30 2004 this section is now conveniently missing in their revised version 5 14 10 1 dated 09 26 2008 the filing of a withholding agreement w 4 or w 9 is voluntary 26 cfr 31 3402 p 1 b the voluntary withholding agreement may be terminated at any time by the worker or the hiring entity 26 cfr 31 3402 p 1 b 2 payroll deduction agreements for taxes apply only to consenting employees of government agencies federal employees and retiress military personnel and department of defense employees who participate in the voluntary deduction program www irs gov irm part5 ch01s07 html the term employee 31 cfr 215 2 h 1 I does not include retired personnel pensioners annuitants or similar beneficiaries of the federal government who are not performing active civilian service or persons receiving remuneration for services on a contract fee basis they are not subject to withholding and have no duty to file any form w 4 or w 9 unless they desire to voluntarily enter into agreements it’s unlawful to terminate or not hire you for failure to provide an irs form w 4 or w 9 see doj form I 9 or 8 u s c 1324a b 1324a b 2 or privacy act of 5 usc annotated 552 a no law requires you to disclose a social security number eeoc v information systems consulting ca3 92 0169 t in the united states district court northern district of texas dallas division internal revenue manual 5 14 10 payroll deduction agreements and direct debit re notice to clerk the minute you receive any document it is recorded according to the following case site biffle v morton rubber indus inc 785 s w 2d 143 144 tex 1990 an instrument is deemed in law filed at the time it is delivered to the clerk regardless of whether the instrument is file marked 15 u s code 7001 general rule of validity a in general notwithstanding any statute regulation or other rule of law other than this subchapter and subchapter ii with respect to any transaction in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce 1 a signature contract or other record relating to such transaction may not be denied legal effect validity or enforceability solely because it is in electronic form and 2 a contract relating to such transaction may not be denied legal effect validity or enforceability solely because an electronic signature or electronic record was used in its formation notice all rights reserved permission to distribute for non commercial purposes is hereby granted in whole or part provided attribution and a link to this article is included commercial distribution without the written permission of the author is prohibited this public email message including any attachment s is limited to the sole use of the intended recipient and may contain privileged and or confidential information any and all political private or public entities federal state or local corporate government s municipality ies international organizations corporation s agent s investigator s or informant s et al and or third party ies working in collusion by collecting and or monitoring my email s and any other means of spying and collecting these communications without my exclusive permission are barred from any and all unauthorized review use disclosure or distribution with explicit reservation of all my rights without prejudice and without recourse to me any omission does not constitute a waiver of any and or all intellectual property rightsor reserved rights notice copy right lawful bloodline americans lawful americans 2013 the electronic communications privacy act 18 u s c 119 sections 2510 2521 et seq governs distribution of this message including attachments the originator intended this message for the specified recipients only it may contain the originator s confidential and proprietary information the originator hereby notifies unintended recipients that they have received this message in error and strictly proscribes their message review dissemination copying and content based actions recipients in error shall notify the originator immediately by e mail and delete the original message authorized carriers of this message shall expeditiously deliver this message to intended recipients see quon v arch anything stated in this email may be limited in the content and is not to be taken out of context wireless copyright notice federal and state laws govern copyrights to this message you must have the originator s full written consent to alter copy or use this message originator acknowledges others copyrighted content in this message otherwise without prejudice and without recourse to me any omission does not constitute a waiver of any and or all intellectual property rights or reserved rights u c c 1 207 1 308 notice to agents is any omission does not constitute a waiver of any and or all intellectual property rights or reserved rights u c c 1 207 1 308 notice to agents is notice to principals notice to principals is notice to agents foreign and or domestic subject rethe three flags of the united states of america you have johnhenryhill wordpress com 2015 04 25 the three united states code title 4 chapter 1 the flag 1 flag stripes and stars on the flag of the united states shall be thirteen horizontal stripes alternate red and white and the union of the flag shall be forty eight stars white in a blue field the three flags of the united states of america you have johnhenryhill wordpress com 2015 04 25 the three united states code title 4 chapter 1 the flag 1 flag stripes and stars on the flag of the united states shall be thirteen horizontal stripes alternate red and white and the union of the flag shall be forty eight stars white in a blue field Nice In This House We Believe Black Live Matter Love Is Love Science Is Real Vintage Poster In This House We Believe Black Live Matter Love Is Love Science Is Real Vintage Poster, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women In This House We Believe Black Live Matter Love Is Love Science Is Real Vintage Poster More than Nice other products Premium Trending, Walt Disney This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: Last call win 2 vip tickets for the In This House We Believe Black Live Matter Love Is Love Science Is Real Vintage Poster champions league quarter final gana 2 entradas vip para los cuartos de final de la champions guanya 2 entrades vip pels quarts de final de la champions. I was nicknamed after this professional wrestler bruno sammartino tonight in pittsburgh I had the honor of meeting him og 24kmagicworldtour. Daniel jacobs is ready for war road to jacobsderevyanchenko a behind the scenes look at jacobs and sergiy derevyanchenko’s journey towards their oct 27 battle premieres this saturday oct 13 at 10 25 pm on hbo See Other related products: Baby Yoda and shirt

In This House We Believe Black Live Matter Love Is Love Science Is Real Vintage Poster - from breakingshirts.com 1

In This House We Believe Black Live Matter Love Is Love Science Is Real Vintage Poster - from breakingshirts.com 1

Wearing soul sister matte lip from the In This House We Believe Black Live Matter Love Is Love Science Is Real Vintage Poster new kkw x kylie collaboration launching this blackfriday on kyliecosmetics com. It was a strong competition last night on joker’s wild check the best moments n tune in next week wed at 1030. Www facebook com this is the tax fraud 1441181562572756 crime victim corpus delicti 18 u s c 3771 office of the grantor settler for the david lee buess david l buess david buess buess david l from ed edward johnston specks at house committee on judiciary 2015 05 06 3 00 pm house committee on judiciary 2015 05 05 3 00 pm exhibit 12 ed johnston resident house committee on judiciary olis leg state or us liz 2015r1 downloads exhibit 12 ed johnston resident 00 56 55 rob bovett oregon district attorneys association 01 03 20 rep krieger 01 10 00 exhibit 13 witness registration lawyers and attorneys are not licensed to practice law the nature of lawyer craft in america as per the united states supreme court the practice of law can not be licensed by any state state schware v board of examiners 353 u s 238 239 the practice of law is an occupation of common right sims v aherns 271 s w 720 1925 state v manuel 20 nc 122 the term citizen in the united states is analogous to the term subject in common law the change of phrase has resulted from the change in government supreme court jones v temmer 89 f supp 1226 the privileges and immunities clause of the 14th amendment protects very few rights because it neither incorporates the bill of rights nor protects all rights of individual citizens instead this provision protects only those rights peculiar to being a citizen of the federal government it does not protect those rights which relate to state citizenship supreme court us vs valentine 288 f supp 957 the only absolute and unqualified right of a united states citizen is to residence within the territorial boundaries of the united states supreme court 1795 a inasmuch as every government is an artificial person an abstraction and a creature of the mind only a government can interface only with other artificial persons the imaginary having neither actuality nor substance is foreclosed from creating and attaining parity with the tangible the legal manifestation of this is that no government as well as any law agency aspect court etc can concern itself with anything other than corporate artificial persons and the contracts between them s c r 1795 penhallow v doane s administrators 3 u s 54 1 l ed 57 3 dall 54 and b the contracts between them involve u s citizens which are deemed as corporate entities c therefore the u s citizens residing in one of the states of the union are classified as property and franchises of the federal government as an individual entity wheeling steel corp v fox 298 u s 193 80 l ed 1143 56 s ct 773 our rights are such as existed by the law of the land common law long antecedent to the organization of the state and can only be taken from him by due process of law and in accordance with the constitution the original organic constitution not the second secret fake federal d c corporate constitution charter version notice and warning to highway police enforcers you are not authorized to proceed you are interacting with a sovereign creditor and political power holder and you are not authorized to continue agreement by proceeding against notice you agree to testify under full commercial liability and oath of office or for the public record before a jury that you and associated parties are proceeding lawfully and that you fully understand the nature of your actions under state uniform dmv commercial codes common law and international admiralty maritime law this notice of warning for violations is hereby submitted upon demand of a driver s license registration or proof of insurance and therefore is part of the official record of any ensuing action and must be introduced as evidence in said action it is noted that willful suppression of evidence is a felony any cause for action may result in administrative ucc remedy and even action at law notice to officers agents of the united states this document is not intended to harass intimidate offend conspire blackmail coerce cause anxiety alarm contempt or distress or impede any public duties it is presented with honorable and peaceful intentions and is only stating the true facts and is a safeguard to protect my natural being from the abuse of any public official any affirmation contrary to this verified statement of facts will comprise your stipulation to committing a fraud upon the court after being served with this notice 1 honorably and peacefully return to your vehicle and read this notice in its entirity take notice of the fee schedule herein for detainment and delay of the sovereign and secured party 2 seek counsel from a superior official if you do not understand or believe what is being stated here contact your lieutenant right way before proceeding 3 any and all commercial statutory officials that become involved will be considered a party to the action and become a liable debtor as same subject to everything herein to the secured party you are detaining 4 fill out the officer notification section at the bottom of this notice providing badge number name precinct lieutenant and a personal address where creditor may invoice the debtor 5 return these documents private property in good order to the secured party you are detaining at once 6 leave the presence of the secured party at once 7 allow the secured party safe passage and free non commercial travel without further delay 8 receive honor and be at peace I the sovereign natural flesh and blood man do not grant permission or consent for you to interact with detain or delay me in any way I will be honorable towards you and I will not provide show or disclose provide any private information such as name or birthdate any state licenses id cards automobile insurance papers as is my right under common law jurisdiction notice to the private man operating as a juristic police officer I present this notice to you in peace and I recognize that you are also a man who abides by common law I realize that you are just doing your job as a commercial public office holder however it is imperative that sovereign free men give lawful and proper notice that we will not allow public officers to trespass illegally on our god given common law rights I honor you as a natural man and I do not wish to contract with you in any way and do not grant you the permission you lawfully require to proceed with any commercial contract if I am forced to do anything against my will it will be considered and action under duress and protest which has full remedy at once at law it is my understanding that intelligent peace officers have a duty to distinguish between statutes and law and those who attempt to enforce statutes against a freeman on the land are in fact breaking the law I have the authority lawful right and power to refuse all interaction with peace officers who have not observed me breach the peace whereas permanent estoppel by acquiescence barring any peace officer or prosecutor from bringing charges against a freeman on the land under any act created by a ficticous body notice of administrative ucc remedy this is actual and constructive notice that you are not to violate the prerogative rights of this sovereign natural and free man secured party by detaining him please assist in his passage without delay any violation of his sovereign rights at law will be remedied through administrative ucc remedy at law for trespass on rights you are a public servant subject to the sovereign a sovereign free man and flesh and blood being and secured party cannot possibly be and is not subject to dmv statutory uniform commercial codes etc common law notice of right to travel without regulation the use of the highway for the purpose of travel and transportation is not a privilege but a common and fundamental right of which the public and individuals cannot rightfully be deprived chicago motor coach v chicago 337 iii 200 169 ne 22 66 alr jur lrst highways sec 163 inparamateria I am not in any jurisdiction for I am not of subject status if you proceed you are committing an action under global and universal restraint by which you are bound be it known to all who call themselves police officers government their courts agents corporations and other parties that I am a natural freeborn sovereign individual without subjects I am neither subject to any entity anywhere nor is any entity subject to me I neither dominate anyone nor am I dominated I may voluntarily choose to comply with the statutes which others attempt to impose upon me but no such statutes or their enforcers have any authority over me I am under different jurisdiction and any corporate statutory ucc codes papers services benefits summons warrants contracts use of physical force arrest attempts incarcerations or other action on your part is not authorized or permitted under jurisdictional mandates and will be considered an international crime under global uniform commercial jurisdition which is the law that binds corporate persons and office holders only unless I have willfully harmed someone or someone’s property without their consent and there is a witness to an alleged crime you have no authority right or business for pulling me aside trespassing or interacting with me in any way especially under duress and protest unless I the natural and flesh and blood man am operating in admirlty maritime commerce you have no jurisdiction and are commiting an international ucc crime I am not engaged in operating a motor vehicle used for commercial purposes and am engaged in public vehicular travel I have not breached the peace or committed any crime and am therefore not subject to any further delay or penalty and demand that you leave my presence at once in peace you only have jurisdction over fictional corporate entities conducting commerce and you cannot interact contract in any way with a flesh and blood distinction and sovereign creditor and secured party I am a sovereign private non resident non domestic non person and non individual not subject to any real or imaginary statutory regulations or quasi laws enacted by any state legislature which was created by the people you are cannot lawfully cite me as a sovereign because your state legislature can only regulate what they create and the state does not create sovereign political power holders you can only interact with a particular office known as person I am not a state person and you are not authorized lawfully to regulate or interact with me as a private man in any way the united states of america is a common law jurisdiction of free men and women I am not a united states citizen I am not a resident of an inhabitant of a franchise of a subject of a ward of the property of the chattel of or subject to the jurisdiction of any monarch or any corporate commonwealth congress federal state territory county council city municipal body politic or other government allegedly created under the authority of a constitution or other enactment I am not subject to any legislation department or agency created by such authorities nor to the jurisdiction of any employees officers or agents deriving their authority therefrom I do not hold any position or office where I am subject to the legislature ‘ state v manuel 20 nc 122 the term citizen in the united states is analogous to the term subject in common law the change of phrase has resulted from the change in government supreme court jones v temmer 89 f supp 1226 the privileges and immunities clause of the 14th amendment protects very few rights because it neither incorporates the bill of rights nor protects all rights of individual citizens instead this provision protects only those rights peculiar to being a citizen of the federal government it does not protect those rights which relate to state citizenship supreme court us vs valentine 288 f supp 957 the only absolute and unqualified right of a united states citizen is to residence within the territorial boundaries of the united states supreme court 1795 a inasmuch as every government is an artificial person an abstraction and a creature of the mind only a government can interface only with other artificial persons the imaginary having neither actuality nor substance is foreclosed from creating and attaining parity with the tangible the legal manifestation of this is that no government as well as any law agency aspect court etc can concern itself with anything other than corporate artificial persons and the contracts between them s c r 1795 penhallow v doane s administrators 3 u s 54 1 l ed 57 3 dall 54 and b the contracts between them involve u s citizens which are deemed as corporate entities c therefore the u s citizens residing in one of the states of the union are classified as property and franchises of the federal government as an individual entity wheeling steel corp v fox 298 u s 193 80 l ed 1143 56 s ct 773 our rights are such as existed by the law of the land common law long antecedent to the organization of the state and can only be taken from him by due process of law and in accordance with the constitution the original organic constitution not the second secret fake federal d c corporate constitution charter version state officers may be held personally liable for damages based upon actions taken in their official capacities hafer v melo 502 u s 21 1991 I r s employer does not have authority to take taxes out of your check may 7 2018 21 55 est social security money may not be liened levied garnished except for officers employees or elected officials and then only by court order social security law sec 207 42 u s c 407 assignment of benefits a the right of any person to any future payment under this subchapter shall not be transferable or assignable at law or in equity and none of the moneys paid or payable or rights existing under this subchapter shall be subject to execution levy attachment garnishment or other legal process or to the operation of any bankruptcy or insolvency law internal revenue code sec 6331 levy and distraintlocation in internal revenue code title 26 internal revenue code subtitle f procedure and administration chapter 64 collection subchapter d seizure of property for collection of taxes part ii levystatute sec 6331 levy and distraint a authority of secretary if any person liable to pay any tax neglects or refuses to pay the same within 10 days after notice and demand it shall be lawful for the secretary to collect such tax and such further sum as shall be sufficient to cover the expenses of the levy by levy upon all property and rights to property except such property as is exempt under section 6334 belonging to such person or on which there is a lien provided in this chapter for the payment of such tax levy may be made upon the accrued salary or wages of any officer employee or elected official of the united states the district of columbia or any agency or instrumentality of the united states or the district of columbia by serving a notice of levy on the employer as defined in section 3401 d of such officer employee or elected official if the secretary makes a finding that the collection of such tax is in jeopardy notice and demand for immediate payment of such tax may be made by the secretary and upon failure or refusal to pay such tax collection thereof by levy shall be lawful without regard to the 10 day period provided in this section 26 u s c section 3401 c employeethe term ”employee” includes is limited to an officer employee or elected official of the united states a state or any political subdivision thereof or the district of columbia or any agency or instrumentality of any one or more of the foregoing the term ”employee” also includes an officer of a corporation our system of taxation is based upon voluntary assessment and payment not upon distraint flora v united states sp ct 362 u s 145 1959 this indicates that irs actions to lien or levy are not allowed absent a court order private entities states and political subdivisions are not required to enter into federal payroll deduction agreements irm 5 14 10 2 dated 09 30 2004 this section is now conveniently missing in their revised version 5 14 10 1 dated 09 26 2008 the filing of a withholding agreement w 4 or w 9 is voluntary 26 cfr 31 3402 p 1 b the voluntary withholding agreement may be terminated at any time by the worker or the hiring entity 26 cfr 31 3402 p 1 b 2 payroll deduction agreements for taxes apply only to consenting employees of government agencies federal employees and retiress military personnel and department of defense employees who participate in the voluntary deduction program www irs gov irm part5 ch01s07 html the term employee 31 cfr 215 2 h 1 I does not include retired personnel pensioners annuitants or similar beneficiaries of the federal government who are not performing active civilian service or persons receiving remuneration for services on a contract fee basis they are not subject to withholding and have no duty to file any form w 4 or w 9 unless they desire to voluntarily enter into agreements it’s unlawful to terminate or not hire you for failure to provide an irs form w 4 or w 9 see doj form I 9 or 8 u s c 1324a b 1324a b 2 or privacy act of 5 usc annotated 552 a no law requires you to disclose a social security number eeoc v information systems consulting ca3 92 0169 t in the united states district court northern district of texas dallas division internal revenue manual 5 14 10 payroll deduction agreements and direct debit re notice to clerk the minute you receive any document it is recorded according to the following case site biffle v morton rubber indus inc 785 s w 2d 143 144 tex 1990 an instrument is deemed in law filed at the time it is delivered to the clerk regardless of whether the instrument is file marked 15 u s code 7001 general rule of validity a in general notwithstanding any statute regulation or other rule of law other than this subchapter and subchapter ii with respect to any transaction in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce 1 a signature contract or other record relating to such transaction may not be denied legal effect validity or enforceability solely because it is in electronic form and 2 a contract relating to such transaction may not be denied legal effect validity or enforceability solely because an electronic signature or electronic record was used in its formation notice all rights reserved permission to distribute for non commercial purposes is hereby granted in whole or part provided attribution and a link to this article is included commercial distribution without the written permission of the author is prohibited this public email message including any attachment s is limited to the sole use of the intended recipient and may contain privileged and or confidential information any and all political private or public entities federal state or local corporate government s municipality ies international organizations corporation s agent s investigator s or informant s et al and or third party ies working in collusion by collecting and or monitoring my email s and any other means of spying and collecting these communications without my exclusive permission are barred from any and all unauthorized review use disclosure or distribution with explicit reservation of all my rights without prejudice and without recourse to me any omission does not constitute a waiver of any and or all intellectual property rightsor reserved rights notice copy right lawful bloodline americans lawful americans 2013 the electronic communications privacy act 18 u s c 119 sections 2510 2521 et seq governs distribution of this message including attachments the originator intended this message for the specified recipients only it may contain the originator s confidential and proprietary information the originator hereby notifies unintended recipients that they have received this message in error and strictly proscribes their message review dissemination copying and content based actions recipients in error shall notify the originator immediately by e mail and delete the original message authorized carriers of this message shall expeditiously deliver this message to intended recipients see quon v arch anything stated in this email may be limited in the content and is not to be taken out of context wireless copyright notice federal and state laws govern copyrights to this message you must have the originator s full written consent to alter copy or use this message originator acknowledges others copyrighted content in this message otherwise without prejudice and without recourse to me any omission does not constitute a waiver of any and or all intellectual property rights or reserved rights u c c 1 207 1 308 notice to agents is any omission does not constitute a waiver of any and or all intellectual property rights or reserved rights u c c 1 207 1 308 notice to agents is notice to principals notice to principals is notice to agents foreign and or domestic subject rethe three flags of the united states of america you have johnhenryhill wordpress com 2015 04 25 the three united states code title 4 chapter 1 the flag 1 flag stripes and stars on the flag of the united states shall be thirteen horizontal stripes alternate red and white and the union of the flag shall be forty eight stars white in a blue field the three flags of the united states of america you have johnhenryhill wordpress com 2015 04 25 the three united states code title 4 chapter 1 the flag 1 flag stripes and stars on the flag of the united states shall be thirteen horizontal stripes alternate red and white and the union of the flag shall be forty eight stars white in a blue field Nice In This House We Believe Black Live Matter Love Is Love Science Is Real Vintage Poster In This House We Believe Black Live Matter Love Is Love Science Is Real Vintage Poster, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women In This House We Believe Black Live Matter Love Is Love Science Is Real Vintage Poster More than Nice other products Premium Trending, Walt Disney This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: Last call win 2 vip tickets for the In This House We Believe Black Live Matter Love Is Love Science Is Real Vintage Poster champions league quarter final gana 2 entradas vip para los cuartos de final de la champions guanya 2 entrades vip pels quarts de final de la champions. I was nicknamed after this professional wrestler bruno sammartino tonight in pittsburgh I had the honor of meeting him og 24kmagicworldtour. Daniel jacobs is ready for war road to jacobsderevyanchenko a behind the scenes look at jacobs and sergiy derevyanchenko’s journey towards their oct 27 battle premieres this saturday oct 13 at 10 25 pm on hbo See Other related products: Baby Yoda and shirt In This House We Believe Black Live Matter Love Is Love Science Is Real Vintage Poster Wearing soul sister matte lip from the In This House We Believe Black Live Matter Love Is Love Science Is Real Vintage Poster new kkw x kylie collaboration launching this blackfriday on kyliecosmetics com. It was a strong competition last night on joker’s wild check the best moments n tune in next week wed at 1030. Www facebook com this is the tax fraud 1441181562572756 crime victim corpus delicti 18 u s c 3771 office of the grantor settler for the david lee buess david l buess david buess buess david l from ed edward johnston specks at house committee on judiciary 2015 05 06 3 00 pm house committee on judiciary 2015 05 05 3 00 pm exhibit 12 ed johnston resident house committee on judiciary olis leg state or us liz 2015r1 downloads exhibit 12 ed johnston resident 00 56 55 rob bovett oregon district attorneys association 01 03 20 rep krieger 01 10 00 exhibit 13 witness registration lawyers and attorneys are not licensed to practice law the nature of lawyer craft in america as per the united states supreme court the practice of law can not be licensed by any state state schware v board of examiners 353 u s 238 239 the practice of law is an occupation of common right sims v aherns 271 s w 720 1925 state v manuel 20 nc 122 the term citizen in the united states is analogous to the term subject in common law the change of phrase has resulted from the change in government supreme court jones v temmer 89 f supp 1226 the privileges and immunities clause of the 14th amendment protects very few rights because it neither incorporates the bill of rights nor protects all rights of individual citizens instead this provision protects only those rights peculiar to being a citizen of the federal government it does not protect those rights which relate to state citizenship supreme court us vs valentine 288 f supp 957 the only absolute and unqualified right of a united states citizen is to residence within the territorial boundaries of the united states supreme court 1795 a inasmuch as every government is an artificial person an abstraction and a creature of the mind only a government can interface only with other artificial persons the imaginary having neither actuality nor substance is foreclosed from creating and attaining parity with the tangible the legal manifestation of this is that no government as well as any law agency aspect court etc can concern itself with anything other than corporate artificial persons and the contracts between them s c r 1795 penhallow v doane s administrators 3 u s 54 1 l ed 57 3 dall 54 and b the contracts between them involve u s citizens which are deemed as corporate entities c therefore the u s citizens residing in one of the states of the union are classified as property and franchises of the federal government as an individual entity wheeling steel corp v fox 298 u s 193 80 l ed 1143 56 s ct 773 our rights are such as existed by the law of the land common law long antecedent to the organization of the state and can only be taken from him by due process of law and in accordance with the constitution the original organic constitution not the second secret fake federal d c corporate constitution charter version notice and warning to highway police enforcers you are not authorized to proceed you are interacting with a sovereign creditor and political power holder and you are not authorized to continue agreement by proceeding against notice you agree to testify under full commercial liability and oath of office or for the public record before a jury that you and associated parties are proceeding lawfully and that you fully understand the nature of your actions under state uniform dmv commercial codes common law and international admiralty maritime law this notice of warning for violations is hereby submitted upon demand of a driver s license registration or proof of insurance and therefore is part of the official record of any ensuing action and must be introduced as evidence in said action it is noted that willful suppression of evidence is a felony any cause for action may result in administrative ucc remedy and even action at law notice to officers agents of the united states this document is not intended to harass intimidate offend conspire blackmail coerce cause anxiety alarm contempt or distress or impede any public duties it is presented with honorable and peaceful intentions and is only stating the true facts and is a safeguard to protect my natural being from the abuse of any public official any affirmation contrary to this verified statement of facts will comprise your stipulation to committing a fraud upon the court after being served with this notice 1 honorably and peacefully return to your vehicle and read this notice in its entirity take notice of the fee schedule herein for detainment and delay of the sovereign and secured party 2 seek counsel from a superior official if you do not understand or believe what is being stated here contact your lieutenant right way before proceeding 3 any and all commercial statutory officials that become involved will be considered a party to the action and become a liable debtor as same subject to everything herein to the secured party you are detaining 4 fill out the officer notification section at the bottom of this notice providing badge number name precinct lieutenant and a personal address where creditor may invoice the debtor 5 return these documents private property in good order to the secured party you are detaining at once 6 leave the presence of the secured party at once 7 allow the secured party safe passage and free non commercial travel without further delay 8 receive honor and be at peace I the sovereign natural flesh and blood man do not grant permission or consent for you to interact with detain or delay me in any way I will be honorable towards you and I will not provide show or disclose provide any private information such as name or birthdate any state licenses id cards automobile insurance papers as is my right under common law jurisdiction notice to the private man operating as a juristic police officer I present this notice to you in peace and I recognize that you are also a man who abides by common law I realize that you are just doing your job as a commercial public office holder however it is imperative that sovereign free men give lawful and proper notice that we will not allow public officers to trespass illegally on our god given common law rights I honor you as a natural man and I do not wish to contract with you in any way and do not grant you the permission you lawfully require to proceed with any commercial contract if I am forced to do anything against my will it will be considered and action under duress and protest which has full remedy at once at law it is my understanding that intelligent peace officers have a duty to distinguish between statutes and law and those who attempt to enforce statutes against a freeman on the land are in fact breaking the law I have the authority lawful right and power to refuse all interaction with peace officers who have not observed me breach the peace whereas permanent estoppel by acquiescence barring any peace officer or prosecutor from bringing charges against a freeman on the land under any act created by a ficticous body notice of administrative ucc remedy this is actual and constructive notice that you are not to violate the prerogative rights of this sovereign natural and free man secured party by detaining him please assist in his passage without delay any violation of his sovereign rights at law will be remedied through administrative ucc remedy at law for trespass on rights you are a public servant subject to the sovereign a sovereign free man and flesh and blood being and secured party cannot possibly be and is not subject to dmv statutory uniform commercial codes etc common law notice of right to travel without regulation the use of the highway for the purpose of travel and transportation is not a privilege but a common and fundamental right of which the public and individuals cannot rightfully be deprived chicago motor coach v chicago 337 iii 200 169 ne 22 66 alr jur lrst highways sec 163 inparamateria I am not in any jurisdiction for I am not of subject status if you proceed you are committing an action under global and universal restraint by which you are bound be it known to all who call themselves police officers government their courts agents corporations and other parties that I am a natural freeborn sovereign individual without subjects I am neither subject to any entity anywhere nor is any entity subject to me I neither dominate anyone nor am I dominated I may voluntarily choose to comply with the statutes which others attempt to impose upon me but no such statutes or their enforcers have any authority over me I am under different jurisdiction and any corporate statutory ucc codes papers services benefits summons warrants contracts use of physical force arrest attempts incarcerations or other action on your part is not authorized or permitted under jurisdictional mandates and will be considered an international crime under global uniform commercial jurisdition which is the law that binds corporate persons and office holders only unless I have willfully harmed someone or someone’s property without their consent and there is a witness to an alleged crime you have no authority right or business for pulling me aside trespassing or interacting with me in any way especially under duress and protest unless I the natural and flesh and blood man am operating in admirlty maritime commerce you have no jurisdiction and are commiting an international ucc crime I am not engaged in operating a motor vehicle used for commercial purposes and am engaged in public vehicular travel I have not breached the peace or committed any crime and am therefore not subject to any further delay or penalty and demand that you leave my presence at once in peace you only have jurisdction over fictional corporate entities conducting commerce and you cannot interact contract in any way with a flesh and blood distinction and sovereign creditor and secured party I am a sovereign private non resident non domestic non person and non individual not subject to any real or imaginary statutory regulations or quasi laws enacted by any state legislature which was created by the people you are cannot lawfully cite me as a sovereign because your state legislature can only regulate what they create and the state does not create sovereign political power holders you can only interact with a particular office known as person I am not a state person and you are not authorized lawfully to regulate or interact with me as a private man in any way the united states of america is a common law jurisdiction of free men and women I am not a united states citizen I am not a resident of an inhabitant of a franchise of a subject of a ward of the property of the chattel of or subject to the jurisdiction of any monarch or any corporate commonwealth congress federal state territory county council city municipal body politic or other government allegedly created under the authority of a constitution or other enactment I am not subject to any legislation department or agency created by such authorities nor to the jurisdiction of any employees officers or agents deriving their authority therefrom I do not hold any position or office where I am subject to the legislature ‘ state v manuel 20 nc 122 the term citizen in the united states is analogous to the term subject in common law the change of phrase has resulted from the change in government supreme court jones v temmer 89 f supp 1226 the privileges and immunities clause of the 14th amendment protects very few rights because it neither incorporates the bill of rights nor protects all rights of individual citizens instead this provision protects only those rights peculiar to being a citizen of the federal government it does not protect those rights which relate to state citizenship supreme court us vs valentine 288 f supp 957 the only absolute and unqualified right of a united states citizen is to residence within the territorial boundaries of the united states supreme court 1795 a inasmuch as every government is an artificial person an abstraction and a creature of the mind only a government can interface only with other artificial persons the imaginary having neither actuality nor substance is foreclosed from creating and attaining parity with the tangible the legal manifestation of this is that no government as well as any law agency aspect court etc can concern itself with anything other than corporate artificial persons and the contracts between them s c r 1795 penhallow v doane s administrators 3 u s 54 1 l ed 57 3 dall 54 and b the contracts between them involve u s citizens which are deemed as corporate entities c therefore the u s citizens residing in one of the states of the union are classified as property and franchises of the federal government as an individual entity wheeling steel corp v fox 298 u s 193 80 l ed 1143 56 s ct 773 our rights are such as existed by the law of the land common law long antecedent to the organization of the state and can only be taken from him by due process of law and in accordance with the constitution the original organic constitution not the second secret fake federal d c corporate constitution charter version state officers may be held personally liable for damages based upon actions taken in their official capacities hafer v melo 502 u s 21 1991 I r s employer does not have authority to take taxes out of your check may 7 2018 21 55 est social security money may not be liened levied garnished except for officers employees or elected officials and then only by court order social security law sec 207 42 u s c 407 assignment of benefits a the right of any person to any future payment under this subchapter shall not be transferable or assignable at law or in equity and none of the moneys paid or payable or rights existing under this subchapter shall be subject to execution levy attachment garnishment or other legal process or to the operation of any bankruptcy or insolvency law internal revenue code sec 6331 levy and distraintlocation in internal revenue code title 26 internal revenue code subtitle f procedure and administration chapter 64 collection subchapter d seizure of property for collection of taxes part ii levystatute sec 6331 levy and distraint a authority of secretary if any person liable to pay any tax neglects or refuses to pay the same within 10 days after notice and demand it shall be lawful for the secretary to collect such tax and such further sum as shall be sufficient to cover the expenses of the levy by levy upon all property and rights to property except such property as is exempt under section 6334 belonging to such person or on which there is a lien provided in this chapter for the payment of such tax levy may be made upon the accrued salary or wages of any officer employee or elected official of the united states the district of columbia or any agency or instrumentality of the united states or the district of columbia by serving a notice of levy on the employer as defined in section 3401 d of such officer employee or elected official if the secretary makes a finding that the collection of such tax is in jeopardy notice and demand for immediate payment of such tax may be made by the secretary and upon failure or refusal to pay such tax collection thereof by levy shall be lawful without regard to the 10 day period provided in this section 26 u s c section 3401 c employeethe term ”employee” includes is limited to an officer employee or elected official of the united states a state or any political subdivision thereof or the district of columbia or any agency or instrumentality of any one or more of the foregoing the term ”employee” also includes an officer of a corporation our system of taxation is based upon voluntary assessment and payment not upon distraint flora v united states sp ct 362 u s 145 1959 this indicates that irs actions to lien or levy are not allowed absent a court order private entities states and political subdivisions are not required to enter into federal payroll deduction agreements irm 5 14 10 2 dated 09 30 2004 this section is now conveniently missing in their revised version 5 14 10 1 dated 09 26 2008 the filing of a withholding agreement w 4 or w 9 is voluntary 26 cfr 31 3402 p 1 b the voluntary withholding agreement may be terminated at any time by the worker or the hiring entity 26 cfr 31 3402 p 1 b 2 payroll deduction agreements for taxes apply only to consenting employees of government agencies federal employees and retiress military personnel and department of defense employees who participate in the voluntary deduction program www irs gov irm part5 ch01s07 html the term employee 31 cfr 215 2 h 1 I does not include retired personnel pensioners annuitants or similar beneficiaries of the federal government who are not performing active civilian service or persons receiving remuneration for services on a contract fee basis they are not subject to withholding and have no duty to file any form w 4 or w 9 unless they desire to voluntarily enter into agreements it’s unlawful to terminate or not hire you for failure to provide an irs form w 4 or w 9 see doj form I 9 or 8 u s c 1324a b 1324a b 2 or privacy act of 5 usc annotated 552 a no law requires you to disclose a social security number eeoc v information systems consulting ca3 92 0169 t in the united states district court northern district of texas dallas division internal revenue manual 5 14 10 payroll deduction agreements and direct debit re notice to clerk the minute you receive any document it is recorded according to the following case site biffle v morton rubber indus inc 785 s w 2d 143 144 tex 1990 an instrument is deemed in law filed at the time it is delivered to the clerk regardless of whether the instrument is file marked 15 u s code 7001 general rule of validity a in general notwithstanding any statute regulation or other rule of law other than this subchapter and subchapter ii with respect to any transaction in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce 1 a signature contract or other record relating to such transaction may not be denied legal effect validity or enforceability solely because it is in electronic form and 2 a contract relating to such transaction may not be denied legal effect validity or enforceability solely because an electronic signature or electronic record was used in its formation notice all rights reserved permission to distribute for non commercial purposes is hereby granted in whole or part provided attribution and a link to this article is included commercial distribution without the written permission of the author is prohibited this public email message including any attachment s is limited to the sole use of the intended recipient and may contain privileged and or confidential information any and all political private or public entities federal state or local corporate government s municipality ies international organizations corporation s agent s investigator s or informant s et al and or third party ies working in collusion by collecting and or monitoring my email s and any other means of spying and collecting these communications without my exclusive permission are barred from any and all unauthorized review use disclosure or distribution with explicit reservation of all my rights without prejudice and without recourse to me any omission does not constitute a waiver of any and or all intellectual property rightsor reserved rights notice copy right lawful bloodline americans lawful americans 2013 the electronic communications privacy act 18 u s c 119 sections 2510 2521 et seq governs distribution of this message including attachments the originator intended this message for the specified recipients only it may contain the originator s confidential and proprietary information the originator hereby notifies unintended recipients that they have received this message in error and strictly proscribes their message review dissemination copying and content based actions recipients in error shall notify the originator immediately by e mail and delete the original message authorized carriers of this message shall expeditiously deliver this message to intended recipients see quon v arch anything stated in this email may be limited in the content and is not to be taken out of context wireless copyright notice federal and state laws govern copyrights to this message you must have the originator s full written consent to alter copy or use this message originator acknowledges others copyrighted content in this message otherwise without prejudice and without recourse to me any omission does not constitute a waiver of any and or all intellectual property rights or reserved rights u c c 1 207 1 308 notice to agents is any omission does not constitute a waiver of any and or all intellectual property rights or reserved rights u c c 1 207 1 308 notice to agents is notice to principals notice to principals is notice to agents foreign and or domestic subject rethe three flags of the united states of america you have johnhenryhill wordpress com 2015 04 25 the three united states code title 4 chapter 1 the flag 1 flag stripes and stars on the flag of the united states shall be thirteen horizontal stripes alternate red and white and the union of the flag shall be forty eight stars white in a blue field the three flags of the united states of america you have johnhenryhill wordpress com 2015 04 25 the three united states code title 4 chapter 1 the flag 1 flag stripes and stars on the flag of the united states shall be thirteen horizontal stripes alternate red and white and the union of the flag shall be forty eight stars white in a blue field Nice In This House We Believe Black Live Matter Love Is Love Science Is Real Vintage Poster In This House We Believe Black Live Matter Love Is Love Science Is Real Vintage Poster, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women In This House We Believe Black Live Matter Love Is Love Science 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