Monday, January 11, 2021

You Can't Buy Happiness But You Can Quilt And That's Pretty Much The Same Thing Sewing T Shirt

Afew years ago I would you know maybe tryand sell it on Craigslist find someoneelse who is looking for that item whocan you know get it at a You Can't Buy Happiness But You Can Quilt And That's Pretty Much The Same Thing Sewing T Shirt cheaper costbut yeah I would I would certainly agreewith that that there are ways to reusereuse items instead of just throwingthem out thank you thank youhow’s it going fellasoutstanding he’s doing I’m Paul andI wanted to know if you guys would liketo hear a joke yes how many minimalistsdoes it take to screw in a light bulbwait was that the joke really yeah oh myI was set up read my mind here you readmy mind here is the punchline what lightbulb now what is it it only takes oneminimalist but first they have to askthemselves does this add value I do havea bit of a serious question though sodid you guys ever experience I’ve read alot of your material did you guys everexperience any legal problems wheneveryou were trying to embrace mentalism andmaybe downsize because housing codes aresomething that I’m dealing withcurrently and I’m interested in tinyhouses but Dallas is not very. Thinkyeah no she’s given the throat slashingsound I’m not sure if he means literallyshe’s gonna slash your throat if youwere a man bun but I’m gonna assume yesyes I’m gonna assume that too thanks forthe suggestion so also you can writeyour comments to us at our p o box youcan find although the p o boxinformation we get tons and tons ofletters and postcards we read everysingle one of them we do our best torespond to all of them as well it’s ourpreferred method of of writtencommunication if you’re not going tocontact us in social media just go tothe minimalists comm slash contact youcan find our information for our p o box there and we read every single oneof those on soundcloud levi flint saysi’m so glad you guys decided to make apod get a podcast seriously what a greatideaalso your theme songis awesome our theme song is awesome Iagree Peter Doran you can find more ofhis music at the minimalists comm slashPeter he wrote the theme song it’scalled every little thing and if you goto that link you can also see a. A monthyou don’t have to contribute to everyepisode we really appreciate yoursupport on that if you can’t afford tosupport us monetarily don’t worry wealso have other ways to support us soyou can go over to iTunes and leave us areview obviously we prefer a 5 starreview buthate our guts you can leave a one starreview we’ll be okay with that as wellbut this month may 2017 for every reviewthat someone leaves will donate tendollars in your name to the againstmalaria foundation we’re trying to savesome lives it takes about thirty fivehundred dollars to save one life so forevery three hundred and fifty reviews weget this month together we can save onelife did you know that half the peoplewho have ever lived have died frommalaria and we can help change that wecan do a little bit to help a few peoplein the world so if you’d be willing tojust take 60 seconds pause the podcastand leave a review on iTunes we wouldgreatly appreciate italright y’all enjoy these comments andtips from our listeners hey Josh andRyan solution from Australia

Source: You Can't Buy Happiness But You Can Quilt And That's Pretty Much The Same Thing Sewing T Shirt

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You Can't Buy Happiness But You Can Quilt And That's Pretty Much The Same Thing Sewing T Shirt
You Can't Buy Happiness But You Can Quilt And That's Pretty Much The Same Thing Sewing T Shirt

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That thatmeaningful life and I keep saying happybut you know I don’t think happiness isthe point anymore when I was when I wasin the corporate world I would alwayslike chase that happiness and I wouldargue that I would get the happiness sowhen I got that new car every two yearsI just remember like every two yearslike I’d get a You Can't Buy Happiness But You Can Quilt And That's Pretty Much The Same Thing Sewing T Shirt new car and it was likeoh yeah his cars awesome but then I’dget that you know first car payment andthen that second car payment and then itjust it was that happiness depreciatedso every time I got happiness it waslike it was just had it and then it wasjust kind of fleeting and now instead offocusing on happiness I focus on livinga meaningful lifeand to me what that means is my shortterm actions aligning with my long termvalues and beliefs in the beautifulthing about pursuing a meaningful lifeis happiness is this beautifulby product that happens so if yes if youkeep it up it will absolutely get easierthere’s no doubt about it but you knowwhat I’m going to give you permission togo get blue mascara after. Thing you think that’s meevery little thing you think that youneed every little thing that’s justfeeding your greed you know I bet you’dbe fine without hello everybody welcometo the minimalists podcast where wediscuss what it means to live ameaningful life with less my name isJoshua fields Milburn and I’m sitting ina booth by myself today well not reallyabout myself Sean is here our fearlessproducer and Ryan is in a separate boothI’ll talk about that here in a secondand exactly what we’re doing in twoseparate recording studios right now butwe have some really exciting news foryou our documentary which is calledminimalisma documentary about the important thingsjust came out in theatres May 24th so aweek ago from this recording and hitnumber one in theaters the number onedocumentary of 2016 in terms oftheatrical box office openings and Ijust want to say thank you we are sograteful we’ve worked really hard overthe last three yearsreally curating the most beautiful filmthat we could make and special thanks toMatt Diavel. Because hopefully thiswill show up on the podcast crew Spencewas here tonight he is was in theversion of the film that didn’t make ithere tonight but he’ll also be in a lotof the bonus content they were given outto you all as well so he is arelationship expert and he just did somephenomenal work for the film it didn’twork in the final narrative but it wasit was just a great interview so we’regonna be sending that to you all whenthe online release comes out so wellwell thank him as well if you’re ok withthat thank youand I also want to thank it’s reallyexpensive for us to travel like this andso we started a blog six years ago andwe couldn’t even spell blog at the timeand there was a company called Bluehostthat has helped us along the way theyhost our website for us now and they’vebeen really supportive of this movementand they didn’t ask for anything from usbut they offered to fund some of ourtravels for this tour so I just want tosay thanks to Blue Hose they’ve beenawesome for us and most important I wantto thank
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